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2023-08-20 10:32 作者:liddk  | 我要投稿

朱利安?西蒙斯 (Julian Symons,1912年5月30日-1994年11月19日)




The Immaterial Murder Case (1945)

A Man Called Jones (1947)

Bland Beginning (1949)


The Narrowing Circle (1954)?

The Gigantic Shadow (1958)

Sheridan Haynes系列:

A Three-Pipe Problem (1975)

The Kentish Manor Murders (1988)

Joan Khan-Harper系列:

殺死自己(1967,The Man Who Killed Himself)

The Man Whose Dreams Came True (1968)

The Man Who Lost His Wife (1970)

玩家與游戲(1972,The Players and the Game)

The Plot Against Roger Rider (1973)

The Detling Murders (1982)


二月三十一日(1950,The Thirty-First of February)

The Broken Penny (1953)

The Paper Chase (1956)

The Colour of Murder (1957)(金匕首獲獎作品)

The Progress of a Crime (1960)(愛倫?坡獎作品)

The Killing of Francie Lake (1962)

The End of Solomon Grundy (1964)

The Belting Inheritance (1965)

黑石南毒殺案(1978,The Blackheath Poisonings)

Sweet Adelaide (1980)

The Name of Annabel Lee (1983)

The Criminal Comedy of the Contented Couple (1985)

Death's Darkest Face (1990)

Something Like a Love Affair (1992)

Playing Happy Families (1994)

A Sort of Virtue: A Political Crime Novel (1996)


血腥的謀殺(1972,Bloody Murder – From the Detective Story to the Crime Novel: A History)

文壇怪杰(1978,The Tell-Tale Heart: The Life and Works of Edgar Allan Poe)

推理文學百年史(30)-朱利安?西蒙斯的評論 (共 條)

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