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【12】全國初中英語優(yōu)質(zhì)公開課|黃佳妍 |八年級|閱讀課|專家點評:程曉堂...

2023-11-13 13:13 作者:狂拽酷霸桀驁不馴  | 我要投稿

Ok, class begins.

Stand up.

Goodmorning everybody,


Sit down ,please.

Now look at the screen,as you can see the typical for this class is growing healthy growing strong,

tell me,Do you think you are healthy or strong?

If you think you are healthy ,raise your hand.

Oh ,you think you are healthy,

ok put your hands down, .you think you are healthy right and strong,

What makes you so healthy?Exercise.oh,you are exercise,thank you.

How about you?Do you think you are healthy or strang?


What makes you are healthy or strong?

I do exercise and eat healthy food.

Thank you very much.everyone else.

I hardly ever eat jump food.

oh,you never eat jump food.

Do you think you are strong?If you think you are strong,raise your hand.

Only two,only two of you,so most of you think you are healthy,but only two of you think you are strong.

You think you are strong,what makes you are strong?

Play sprots.Do you have a lof of muscles?Because people who are strong usually have some muscles.Do you have muscles?


Thank you very much.Thank you.

Today I am going to introduce you a camp.It is called a healthy camp.

Can you guess what people do in healthy camp?

you please.

Do exercise and eat healthy food.

They eat healthy food and do exercise at healthy camp .

Thank you.

Different opinions.

You please.

Get up earily and never stand up late.

They get up earily at camp and never stay up late at camp.

What if you say are not at camp?

They only get up earily and never stay up late at camp.

Right, thank you.

What about you ?what do you think ?

They drink a lot of water and eat less jump fodd.

Only at healthy camp.


They learn to drink a lot of water maybe.

Thank you.

Take out your reading materials.

Today you going to read and information

sheet from the horse camp.

I give you ten seconds.which means you need very fast and need you to tell me what is the imformation sheet about.

Now take out the reading materials.

The starts from now.從現(xiàn)在開始

Times up.turn it over .

What is says the imformation sheet about?

Anyone can tell me?you please.

How to stay

How do you know that?

It is first paragraph .you will learn how to stay

So you think the first paragraph.

Ok ,thankyou.

Anyone else?

what is the imformation sheet abouy?

What do you think?

Strong man.It is all about how to be a healthy child.

How do you know that?

From the title.

From the title,right.we have a title,which how to be a healthy child.

What can people learn in healty camp?

Have you got an imformation?

Who can people learn in healthy camp?

Crystal ,you please.

Learn how to stay healthy and strange.

How do you know that?

About the first paragraph.

This is what called introduction for the information sheet.

Thank you.

We can find what can people do ?what can they learn? and healthy camp from the introducation part.

All right.

Now you are going to read for the imformation one more time.

This time you have more time to read it.

Read turn tell me how many suggestions as mention information sheet.

What are they?

You have one minuate to read it.


All right,times up.

How many suggestions as mentioned?

How many pieces of advice as mentioned?


Ok,what about them?

First,you should go to bed early and get up early.

We should go to bed early and get up early.

Why do we do that?

If we go to bed early .What can we get?

We can get ...How much time to sleep?


Perhapes ten hours .We can get enough sleep.If we go to bed early and get up early.

How about second suggestions?

You please.

We should exercise regularly.

Thank you very much.

What is rugularly mean?

Do you know the meaning of regularly?

Can you guess the meaning of it?

Anyone can guess the meaning of regularly?

Oh,you please .

Maybe as more as we can.

as much as possible,thank you.

Different oppinons.very close.

What is regularly mean?

You please,have a try.

Maybe you can find some words

Do you exercise?

I do exercise every day.

I give you an example.

I go to the gym regularly .

Every Tuesday and Thursday.

I visit my dentist regularly.

What is regularly mean?

i think it means keep to do sth.

keep doing sth. Regularly means do sth often or do sth always at certain time.

How about the third suggestion?

You have so many information.

Health food.

How about the forth suggestions?

We shouldn't eat soft drink .

Jump food and ubhealthy food.

We shouldn't have unhealthy food.

You have got four suggestions from the imformation sheet.

but I think we should put these two bubble together.

Do you agree with me?

Why do you agree with me?

Both about eat.

Yes,both about what we eat?

I think we can put them together .They are both about eat.

Now back to the information sheet again.

Beside the words and sentences.What also can you find in the imformation sheet?

What else?

you notice the sentences stracture.

That is very important.good.

Anything else?

Beside the words. Beside the sentences.What asks we can find ?

They are very obviously.

What else? Nobody knows that.

What else can we find?

You don't know thank you.

sit down please.

Have you noticed the pictures?

Do you the pictures are useless?

Nobody knows that.

Actually pictures are very useful here.

For example,the first picture.There are some imformation not mentioned in the words.

What can we get from the first picture?

How much time do you sleep everyday

Anyone sleep more than ten or maybe ten hours.Please raise your hands.

What else can we get from the pictures

There are something we can not get from the words.but we can get them from the pictures.

Fruit and vegatables.

You notice there are eight glasses of water.and you said at least glasses of water .

what is at least mean

It means the small you need every day.

【12】全國初中英語優(yōu)質(zhì)公開課|黃佳妍 |八年級|閱讀課|專家點評:程曉堂...的評論 (共 條)

昭平县| 崇左市| 资兴市| 类乌齐县| 洪湖市| 蛟河市| 大厂| 金山区| 青河县| 岢岚县| 榆树市| 临夏市| 曲阳县| 垣曲县| 阜平县| 山东| 伽师县| 扎囊县| 涟源市| 古浪县| 察哈| 德化县| 四子王旗| 永善县| 淮阳县| 青海省| 永福县| 罗平县| 新郑市| 呈贡县| 利津县| 东港市| 台北县| 文登市| 民县| 舞钢市| 胶南市| 阿图什市| 揭东县| 上思县| 青海省|