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New Characters in Sanguosha The Land Remains Unchanged: Continue

2023-08-13 17:10 作者:我永遠(yuǎn)喜歡端木慈玉  | 我要投稿

Hello everyone, I am Hya Hong Tyu! Very glad that you can see this column!

The 2nd pack of Sanguosha Offline Expansion Series 江山如故/The Land Remains Unchanged, Pack 承/Continue is currently on pre-sale!

This expansion pack will also have 16 new characters, and 4 of them are Double Force Characters!

If buy Pack Continue, will have a chance to get New IF Character, 夢(mèng)孫策/IF Sun Ce!

Now, let's see the new characters this pack!

16 new characters:?

Wei: 曹嵩/Cao Song

Shu: 關(guān)羽/Guan Yu (but blue ui)

Wu: 許貢/Xu Gong

Qun: 杜夫人/Du Furen, 淳于瓊/Chunyu Qiong, 陶謙/Tao Qian, 袁譚&袁尚/Yuan Tan & Yuan Shang, 高覽/Gao Lan, 麴義/Qu Yi, 鄒氏/Zou Shi, 陳登/Chen Deng, 甄宓/Zhen Mi(Zhen Ji)

Qun/Wei: 許攸/Xu You, 張郃/Zhang He, 張遼/Zhang Liao

Qun/Shu: 呂布/Lv Bu

New Mechanism:?

1. 雙勢(shì)力武將/Double Force Characters & 勢(shì)力技能/Force Skill

When game begins, you should choose 1 force in your Character Card. If your current force is same with Corresponding Force Skill, this Force Skill will take effect.

2. 變更勢(shì)力/Change Force

Change your force to any force that different with your current force.

夢(mèng)孫策/IF Sun Ce (Wu 4)

If Sun Ce hadn't died in the assassination of Xu Gong's subordinates, and attacked Xuchang when Cao Cao fought Yuan Shao in Guandu…

【獨(dú)行】 Walk Alone


1 time in your Play Phase, you can consider as use an Duel that chooses any number of other characters. In the settlement of this Duel, all hand cards of all targets are considered as Attacks.

【猘橫】 Crazy Rampage


Locked Skill, when your card is causing damage to target, if he had used or played card to respond the card you used in this turn, this damage +1.

【詐死】 Feign Death


Limited Skill, when you are taking Fatal Damage, you can prevent it, lose 猘橫 and get 制衡, then you aren't included in the calculations about distance and seats, until you use card to other character or you take damage.

【霸世】 Dominate


Monarch Skill, when you want to use Attack or Dodge, you can ask other Wu Character to use or play it instead of you.

夢(mèng)孫策/IF Sun Ce

許貢/Xu Gong (Wu 3)

【表召】 Report To The Throne


When your Start Phase begins, you can choose 2 other characters in turn, until your next turn begins or you die:

1. the card first character uses to second character doesn't have limit about the number of times and distance;

2. the damage of card?second character uses to you +1.

【業(yè)仇】 Karmic Enmity


When you die, you can choose another character, when he is taking Fatal Damage, double this damage.

許貢/Xu Gong

嚴(yán)夫人/Yan Furen (Qun 3)

【讒逆】 Slander


1 time in your Play Phase, you can give any hand cards to another character, then he can use at most N hand cards as Duel (N is the number of cards you gave him). If he causes damage because of this Duel, he draws X cards (X is the number of cards he transfers to?this Duel); if he takes damage because of this Duel, you discard all hand cards.

【匿伏】 Hide


Locked Skill, when every turn ends, you draw cards or discard hand cards until you have 3 hand cards.

(Same with 10th Version)

嚴(yán)夫人/Yan Furen

淳于瓊/Chunyu Qiong (Qun 4)

【倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)】 Storage


When every character's End Phase begins, you can order at most X characters to draw 1 card in turn, if X is more than the number of survivors, change to draw 2 cards in turn. (X is the number of cards you get in this turn)

【失守】 Fall


Locked Skill, when you use Wine, you draw 3 cards, then you can't use card in this turn. After you take Fire Damage, 倉(cāng)儲(chǔ) is invalid until your next turn ends.

淳于瓊/Chunyu Qiong

陶謙/Tao Qian (Qun 3)

【招禍】 Court Disaster


Locked Skill, when other character goes into Near Death State, you reduce your life limit to 1, then you draw X cards. (X is the number of life limits you reduce in this time).

