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The Soldier

2023-04-23 21:56 作者:Kichho_Aslyim  | 我要投稿

Benjamin: Johnson's told me what you intend. **As it happens**, the man who held me is the same one that you seek. His name is Silas Thatcher.

Charles: That fancy **lad** is our **slaver**?

Benjamin: Don't let his **velvet tongue** deceive you. A crueler and more vicious creature, I've never known.

Haytham: What can you tell me of his **operation**?

Benjamin: He hosts at least a hundred men, more than half of whom are Redcoats.

Haytham: All this for some slaves?

Benjamin: Hardly. The man's a commander in the King's Troop, in charge of the Southgate Fort.

Haytham: We need to find a way inside... Hmmm... **Let me think on it**. In the meantime, I'll **attend to** our final recruit.

Charles: John Pitcairn's our man. **I'll take you to him**.

`"As it happens" is an idiomatic expression that means something occurred by chance or unexpectedly, or it can refer to something that is currently happening`

`An operation is a highly organized activity that involves many people doing different things.`

`A lad is a young man or boy.`

`The term "attend to" generally means to give attention to or take care of something or someone.`


Redcoat: State your business.

Charles: New recruit.

Redcoat: More kindling for the pyre, eh? Go on, then.

Haytham: How'd you manage that?

Charles: Did you forget, sir? My commission is with General Braddock - when I'm not attending to you, of course.


Braddock: Pitcairn, you fool! Your acts are **treacherous**. Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now. Were you planning to **announce yourself**? Or did you hope my men wouldn't notice your arrival?

John: Sir, if you'll allow me to explain...

Braddock: Oh, **by all means**. **I should like very much to** hear this.

John: I have not **deserted**, sir. I am here under Commander Amherst's orders.

Braddock: Show me a letter **bearing his seal** and you might be spared the **gallows**.

John: I have no such thing... **The nature of my work**, sir... it's...

`To announce oneself means to make oneself known or to introduce oneself formally.`?

`"Should like" is often used to express a desire or preference for something. For example, "I should like to go to the beach this weekend" means "`

`If someone deserts, or deserts a job, especially a job in the armed forces, they leave that job without permission.`

`"bear my seal" would mean that is "has your signature"`

?`might be spared the gallows=? might be spared from the gallows`


Haytham: ...It's the sort of thing best not put to paper.

Braddock: Haytham.

Haytham: General Braddock.

Braddock: I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. **Wolves often travel in packs.**

Haytham: Master Pitcairn won't be here for **but** a few weeks. I shall **return him to his proper post** once our work is finished.

Braddock: The Devil's work no doubt. **It's bad enough** my superiors insisted I grant you use of Charles. But they've said nothing about this traitor. You'll not have him.

Haytham: Edward, **listen to reason.**

Braddock: **We're done here**. **See these gentlemen out.**

Charles: Well that didn't go as I expected.

Haytham: **And to think**, I used to call him brother...

Charles: What now? They'll **chase us off** if we try and return.

Haytham: We're done with the camp. And **as luck would have it**, so are they. Come along.

`In this context, "but" means "only" or "just".`

`"See these gentlemen out" is a polite way of requesting that someone escorts the gentlemen to the door or out of a particular area or establishment.`?

`The phrase "And as luck would have it, so are they" means that the situation has turned out to be fortunate for both parties involved. The phrase "as luck would have it" is often used to describe an unexpected, fortunate turn of events, while "so are they" means that the other party has also been similarly lucky.`?

`"I was looking for someone who could help me with my project, and as luck would have it, I ran into an old colleague who happens to be an expert in the field.`?


Charles: What are you planning?

Haytham: To steal Master Pitcairn.

Charles: What?

Haytham: You'll see. Now, when I give the signal, **you're to** distract Braddock's patrol and lure them into a dead end.

Braddock: Hmmm. **Where shall we head** next?

Redcoat: Perhaps down Marlborough?

Braddock: No... its residents are too content. Their homes are nice - their days untroubled.

Redcoat: What of Lyn or Ship Street?

Braddock: Yes. Those **fresh arrived** are often **soon in dire straits**. They're more likely to **seize upon an opportunity** to **fatten their purses** and **feed their young.**

Haytham: Now!

Charles: Oi! You're thieves and scoundrels **one and all**! **Fie on you** and your false war!

Braddock: After him!

`The phrase "seize upon an opportunity" means to take advantage of a favorable situation or moment in order to achieve a particular goal or objective.`

`The phrase "one and all" is an idiomatic expression that means "everyone without exception"`

`fie on you= shame on you`


Haytham: **Unhand** him, Edward!

Braddock: You again.

Haytham: Let us go - and John Pitcairn with us.

Braddock: I will not have my authority challenged.

Haytham: **Nor I**.

Braddock: Put them all in chains.

Haytham: I **stay my hand** today because you were once my brother - and a better man than this. But should our paths ever cross again, all debts will be forgotten. You're free now, John.

Braddock: Traitor! Go on then! Join them on their fool's errand! And when you find yourself lying broken and dying at the bottom of ...

John: I assume you've good reason for causing all this madness? What is it you require of me?

Haytham: I'll explain everything on the way...

`"Stay my hand" is an idiom that means to stop someone from doing something, especially something harmful or reckless. For example, "I had to stay my hand and not confront him because it would only make the situation worse."`?

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