
On the rostrum, she surveyed the assembly, and then said, “The nineteenth meeting of the Planetary Defense Council has arrived at the final item on its agenda: the disclosure of the Wallfacer candidates and the announcement of the start of the Wallfacer Project.
“Before we move on to that agenda item, I believe it is necessary to take a brief look back at the Wallfacer Project.
“At the start of the Trisolar Crisis, the permanent members of the former Security Council held emergency negotiations and conceived the Wallfacer Project.
“The countries took note of the following facts: After the first two sophons appeared, burgeoning evidence demonstrated that additional sophons were constantly reaching the Solar System and coming to Earth, a process that continues even now. therefore, as far as the enemy is concerned, the Earth is a completely transparent world. To them, everything is an open book, one they can read at any time. Humanity has no secrets at all.
“The international community has recently launched a mainstream defense program which, in both overall strategic thinking and the tiniest of technological and military details, is completely exposed to the enemy’s eyes. Every meeting room, every file cabinet, the hard drives and memory of every computer — there is nowhere the sophons do not see. Every plan, program, and deployment, no matter the size, will be visible to the enemy command four light-years away the moment they take shape on the Earth. Human communication in any form will result in leaks.
“We should be aware of this one fact: Strategic and tactical tricks do not advance in proportion to technological progress. Precise intelligence has proven that the Trisolarans communicate through direct, open thoughts, making them highly deficient at tricks, camouflage, and deception, and giving human civilization a huge advantage over the enemy. This is one advantage we can’t afford to lose. The founders of the Wallfacer Project believe that a number of other strategic plans should proceed in parallel to the mainstream defense program, and that these plans should be secret, not tansparent to the enemy. A number of proposals were put forward, but ultimately only the wallfacer Project is feasible.
“Once correction to what I just said; Humanity still has secrets, in the inner world that each of us possesses. The sophons can understand human language, and they can read printed texts and information on every kind of computer storage media at ultrahigh speeds, but they can’t read human thoughts. So long as we do not communicate with the outside world, every individual keeps things secret forever from the sophons. This is the basis of the Wallfacer Project.
rostrum: n.主席臺;講壇;指揮臺;領獎臺
agenda: n.議程;(會議的)議程表;
disclosure: n.披露;公開;揭露;透露;透露的秘聞;公開的事情;暴露的事實
disclose: vt.披露;透露;泄露;揭露;使顯露;使暴露
candidate: n.候選人;(競選或求職的)申請人;應試者;參加考試的人;被認定適合者;
brief: adj.簡明的;短暫的;簡單的;短時間的;簡潔的
permanent: adj.永久的;永恒的;長久的
negotiation: n.談判;磋商;協商
negotiate: 談判;磋商;協商;商定;達成(協議)
conceive: v.想出(主意、計劃等);想象;構想;設想
take note of sth. = notice 注意到
demonstrate: v.證明;證實;論證;說明;表達;表露;表現;顯露
transparent: adj.透明的;清澈的;易識破的;易看穿的;顯而易見的;易懂的
international community: 國際社會
strategic: adj.戰(zhàn)略的;戰(zhàn)略性的;根據全局而安排的;戰(zhàn)略上的
be exposed to sth. ……被暴露在……之下
cabinet: n.內閣;儲藏柜;陳列柜
deployment: n.(部隊、資源或裝備的)部署,調集
deploy: v.部署;調度(軍隊或武器);有效地利用;調動
take shape 成形;形成;具體化;有顯著發(fā)展
be aware of = know / notice 知道/意識到
tactical: adj.戰(zhàn)術上的;策略上的;有謀略的;手段高明的;善于謀劃的;戰(zhàn)術的
tactic: n.策略;手段;招數;戰(zhàn)術;兵法
in proportion to: 與…成比例,與…相稱
precise: adj.準確的;確切的;精確的;明確的;細致的;精細的;認真的;一絲不茍的
intelligence: n.智力;才智;智慧;(尤指關于敵對國家的)情報;情報人員
deficient: adj.缺乏的;不足的;缺少的;有缺點的;有缺陷的
deception: n.欺騙;蒙騙;誆騙;詭計;騙術;騙局
deceive: v.蒙騙;誆騙;欺騙(自己);使人誤信;誤導
in parallel to: 與……并行;與……同步
proposal: n.提議;建議;動議
put forward: 提出(計劃、建議、名字);推薦
ultimately: adv.最終;最后;終歸;最基本地;根本上
feasible: adj.可行的;行得通的
possess: vt.有;擁有;具有(特質);攫住;支配;控制
ultrahigh: adj.超高的;特高的
so long as = as long as 只要