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The Social Contract - 16zy

2023-10-08 12:00 作者:__星夜  | 我要投稿

There is an essential distinction between these

bodies: the state exists of itself, while the government?

exists only through the sovereign.?

Thus the dominant will of the ruling body is only,?

or should only be, the general★普遍的 will or the

law, its power is only the public power concentrated?

in it, and as soon as it has the desire to do some?

absolute and independent act of its own, the cohesiveness凝聚力?

of the whole begins to be weakened.

---Chapter ii :The Constituent構(gòu)成 Principle of the Various Forms of Government---

The total strength of the government, always being

the same as the state's, does not vary改變. From this it?

follows that the more strength it expends★花費 on its own?

members, the less remains to act on the people as a whole.


Consequently, the larger the number of officers of?

government, the weaker the government is.

That business is dealt with less

expeditiously as the number of people responsible for it?

increases: that relying too much on prudence means relying too

little on chance, that opportunities are not taken, and that the

fruits of decision are often lost in the process of deciding.



---Chapter iii:The Classification分類 of Governments---

---Chapter iv : Democracy---

Nothing is more dangerous than the influence of private interests in

public affairs, and the abuse of law by the government is a

lesser evil than the corruption of the legislative body立法機構(gòu),?

to which particular considerations inevitably lead.

If a people were never to misuse government it would?

never misuse independence; a people that always governed?

well would not need to be governed.

If the term is taken in its strict sense, true democracy has

never existed and never will.


It is against the natural order that

the majority should govern and the minority be governed.?

A very small state, such that the people can be assembled?

without difficulty, and it is easy for every citizen to?

know all the others;


secondly,great simplicity of manners, in order to avoid?

a great quantity of business and tiresome★煩人的 discussions;


further, a considerable degree of equality in rank and?

fortune, without which equality in rights and power?

cannot last long;?


and finally, little or no luxury,it corrupts both rich and?

poor at once, one through possession, the other through?

covetousness貪婪/妄羨; ★it puts the country on sale to vanity浮華/虛榮?

and soft living; it deprives the state of all its citizens, making?

each of them subject to the other, and all of them to?

public opinion.


This is why a famous author made virtue the principle of

republics,for these circumstances cannot all be present?

without virtue;


It should be added that no government is so ★liable to易受...之害?

civil war and internal disturbance騷亂 than the democratic or popular

type, for none has so strong and continual不間斷的 a tendency for its

form to change, and none calls for so much vigilance警惕 and

courage if its form is to be maintained.?


Under this constitution,

more than any other, the citizen must arm himself with

strength and constancy, and repeat every day in the depths of

his heart the observation made by a virtuous lord palatine in

the Polish Diet: 'I 【prefer】 freedom with all its?

dangers 【to】tranquillity安寧 with servitude奴役'.


If there were a nation of gods it would be governed democratically.?

So perfect a government is not suitable for men.


The Social Contract - 16zy的評論 (共 條)

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