The Parables of Pentacles
The Parables of Pentacles
A suit ofpoverty, generosity.
of wealth and of greed.
Always there are those ofplenty
and so many more of need.
A coin is a coin
landing on a head or a tail.
A task is still worth doing
weather you succeed or you fail.
The Suit ofPentacles represents the
element Earth, the season of winter,
and deals with time in increments
of years.
A sturdy suit that rules the body and
represents the Earth signs of Taurus,
Virgo, and Capricorn.
The themes of this suit are: the
material world, work, education, greed,
generosity, prosperity and poverty.
Ace of Pentacles
If your vision is clear
the world will provide what you seek.
But rewards are not for the tardy,
the dimwitted, or the meek.
A spirit emerges from a birch tree. In her
hands is a stag skull that securely holds
a golden coin. Like all Aces,The Ace of
Pentacles signifies new beginnings.
The Universe has recognized your hard
work and is rewarding you with
abundance and opportunity. If you are
considering undertaking a new
entrepreneurial project or investment,
the Ace suggests that now is the time to
ln its reversed position however,the
card indicates a sudden financial loss or
temporary lack of funds.
Upright: good fortune·new
strong foundationsself-starter
promise of prosperity
Reversed:financial instability ·lack of
capital·poor or risky investment
·investing*premature·get rich quick
attitude·falling victim to pyramid
Two of Pentacles
To work or to play,
to be young and then old,
one can't always be timid
nor can one always be bold.
Two mountain goats scale a ragged cliff
The older is focused on its goal,
steadfast in approach, and determined to
reach the summit despite the worsening
weather. The younger carelessly totters
at the edge of a steep cliff.
The Two of Pentacles is about balance
between all aspects of your life: family,
friends, personal health and fun. While
we can always benefit from the tenacity
of the mountain goats, this card advises
us to maintain a sense of balance and
not lose sight ofour inner child.
In reverse, the card indicates you are
struggling to maintain balance between
work and play.
Upright: balanceconsidering one's
optionscareful planning·multi-
tasking·enjoying calculated risk
Reversed: imbalance·failing to
multitask·overwhelmed·over the
edge·neglecting family for work or vice
versa·missed opportunity
Three of Pentacles
Working together is pleasant
and often less straining,
but beware of those whose presence
is less helpful then draining.
Two oxen work together to carry their
load. One raises his head high, exuding
power and leadership, while the other
one eagerly follows suit.Together, they
proudly accomplish their task. Perhaps
you are the first ox, organizing and
motivating your team.Or you could be
the second, following directions and
respecting authority. Whatever the case,
the Three of Pentacles reminds us not to
lose sight of,and work toward, our
common good.
In reverse, this card may indicate
someone in the group is taking
advantage of the hard work of others by
not pulling their weight.
Upright: collaboration·delegation
·sharing responsibilities and rewards
·master of the art or craft·being
recognized for trade or skill
Reversed: uncooperative·poor
craftsmanship·tense work
another's coattails
Four of Pentacles
I've collected my treasures
close to my chest,
I will not relinquish these comforts
no matter the test.
An old ibex sits guarding his treasures.
Though he is well established and his
past ways have earned him significant
success winter is fast approaching. Ifhe
does not move before the frost claims
him he will surely perish. Such is the
duality of the Four of Pentacles. On the
one hand, the card suggests that you
have enjoyed significant past success.
Yet on the other hand,it also indicates
that you have grown so paranoid about
losing your current stability that you
may let new opportunities pass you by.
Upright, this card indicates you are
dealing with your success
conservatively. In reverse, it could
indicate you are being greedy, hoarding
the rewards of your success.
Upright: conservativism·fiscal
responsibility·stability ·wealth
*stagnation·burden of financial
success·financial anxiety
Five of Pentacles
The storm here is fierce
and my prospects unkind
but we can only move forward
we can never rewind.
