[☆國廠Awakening出品☆] 哥倫比亞 老式死亡金屬 OSSUARY...

機翻 / 原歌詞:
【They come from the cold nothing.
Their landing brings misfortune.
The powerful hypnosis of their civilizations
It alienates other species without remorse.
They are demons!... Demons of the universe.
Damn species, damn aberrations… Damn species, damn aberrations.
Misfortune and gloom they have brought.
The millennial astronauts have awakened.
Their interstellar searches connect them with the earth
Leaving their messages written in blood in the sand.
They are demons… Demons of the universe.
Skinning the skins of all mortal existence.
An incomprehensible mockery, a morbidity without an answer.
An eternal experience, which grants them superiority.】