【義襄】 Justice And Virtue


Locked Skill, in other character's Play Phase:

1. the damage his first card causes to you -1;

2. if the second card he uses is Black Card, it is invalid to you.

【揖讓】 Abdicate


When your Play Phase begins, you can show all Non-basic Cards and give them to another character, then if his life limit is more than you, you add your life limit to his life limit, and recover X life points. (X is the number of Non-basic Cards you give in this time).

(Same with 10th Version)

陶謙/Tao Qian

袁譚&袁尚/Yuan Tan & Yuan Shang (Qun 4)

【內(nèi)伐】 Internal Conflict




When your Play Phase begins, you can draw 2 cards, then discard 1 card and show all hand cards until this turn ends. If the card you discard:?

is Basic Card, in this turn, you can't use Non-basic Card, the number of times you can use Attack +X, and the targets of your Attack +1;?

isn't basic Card, in this turn, you can't use Basic Card, the targets of your Normal Scroll Card can +1 or -1, when you use Equipment Card first time, you draw X cards.?

(X is the number of your hand cards can't be used because of this skill, the minimum is 1 and the maximum is 5)

袁譚&袁尚/Yuan Tan & Yuan Shang

高覽/Gao Lan (Qun 4)

【峻攻】 Stern Attack


During your Play Phase, you can discard X cards or lose X life point (X is the number of times you launch this skill in this turn), then consider as you use Attack to another character (no limit about distance and number), if this Attack causes damage, this skill is invalid in this turn.

【等力】 Equal Strength


When your Attack chooses other character, or when you become target of other character's Attack, if your life point is same with him, you can draw 1 card.

(Same with Mobile?Version)

高覽/Gao Lan

麴義/Qu Yi (Qun 4)

【伏騎】 Ambush Cavalry


Locked Skill, the character that distance between you and him is 1 can't use or play card to respond the card you use.

【驕恣】 Arrogant And Wilful


Locked Skill, when you are causing or taking damage, if your hand cards are unique most, this damage +1.

(Same with 10th/OL/Mobile?Version)

麴義/Qu Yi

曹嵩/Cao Song (Wei 4)

【禮賂】 Bribery


When your Draw Phase begins, you can change to draw card to X (X is your life limit and the maximum is 5), then you give any cards to another character. If the cards you give in this time are more than the cards you gave because of this skill in last time, you add 1 life limit and recover 1 life point.

【翊正】 Assisting Justice


When your End Phase begins, you can choose another character. Until your next turn begins, when he is causing damage or recovering life point, if his life limit is less than you, you reduce 1 life limit, then this damage or recover life point +1.

(Same with 10th?Version)

曹嵩/Cao Song

許攸/Xu You (Qun/Wei 3)

【離叛】 Rebel


When your turn ends, you can change your force, then draw X cards and play an extra Play Phase, when this extra phase ends, all other characters whose force is same with you can use a card as Duel to you in turn. (X is the number of other characters whose force is same with you)

【輕襲】 Light Attack


Qun Force Skill, every character 1 time in your Play Phase, you can choose a character whose hand cards are less than you, you discard your hand cards until the number of your hand cards is same with him, then consider as you use an Assassination Attack to him. (no limit about the number of times and distance)

【燼滅】 Reduced To Ashes


Wei Force Skill, 1 time in your Play Phase, you can choose a character whose hand cards are more than you, consider as you use a Fire Attack to him (no limit about the number of times and distance), after this card?causes damage, you discard his hand cards until the number of his hand cards is same with you.

刺殺/Assassination Attack (Basic)


A type of Attacks, when target uses Dodge to offset Assassination Attack, if he has hand cards, he needs to discard 1 hand card, otherwise, this Assassination Attack still causes damage to him.

許攸/Xu You (Pack Yin)

呂布/Lv Bu (Qun/Shu 5)



Locked Skill, after you get other character's card, you change your force to same with him. When your Attack or Duel is causing damage to target whose force is same with you, you order this damage +1, then you change your force to Qun.

【輕狡】 Frivolous And Cunning


Qun Force Skill, every card 1 time in your Play Phase, you can use a card as Sincerity/Loot Burning House to a character whose hand cards are more/less than you.

【乘虛】 Take Advantage


Shu Force Skill, other character whose force is same with you can't respond the card you use.

推心置腹/Sincerity (Normal Scroll Card)


During your Play Phase, use it to a character that the distance between you and him is 1. You get at most 2 cards from target's zone, then give same number of hand cards to him.

