Aigododecathlon P13
Note:Nightsky is changed to Nightshade
Meanwhile,in the Blue team dormitory......
"Peri?Are you okay?"Belure asks.
Periwinkle,lying on the bed,says:"Belure?Turquoise?Why're you here?"
"You fainted after seeing Kimiko and Nightshade you consumed toxic shrooms before that?"Turquoise asks.
"What?Shrooms?I haven't eat any shrooms an entire year!"Periwinkle is confused.
"Hmm......Turquoise,correlation doesn't equals to causation,so,if......"
Crystal and Sapphire run to the hospital.
"Wait,what's the light?"Sapphire asks.
Crystal answers:"I dunno.But it's probably not good.Wait!I haven't found Indicolite today,despite a plan to a picnic......"
"Crystal?Sapphire?Do you see Tech?"
"Don't worry!I'm Salmon!Do you see Tech?"
"No.In fact,I don't see anyone from Cyan's team.We're heading to the hospital to investigate.Ya join?"
In the hospital,Crystal,Sapphire and Salmon are searching.But when they get to the balcony,a bright flash of light blinds their eyes.(Note:They're NOT blind,this is just to say that the light is intense.)
"What's that......Tech!Tech!Do you hear me?"
What happened to them?Read the next composition.