????In Xinjiang,?China,?the beautiful scenery can often take miraculous forms.?Anjihai Town has become famous the world over due to one canyon in particular.The river, which originates in the Tianshan Mountains,?rushes down the steep slopes,?carving its way through escarpments formed over millenia.?The canyon is about 30 kilometers in length,?with the valley floor being 3 to 4 hundred meters at its widest,?while the narrowest part is only two or three meters.?From above,?Anjihai Grand Canyon is rich in colors.?On either side of the canyon,?red sandstone and gray mudstone alternate to create an astonishing landscape.?The colors are formed as the river erodes and dissolves the sandstone and mudstone,?drawing abstract pictures on the land.?It is one of the most beautiful and yet virtually unknown canyons in Xinjiang.?Because it is so hidden and the land on either side of the canyon are the same height,?people sometimes come across it without warning.?If they don't stop in time,?then they could easily plunge off the cliff.
miraculous??adj. 神奇的/不可思議的/超自然的/非凡的
canyon ????????n.(尤指北美有河流流過的)峽谷
millenia ????????千禧年
sandstone? ? n.砂巖
mudstone? ? ?n.泥巖
plunge? ? ? ? ? n.跳入/ 扎入/驟然下跌/投入
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?v.跳入/猛推/突然地下降/投入