A worried doe and her two fawns
wander through a dark forest.The snow
falls heavy as they struggle to find
shelter. The Five of Pentacles indicates
that you are currently facing financial
struggle.This card urges us to not allou
our financial anxieties to get the better o
us. Accept the warmth and support of
your family and loved ones. You may
find you are not alone.
In both upright and reverse, you are
suffering from material poverty.
However, in reversed position,your
misfortune is waning and you are takin
solace from your family.
Upright: poverty·hopelessness
·financial short sightednesssevere
debt·escalating anxiety·bankers
Reversed: unexpected sources of help
*recovery from financial loss
receiving charitable help
Six of Pentacles
To give comfort and rest
to someone too weary to fly
may give one's own spirit
the strength to soar high.
We can only truly appreciate the value
of charity once we have lost something
ourselves. After the fear and
hopelessness of the Five, comes the
warmth and generosity of the Six of
Pentacles. This card depicts a reindeer
amidst winter, letting the cardinals rest
atop his antlers and partake the last of
winter's fruit. Like the winter holidays
this card is a reminder of the joys of
selfless giving.
In reverse, this card could indicate either
that you are giving beyond your means
or that you are not giving at all, both of
which are detrimental.
Upright: charitygenerosity ·altruism
·random acts of kindness·lightening
someone else's load
Reversed:giving too much·being
manipulative·ulterior motives·debt
extending·invasive or insulting
Seven of Pentacles
The fruit is sweeter than the seed
but it takes so long to grow.
Still if1 eat the seed right now,
the fruit l'll never know.
A young yak regards a budding flower
while behind him coins spring forth
from a flourishing plant.The Six of
Pentacles suggests that you have a
strong desire to invest in the future.You
only want to commit to long term
endeavors that are certain to pay off
However, you may feel like you have
wasted money in the past and are afraid
to invest in new projects.
Reversed,it indicates that your
zealousness to invest has led you to poor
decisions or you have disregarded
investing altogether and are spending
Upright: laying the seeds·long term
benefit·patience·hard work·vision
for the future·expecting profit·careful
Reverse: impatiencegiving into instant
gratification·discouraged· giving up
· daydreaming about the future
neglecting your foundations
Eight of Pentacles
As fast as l learn,
I work twice as hard.
Yet diligent labor
leaves my heart scarred.
An industrious mule carries her load up
the mountain, diligent and honest work.
The Eight of Pentacles is a card of
learning and apprenticeship. You are
eagerly taking on a new skill. Perhaps
you have recently been promoted, are
taking on a new project, or are learning
a new craft. However, while your
industriousness earns you the respect of
your peers, don't forget the value of
If in the upright position, you are
acquiring knowledge and applying it
gainfully. In reverse, the card indicates
you are so committed to your work that
you are overextending yourself.
·hard work·progresspursuing
Reversed:·perfectionism·lack of
focus·loss ofambition·frustration
·lack of progress·discouragement
·burning out ·breaking under pressure
Nine of Pentacles
The abundance before me
I've worked hard to achieve.
Now l enjoy what I've got
and have no reason to grieve.
Two antelope graze peacefully in a
flowering meadow.The sun rises into a
clear sky and all is well.The Nine of
Pentacles is a sign that all your struggle
and hard work has paid off.Finally, you
are feeling confident, self-sufficient and
free. Now you can enjoy the fruits of
your labor. Treat yourself!
In the reverse position however, you feel
you are not independent or financially
sound. You may feel anxious or
overwhelmed, regardless of your actual
financial viability.
Upright: luxurycontentment·pay-off
pride in past accomplishments
contentment in present situation
·refined and privileged way of life
*enjoying the finer things*gratitude
Reversed: over-involvement in work
·inability to relax or enjoy your
accomplishment·financial setbacks
·restlessness·doubting your security
·financial paranoia
Ten of Pentacles
The foundation I've built
forms the legacy I?leave behind.
Knowing I've done all I?can
gives me great peace of mind.
