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ROX amine,6-isomer,6-羧基-X-氨基,具有高亮度和熒光量子產率

2023-10-18 14:59 作者:熒光小將  | 我要投稿

ROX amine, 6-isomer,ROX (rhodamine-X) amine, 6-isomer,6-羧基-X-氨基
Product specifications:
1.CAS No:N/A
2.Molecular formula:N/A
3.Molecular weight:N/A
4.Packaging specification:10mg、25mg、50mg, flexible packaging, including 100mg packaging and 500mg 1g and 5g large packaging
5.Appearance color:The product is a solid or viscous liquid, depending on the molecular weight of PEG
6.Dissolution conditions:Soluble in most organic solvents, such as DCM, DMF, DMSO, THF, etc., with good solubility in water

7.Stability:-1 year at 20 ° C, dry and dark.


Reaction characteristics:

Matters for use:
It is sensitive to light and temperature. In order to use the reagent effectively, the material should always be kept in a low temperature dry condition, away from light, and avoid frequent thawing and freezing.
storage conditions:
Store at - 20 ℃ as much as possible. If conditions permit, the material can be treated under inert gas to obtain better stability of the reagent.
【 reagent related products】
FAM azide, 5-isomer
FAM azide, 6-isomer
ROX alkyne, 5-isomer
ROX azide, 5- isomer
Sulfo Cyanine3 azide
TAMRA azide, 5-isomer
Cyanine7 amine
FAM Phosphoramidite, 6-Isomer,
JOE azide, 5- isomer
Long trebler phosphoramidite
Pyrene maleimide
以上西安凱新生物科技有限公司小編WMJ編輯的試劑信息僅用于科學研究或者工業(yè)應用等非醫(yī)療目的,非藥用,非食用。接受各種復雜定制服務,合成的Monodispersed PEGs除了有更多樣的基團還可以提供各種不同數量的PEG的產品。

ROX amine,6-isomer,6-羧基-X-氨基,具有高亮度和熒光量子產率的評論 (共 條)

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