用英語介紹處暑,中國24節(jié)氣—End of Heat

regions beyond the Great Wall長城以北的城市
the gradual change of the scenery逐漸變化的景色
be late in coming遲遲未至
be bothered by受...困擾
End of Heat處暑
harvest season豐收季
“People tend to feel sleepy in spring, doze in summer, and feel tired in autumn.”春困秋乏夏打盹
autumn weariness
“Enjoying the clouds of various in July and August(lunar month)”七八月,看巧云
night-blooming cereus曇花
be characterized by具有...的特點
blazing daytime sun白日的強(qiáng)光
roast duck烤鴨
cooked duck with lemon檸檬鴨
smoked duck with walnut胡桃醬熏鴨
dressing and sauteed duck with ginger shoots子姜鴨
fishing ban禁漁期