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2023-11-05 10:09 作者:費娜希雅フィナシーア  | 我要投稿

[突發(fā)新聞]B2聯(lián)盟現(xiàn)狀演講會稿泄露 ? 很遺憾,我今天不能參加B2 STOC,因為我要去看大學橄欖球比賽。 如果你像我一樣無法參加,不要擔心——由JinX在今天 19:00 聯(lián)合發(fā)表的 STOC 演講稿在今天早上被泄露了——以下為完整文稿,供您閱讀。 現(xiàn)在是時候談談我們的聯(lián)盟狀況了。因此,我將首先說最不主流和最不受歡迎的事情。我將首先說每個人都想忽略或忘記但必須說明的事情,即我們遭受了徹底的失敗。 一切都結束了。B2現(xiàn)在退縮到黑暗中。我們與帝國的交往在各個方面都使我們遭受了痛苦,我們一直是帝國(IMP)的順從仆人。我們尤其遭受了與Goonswarm聯(lián)邦的交往,在它的指導和政策下,我們已經被驅使了這么久。 B2的剩余位置是什么?我們不僅在政治上被肢解,而且在經濟和金融上處于完全混亂的狀態(tài)。我們的市場和當?shù)刭Y源被摧毀,我們的產業(yè)被削弱,我們的人口流離失所是最殘酷的。這是一個已經發(fā)生的悲劇。 我冒昧地認為,未來B2不能作為一個獨立的實體存在。你會發(fā)現(xiàn)在僅僅幾天或幾周的時間里,B2就會被PandaFam(WC+PH)吞沒。無論如何,故事已經結束并被告知。這是我們在過去五年里所做和未做的事情中,甚至在B2存在之前,我們所經歷的最嚴重的后果——五年的徒勞善意,五年的尋找最小阻力線,五年的Brave從不間斷地撤退,五年的忽視我們建立持久聯(lián)盟的責任。 我們面臨著一場重大災難。不要讓我們對此視而不見?,F(xiàn)在必須接受的是,B2的所有聯(lián)盟都將與勝利的WinterCo.達成盡可能好的條件,或者在帝國的懷抱中尋求救贖。 我們忠誠的“Brave”人民應該知道真相。他們應該知道我們的防御嚴重疏忽和不足;他們應該知道我們一直處于失敗狀態(tài),其后果將伴隨我們一路前行。他們應該知道,我們已經走過了歷史上一個可怕的里程碑,當時北方的整個平衡被打破,而可怕的行動暫時被宣布為反對B2聯(lián)盟。 從今天起,我們將不再以B2的身份存在,并開始緩慢而有序地邁向帝國成員身份。從這里開始,我們希望建立一個嶄新的明天。 至此,F(xiàn)ade、Deklein和Pure Blind倒閉的新聞報道結束。再見,感謝大家的支持。 ?


?14 hr. ago


[BREAKING] B2 State of the Coalition leaked

Drama Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the B2 STOC today as there is college football to watch.

If, like me, you can't make it, fear not - the STOC speech which is to be jointly delivered by Jinx at 1900 today was leaked this morning - full transcript below for your perusal.

The time has come to address the state of our coalition. I will, therefore, begin by saying the most unpopular and most unwelcome thing. I will begin by saying what everybody would like to ignore or forget but which must nevertheless be stated, namely, that we have sustained a total and unmitigated defeat.

All is over. B2 now recedes into the darkness. We have suffered in every respect by our association with the Imperium, of which we have always been an obedient servant. We have suffered in particular from our association with Goonswarm Federation, under whose guidance and policy we have been actuated for so long.

What is the remaining position of B2? Not only are we politically mutilated, but economically and financially, in a state of complete confusion. Our markets and local resources are destroyed and our industries are curtailed, and the displacement of our population is most cruel. It is a tragedy which has occurred.

I venture to think that in the future B2 cannot be maintained as an independent entity. You will find that in a period of time measured only by days or weeks, B2 will be engulfed by the PandaFam. At any rate, that story is over and told. It is the most grievous consequence which we have yet experienced of what we have done and of what we have left undone, even before the existence of B2, in the last five years—five years of futile good intention, five years of eager search for the line of least resistance, five years of uninterrupted retreat of Brave from a position of power, five years neglect of our duty to build a lasting coalition.

We are in the presence of a disaster of the first magnitude. Do not let us blind ourselves to that. It must now be accepted that all the parties of B2 will make the best terms they can with the triumphant Winter Coalition, or seek salvation within the arms of the Imperium.

Our loyal, "Brave" people should know the truth. They should know that there has been gross neglect and deficiency in our defenses; they should know that we have sustained defeat, and the consequences of which will travel far with us along our road. They should know that we have passed an awful milestone in our history, when the whole equilibrium of the North has been deranged, and that the terrible acts, have for the time being been pronounced against the B2 coalition.

As of today we will cease to exist as B2 and begin the slow and planned journey towards full Imperium membership. From here we hope to build a new tomorrow.

This concludes the news coverage of the fall of Fade, Deklein and Pure Blind. Farewell and thank you for all the support.

【突發(fā)新聞】B2聯(lián)盟宣布解散演講稿泄露的評論 (共 條)

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