趁火打劫/Loot Burning House (Normal Scroll Card)


During your Play Phase, use it to another character. You show his 1 card and order him to choose: 1. give this card to you; 2. take 1 damage by you.

呂布/Lv Bu (10th Skin)

張郃/Zhang He (Qun/Wei 4)

【窮途】?Dead End


Qun Force Skill, 1 time in every turn, you can put a Non-basic Card on your character card, consider as you use a Negative, if this Negative takes effect, you draw 1 card, otherwise, you change your force to Wei and get all cards on your character card.

【先著】 First Thing To Do


Wei Force Skill, you can use a Normal Scroll Card as Attack (no limit about the number of times), when this Attack causes damage to unique target, consider as you execute the effect of this scroll card to target.

群張郃/Qun Zhang He (OL)

鄒氏/Zou Shi (Qun 3)

【孤吟】 Lonely Singing


When your Start Phase begins, you can flip, then ask all other Male Characters if they flip, if you do this, you and all other characters who flip in this way draw 1 card by turns, until the number of cards be drawn in this way reaches X. (X is the number of Male Characters when game begins)

【帳燈】 Lamp In Tent


When a character whose character card is facing down wants to use Wine, if your character card is facing down, he can consider as use it. When this skill be launched second time?in a turn, you flip to face up.

鄒氏/Zou Shi (10th)

關(guān)羽/Guan Yu (Shu 5)

【冠絕】 Outstanding


Locked Skill, when you use or play a card, you order all other character can't use or play the card that suit same with this?card in this turn

【念恩】 Remembering Gratitude


You can use or play a card as any Basic Card, then if the card you use in this way isn't Normal Attack or this card isn't Red Card, until this turn ends, consider as you have 馬術(shù) and you can't launch this skill.

關(guān)羽/Guan Yu (Pack Continue, too small ==)
魏關(guān)羽/WEI Guan Yu (10th)

陳登/Chen Deng (Qun 3)

【論勢(shì)】 Discuss For Force


1 time in your Play Phase, you can order a character to draw X cards (X is the number of characters in his Attack Range, draw to until 5 hand cards), then order him to discard Y cards. (Y is the number of characters whose Attack Range includes him).

【詭圖】 Strange Intention


When your Start Phase begins, you can exchange 2 Weapon Cards on the desk, then the character whose Attack Range is reduced in this way recovers 1 life point.

陳登/Chen Deng (Mobile)

甄宓/Zhen Mi (Qun 3)

【濟(jì)鄉(xiāng)】 Relieve


Every card name 1 time in your turn, when another character wants to use or play a Basic Card, you can discard 1 card, order him to consider as use or play the Basic Card he wants, then you draw 1 card, and order the number of times 稱賢 can be launched in this phase +1.

【稱賢】 Be Called Virtuous


2 times in your Play Phase, you can use a hand card as a Normal Scroll Card you didn't use because of this skill in this turn, the number of targets this Scroll Card can choose should be same with the number of legitimate targets the original card can choose.

(Such as, use Attack as Duel, use Barbarian as Arrow Rain, use Peach Orchard as Beautiful Harvest...)

甄宓/Zhen Mi (Low Quality)

張遼/Zhang Liao (Qun/Wei 4)

【整兵】 Rectify The Army


Qun Force Skill, 3 times in your Play Phase, you can recast 1 card, if this card is: Attack, your hand card limit +2 in this turn; Dodge, you draw 1 card; Peach, you change your force to Wei.

【突圍】 Break Through


Wei Force Skill, when your Play Phase begins, you can get each 1 card from any characters in your Attack Range, when this turn ends, every character who didn't take damage in this turn in them gets your 1 card in turn.

群張遼/QUN Zhang Liao (OL)


What do you think about these adjusted characters? Which character do you like??

Welcome to comment about them!?

Thank you for seeing here!

New Characters in Sanguosha The Land Remains Unchanged: Continue的評(píng)論 (共 條)

临海市| 海门市| 仁怀市| 股票| 陈巴尔虎旗| 安西县| 吴旗县| 湘阴县| 漳平市| 图们市| 临沂市| 垫江县| 陆丰市| 峨眉山市| 阿巴嘎旗| 清新县| 惠来县| 蛟河市| 安达市| 四子王旗| 太白县| 蛟河市| 商水县| 繁峙县| 繁昌县| 上林县| 苗栗市| 伊川县| 林州市| 彰武县| 普宁市| 乌兰县| 延川县| 贵阳市| 漯河市| 阳城县| 漳平市| 安义县| 濉溪县| 登封市| 金阳县|