1、合約交易是指買賣雙方對(duì)約定未來某個(gè)時(shí)間按指定價(jià)格接收一定數(shù)量的某種資產(chǎn)的協(xié)議進(jìn)行交易。The buying and selling objects of contract trading are standardized contracts formulated by the exchange,which specifies standardized information such as the type of goods,trading time,and quantity.The contract represents the rights and obligations of both the buyer and the seller.
class PFLD::Impl {
? ? Impl() {
? ? ? ? device_ = 0;
? ? ? ? precision_ = 0;
? ? ? ? power_ = 0;
? ? ? ? memory_ = 0;
? ? ? ??
? ? ? ? initialized_ = false;
? ? }
? ? ~Impl() {
? ? ? ? landmarker_->releaseModel();
? ? ? ? landmarker_->releaseSession(session_);
? ? }
? ? int LoadModel(const char* root_path);
? ? int ExtractKeypoints(const cv::Mat& img_face, std::vector<cv::Point2f>* keypoints);? ??
? ? std::shared_ptr<MNN::Interpreter> landmarker_;
? ? const int inputSize_ = 96;
? ??
? ? int device_;
? ? int precision_;
? ? int power_;
? ? int memory_;
? ? MNN::Session* session_ = nullptr;
? ? MNN::Tensor* input_tensor_ = nullptr;
? ? bool initialized_;