塞爾維亞 老式死亡/激流金屬 Mogila Deathcult – Riv...

完整曲目表 / 機翻 / 原歌詞:
1.Deeper Crypt
【These halls are ruled by death, I know them,The merciless mindless hordes,A hidden evil sleeps, the rotten,They bar the only way,They walk when they should lie, I face them,Nerves tight, eyes wide,Shattered bones now fly,Long deceased, laid to rest,Cursed dead unpossessed,Wretches of the deep,Long have you been undisturbed,Join eternal rest,I release you,Temptress of the crypt,I've come seeking truth,A bitter pill to take,I'll take it】
【Sentenced to vapid life,Strangulation from the womb,Straining to survive,In this dying tomb,Chained to these bones,Chained to this failing mind,A desperate grip at sanity,Can I stop the evil inside】
3.Instant mash
死者,他們匍匐,圍繞著我,要我付出代價,我的靈魂在沉睡,敲門聲,我知道這呼喚,內(nèi)心的恐懼,餿水的扼殺者,錯誤的出生,可怕的混亂,我向上帝求助 什么也沒有留下,陰森的呼喚從另一邊傳來,現(xiàn)在是時候了、死期到了,母親,母親,救救我,我已經(jīng)失去了本來可以擁有的生活,所有的希望都破滅了,你唯一的兒子,為了這個世界,為了一個擺脫我的機會
【The dead, they creep,Surrounding me,The toll to keep,My soul asleep,A knock, the door,I know this call,A terror within,The rancid strangler,Born wrong,A horrid mess,I turn to God There's nothing left,A grim call comes from the other side,Now it's time, It's time to die,Mother, mother, help me,I've,lost the life that could be,All hope is gone,Your only son,F(xiàn)or this world, a chance to be free from me】