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【Headspace】Tackle Self-Criticism -文字稿
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Hello dear friends, it's Rosie. Welcome to Radio HeadSpace and to Monday. It's been a while and I'm so excited to be back. This week is all about self-acceptance and the journey that comes with it. So over the next few days, I'll talk about some tools that have helped me find self-acceptance like grounding techniques, practicing self-compassion, and of course, self-love.
So as I was brainstorming ideas on what to share with you all for these episodes, I got to thinking about one of my first experiences speaking in front of a group of people. I was in the second grade and all the children had to share what they had done the weekend prior. Some kids were terrified to speak in front of the whole class, so my teacher, Mrs. Pearson, a yogi, shared a technique for calming nerves. Her remedy was to have everyone stand, put our hands on our bellies, and breathe. I have done the same technique ever since and it's managed to calm my racing heart and refocus my thoughts. And it reminded me of the importance of being in the present moment, accepting what is, and embarking on the journey of self-acceptance.
With that in mind, today I'm going to share some ways to help with self-criticism and how to calm that little voice within when it attempts to shake our foundations. So let's get into it.
Not too long ago, I found myself in sunny Florida facing an audience of 500 professionals in tech. The task at hand, a keynote speech on how mindfulness can energize their lives. As I prepared to take the stage, the signs of anxiety began to surface. And to top it all off, a critique I had received on a previous speech seemed to echo in my mind, amplifying my insecurities and creating a dissonance that started to consume me. I found myself imagining the worst case scenario. I saw myself fumbling, stuttering, forgetting my lines, and ultimately failing to deliver the speech. My instinctual reaction was to run away to protect myself from potential embarrassment and failure.
But in that moment, I asked myself, what's the worst that could happen? Then I remembered Mrs. Pearson's second-grade class. I placed my hands on my belly and began to breathe into my hands. By leaning into the tactile sensation of my breath against my hands, I managed to ground myself in the present moment, soothing my anxiety and preparing to face the challenge ahead. Did it make the thoughts disappear? No. But by grounding myself in the present moment, it helped me entertain the thought of the worst-case scenario without succumbing to it. It allowed me to acknowledge that even if my fears came true, I could bounce back from them.
I did the speech, and though I didn't remember every word perfectly, it worked. The world did not end, and I even got some really nice feedback afterward from the attendees. So I'm telling you the story to show you that in the face of self-criticism, mindfulness can act as a beacon. It can even guide us back to the present moment and anchor us in self-acceptance.
With that in mind, here are a couple of tips to ground yourself instead of catastrophizing when self-criticism creeps up on you. Number one, label your feelings. Naming what you're experiencing can create an emotional distance, reducing the intensity of these feelings. If you feel nervous, say, "I feel nervous." It sounds simple, but acknowledging your feelings can really help you process them. And I'll do a deep dive into the importance of labeling your thoughts later in the week, so stay tuned for that.
Number two, be kind to yourself. Remember, we all make mistakes and experience moments of imperfection. Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you'd extend to a friend. Just think, what would I say to someone I care about in the situation and go from there?
Number three, practice mindful breathing, just like I did. This physical connection with your body can help draw you back to the present moment, quelling the rising tide of panic. And just so you know, we have a great breathing into stress meditation in the app. It's with my good friend Eve. And if you want to incorporate a breathing practice with your kids, the app also has belly breathing with Rosita.
That's it for now. If you want to share your thoughts with me about this episode, be sure to find me on Instagram @ Rosie Costa. Thank you for letting me share, and thank you so much for listening. I'll see you back here soon.
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