YPP110A YPK112A 3HAC17346-1/01 使用人工智能自主控制化工廠
YPP110A? YPK112A 3HAC17346-1/01 使用人工智能自主控制化工廠

In this field test, the AI solution successfully dealt with the complex conditions needed to ensure product quality and maintain liquids in the distillation column at an appropriate level while making maximum possible use of waste heat as a heat source. In so doing it stabilized quality, achieved high yield*4, and saved energy. While rain, snow, and other weather conditions were significant factors that could disrupt the control state by causing sudden changes in the atmospheric temperature, the products that were produced met rigorous standards and have since been shipped. Furthermore, as only good quality products were created, fuel, labor, time and other losses that occur when off-spec products are produced were all eliminated.?