A family of rhinos comes together under
the blossoming leaves of a tree. Just as
the Nine of Pentacles portends
individual success,the Ten of Pentacles
portends communal success. You are
able to provide not only for yourself,but
your family and loved ones as well. You
have secured a strong foundation for
future generations.
The card in its reverse position means
you may feel stressed by your inability
to provide a legacy for the current or
future generations. Conversely, you may
not want to leave anything behind
feeling the vindictive impulse to
withhold from your kin to teach them a
lesson or because they are undeserving.
Upright: legacy·retirement·financial
securityproviding for familypride
Reversed:financial failure·loss
·loneliness·failed provider·choosing
material success over everything
Page of Pentacles
Acoin is like a seed
in more ways than one
both can be made into plenty
or be reduced back to none.
The Page of Pentacles is a younger,
feminine energy at the start of their
professional journey.They are a wide
eyed go-getter.Though they have
minimal capital, they have a keen eye
for business and investment.This,
combined with their creative vision and
fervor, will surely take them far.
Whether in you, or someone else,the
Page is a messenger of enthusiasm and
Reversed,the Page of Pentacles is
financially reckless and short-sighted.
They are eager to make a name for
themselves, but are unwilling or unable
to put in the time and diligence to
achieve success.
Upright: a young, feminine energy who
is either a Taurus,Capricorn or Virgo
*eager to learn and invest·vision
*new job or opportunity·optimistic
Reversed: someone who is financially
recklessvision without follow through
*arrogant·passionate but unfocused
Knight of Pentacles
Although my methods are simple
they are both tried and true
if l stray not from the path
I know I'll pull though.
The Knight of Pentacles is a younger,
masculine energy who is methodical
rigorous, and thorough. Although they
may not be the most creative thinker
they know how to follow directions and
get the job done. If the Knight is
someone in your life,they are likel
someone who,though stubborn,is
reliable and dependable.This may also
be a sign that you're overthinking
In reverse position, the Knight of
Pentacles is someone unwilling to listen
to creative solutions who wants to stay
on their current course, despite the
obvious lack ofresults.
Upright: a younger masculine energy
who is either a Taurus,Capricorn,
*upholding cultural traditions and
·stubborn·ridged· follows directions
at the expense ofefficiency·fixation on
Queen of Pentacles
All that I?have
I give freely to you;
it is the duty of the old
to provide for the new.
The Queen of Pentacles is a mature,
feminine energy who is the prototypical
“Earth Mother." She is an excellent
provider in every sense of the word.The
Queen of Pentacles is a reminder that no
matter how alone you feel, there is
someone behind the scenes rooting for
you and actively working to see you
thrive. Or perhaps you are the one
investing your time and energy into
caring for others. If so, don't forget to
extend the same effort to yourself.
In the reverse position, this card may
represent someone who is overly
involved with your life or offers you
support, intending to manipulate you.
Upright: a mature, feminine energy who
is either a Taurus,Capricorn, or Virgo
·Earth Mother·nurturing
Reversed: provides through material
·trophy wife·confuses wealth with
emotional well-being
King ofPentacles
I'll share my wealth with you
if that is what you desire;
but know it is wisdom -not wealth-
that builds a lasting empire.
The King of Pentacles is a strong
masculine energy who is the paradigm
ofwealth, stability, and discipline. They
are as generous as they are wise and
industrious. They are likely a father
figure or financial benefactor of some
kind. The King may also suggest that
you are in the final stages of fulfillment
ofa project, business, or investment.
In reverse, The King of Pentacles
represents someone who is miserly and
unwilling to share their wealth and
experience; or someone who lends
money with the expectation for an
unrealistic return on investment.
Upright: a mature masculine energy
who is either a Taurus,Capricorn,or
Virgo·financial stability generous
·sound business decisions·strong
work ethicpersistent·benefactor
child·frivolous with money·lazy
·buys affection·uses their finances to
escape consequences