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2023-08-24 11:45 作者:又得每年一月閑  | 我要投稿


NOTE!!!!!: This has nothing to do with the Mazeppa Etude you all know, this is totally a different version based on the N 6 (1829 sketchbook) Sketches.

Franz Liszt: Mazeppa - Quadruple Galop (Z 12 Fragment), S.700m (Early catalogued as S.725b)

In the early 1830s (probably in 1832) at spring of that year Liszt frequently used to visit the house of Victor Hugo in paris, he often used to interact with people that were profoundly affected by the "Mazeppa virus" (a little expression over the huge impact the poem went into these days) that he got to read the poem by himself, on a letter written to Valerie Boissier (dated 3 august 1832) he told that he did not felt well these days during his seven weeks stay in écorchebeuf and he started to compose instead during these times so it is believed that under the huge influence he got over the poem itself it would be that he was slightly focused on composing a couple of sketches based on the poem we all know, however in 1834 in a letter adressed to Marie d'Agoult Liszt came to mention about a four-fold/ quadruple galop, written on Monday 7 July one reads: "à propos vous ai-je dit que j'avais fait un Mazeppa, qui s'échine au quadruple galop?" ("By the way, did I tell you that I had made a Mazeppa, which is wearing itself out in a four-fold gallop?"). to anyone that it is not familiar with the sketches it might rise trough erroneous conclusions and complicated speculations, so it used to be believed as a missing work from Liszt's.

but anyway through the Z 12 (Nagy Potpourri and recollection of fragments and pieces) at Goethe und Schiller Archiv there was a fragment that it was usually ignored through (even I did tho) so with curiosity and boredom I got to transcribe the fragment just to know how does it sounds like, and then surprisingly it sounded like it got an straight connection over the Mazeppa sketches I used to be aware of last year ago, probably it would be the Quadruple Galop Liszt has mentioned on his letter so if you have already seen the video from the Mazeppa Sketches by TheNotSoOkayGuy you could find several similarities between this fragment.

First at all the fragment does not show any sign of introducction so the beginning, it just begins at bars 11 on the sketches so might be probably lost however theres a huge difference on the tone keys, on the sketches it is in F minot but in this fragment it is in G minor instead although it begins with a diminished tonality than with the common minor tonality that the sketches were intended for, it still bears the hand-crossing passage like on the sketch and the triplets representing the galoping of the horse, and then it drive us into an A major section with such a newer theme not notated on the sketches (il canto marcato assai), and the fragment concludes with a passage that it contains a similar theme in measures 32 on the sketches and then the fragment suddenly breaks up, the rest is believed to be lost as well with the beginning.?

anyway I hope you enjoy this little discovery I did few days ago or idk if i could consider it a discovery since it might be already seen with total ignorance or no one has recognized the themes on it since they might probably be not aware of the N 6 sketches.

Theres an interesting article talking about the Mazeppa sketches itself:


- Pencil



(李斯特)馬捷帕(四人加洛普),S.700m的評論 (共 條)

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