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20230904 單詞學(xué)習(xí)

2023-10-27 08:20 作者:英語一級(jí)翻譯吳杰  | 我要投稿

20230904 單詞學(xué)習(xí)

prov·en·ance?n. /?pr?v?n?ns/ [ UC] ( technical 術(shù)語) the place that sth originally came from 發(fā)源地;起源;出處 SYN origin ? All the furniture is of English provenance. 所有這些家具都是英國貨。 ? There's no proof about the provenance of the painting (= whether it is genuine or not) . 這幅畫的真?zhèn)螣o法鑒別。 perennial?/p??r?n??l/ 1.ADJ You use perennial to describe situations or states that keep occurring or that seem to exist all the time; used especially to describe problems or difficulties. 不斷出現(xiàn)的; 長期存在的 (問題、困難) ? ...the perennial urban problems of drugs and homelessness. …城市長期存在的毒品和無家可歸的問題。 2.ADJ A perennial plant lives for several years and has flowers each year. (植物) 多年生的 ? ...a perennial herb with greenish-yellow flowers. …一種開黃綠色花的多年生草本植物。 3.N-COUNT Perennial is also a noun. 多年生植物 ? ...a low-growing perennial. …一種長不高的多年生植物。 clutter?/?kl?t?/ |TEM8 clutteringclutteredclutters 1.N-UNCOUNT Clutter is a lot of things in a messy state, especially things that are not useful or necessary. 亂七八糟 ? Caroline prefers her countertops to be clear of clutter. 卡羅琳喜歡把她的廚房臺(tái)面弄得整整齊齊。 2.V-T If things or people clutter a place, they fill it in a messy way. (物或人) 擁塞 ? Empty soft-drink cans lie everywhere. They clutter the desks and are strewn across the floor. 軟飲料空罐到處都是,堆滿了桌面,還扔了一地。 3.PHRASAL VERB Clutter up means the same as . 擁塞 ? The vehicles cluttered up the parking lot. 車輛停滿了停車場(chǎng)。 viscous?/?v?sk?s/ ADJ A viscous liquid is thick and sticky. 黏稠的 ? ...dark, viscous blood. ...深色且黏稠的血液。 unmolested?/??nm??l?st?d/ ADJ If someone does something unmolested, they do it without being stopped or interfered with. 不受打擾的 ? Like many fugitives, he lived in Argentina unmolested for many years. 像許多逃亡者一樣,他在阿根廷不受打擾地住了許多年。 he·gem·ony?n. /h??d?em?ni/ /??ɡe?/ /?hed??m?ni/ ( pl. -ies) [ UC] ( formal ) control by one country, organization, etc. over other countries, etc. within a particular group 支配權(quán);霸權(quán) DERIVATIVES 派生詞 hege·mon·ic /?hed???m?n?k/ /?heɡ??/ adj ?hegemonic control 霸權(quán)統(tǒng)治 CE?abbr. /?si? ?i?/ 1.(in Britain) Church of England 英國國教會(huì);英格蘭圣公會(huì) 2.( especially in NAmE also C.E. ) Common Era (= the period since the birth of Christ when the Christian calendar starts counting years). CE can be used to give dates in the same way as AD . 基督紀(jì)元,公元(表示日期時(shí)用法同AD) ——compare AD BC BCE scurvy?n. /?sk??vi/ [ U] a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C from not eating enough fruit and vegetables 壞血病

20230904 單詞學(xué)習(xí)的評(píng)論 (共 條)

蛟河市| 宣化县| 铅山县| 农安县| 永和县| 宜宾县| 常德市| 紫阳县| 金乡县| 专栏| 临邑县| 阿巴嘎旗| 阆中市| 怀宁县| 盘山县| 六盘水市| 射洪县| 泰来县| 湖南省| 武定县| 太仓市| 海南省| 驻马店市| 正宁县| 丰镇市| 安庆市| 龙山县| 德保县| 东台市| 上虞市| 泰顺县| 崇明县| 静安区| 周宁县| 乾安县| 云林县| 木里| 尼玛县| 荥经县| 嘉峪关市| 大兴区|