《Chasing That Feeling》TXT
《Chasing That Feeling》TXT 瓊古個 疼進南 Fall from the sky Maybe I'll miss it for good 帶口買 東換嘎 夠同 一撒 嘎切 I prepared to die 桃送 鳥個 弄票掃 Down to earth like a meteorite 耐送 喵阿 Come and kiss me I just keep on chasing that feeling 忙嘎進 那要豆 Leave me I just keep on chasing Chasing that feeling Chasing that feeling Chasing that feeling It's all I know it's all I know gi了 里老東 那也 西干 I was lost like a child 比咯搜 進西了 吧掃 Yeah And I feel so alive 耐某買 Growing pains Feels like I'm on fire 求更門 那怕豆 Burn and fall like a shooting star 耐送 喵阿 Come and kiss me I just keep on chasing that feeling 忙嘎進 那要豆 Leave me I just keep on chasing Chasing that feeling Chasing that feeling Chasing that feeling It's all I know it's all I know I'm chasing Chasing I'm chasing 瓊古個 疼進南 Fall from the sky And everything's gonna be alright 耐送 喵阿 Come and kiss me I just keep on chasing that feeling 忙嘎進 那要豆 Leave me I just keep on chasing Chasing that feeling Chasing that feeling Chasing that feeling It's all I know it's all I know I keep chasing chasing I'm chasing Chasing Chasing that feeling