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審稿 memo

2023-07-18 20:20 作者:沉淀-扎根  | 我要投稿

Not 批判 but 建設(shè): 怎么讓這篇文章更好。


1. Does the manuscript present a specific, easily identifiable advance in knowledge? ?Is it applicable and useful to the profession?

2. Has the information already been published elsewhere, either wholly or in part?

3.?Is the subject matter within the scope of the journal? ?Or is it better suited to another journal??

4.?Do the title and abstract accurately describe the contents? ?Does the abstract include all of the main findings of the study??

5.?Is the review of literature limited to that framing the new knowledge? ?Are all references pertinent and complete??

6.?Is the methodology sufficiently well explained that someone else knowledgeable about the field could repeat the study??

7. Is each figure and table necessary to the understanding of the conclusions? ?Can any be omitted without compromising the paper's message??

8. Are the results soundly interpreted and related to existing knowledge on the topic?

9.?Are the conclusions sound and justified? ?Do they follow logically from data presented? 10.?Do all elements of the manuscript relate logically to the study's statement of purpose??

11. Can the paper be shortened without compromising its message?


美國(guó)德克薩斯大學(xué)達(dá)拉斯分校(University of Texas at Dallas)的Naveen Jindal管理學(xué)院創(chuàng)建了一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù),用以追蹤24種管理學(xué)期刊上發(fā)表的論文。 該數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)包含自1990年以來(lái)在這些期刊上發(fā)表的論文的標(biāo)題和作者單位。 數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)中的信息被用來(lái)對(duì)全世界前100名商學(xué)院進(jìn)行排名。



* 1990年至今的任何期刊或期刊組合來(lái)獲得學(xué)校的排名

* 學(xué)校名稱,以查看學(xué)校在1990年至今的任何期刊組合和時(shí)間段內(nèi)的出版物列表

* 作者姓名,查看作者在1990年至今的任何期刊組合和時(shí)間段內(nèi)的出版物清單。

* 文章名稱中的關(guān)鍵短語(yǔ),以查看包含該短語(yǔ)的出版物列表,包括1990年至今的任何期刊和時(shí)間段的組合。


1. The Accounting Review (Accounting)

2. Journal of Accounting and Economics (Accounting)

3. Journal of Accounting Research (Accounting)

4. Journal of Finance (Finance)

5. Journal of Financial Economics (Finance)

6. The Review of Financial Studies (Finance)

7. Information Systems Research (Information Systems)

8. Informs Journal on Computing* (Information Systems)

9. MIS Quarterly* (Information Systems)

10. Journal of Consumer Research (Marketing)

11. Journal of Marketing (Marketing)

12. Journal of Marketing Research (Marketing)

13. Marketing Science (Marketing)

14. Management Science (Management/Operations)

15. Operations Research (Management, operations)

16. Journal of Operations Management (Management, operations)

17. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management*(Management, operations)

18. Production and Operations Management (Management, operations)

19. Academy of Management Journal (Management, general)

20. Academy of Management Review (Management, general)

21. Administrative Science Quarterly (Management, general)

22. Organization Science (Management, general)

23. Journal of International Business Studies (Management, general)

24. Strategic Management Journal (Management, general/strategy)


FT50種期刊是英國(guó)《金融時(shí)報(bào)》(Financial Times)經(jīng)廣泛咨詢,選出的50份全球最有份量的商學(xué)學(xué)術(shù)期刊,作為每年的商學(xué)院評(píng)級(jí)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),它用以衡量各商學(xué)院的研究質(zhì)量。



1. Academy of Management Journal

2. Academy of Management Review

3. Accounting, Organizations and Society (Accounting)

4. Administrative Science Quarterly

5. American Economic Review

6. Contemporary Accounting Research (Accounting)

7. Econometrica

8. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

9. Harvard Business Review

10. Human Relations*

11. Human Resource Management

12. Information Systems Research

13. Journal of Accounting and Economics (Accounting)

14. Journal of Accounting Research (Accounting)

15. Journal of Applied Psychology

16. Journal of Business Ethics

17. Journal of Business Venturing

18. Journal of Consumer Psychology

19. Journal of Consumer Research

20. Journal of Finance (Finance)

21. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (Finance)

22. Journal of Financial Economics (Finance)

23. Journal of International Business Studies

24. Journal of Management*

25. Journal of Management Information Systems*

26. Journal of Management Studies

27. Journal of Marketing

28. Journal of Marketing Research

29. Journal of Operations Management

30. Journal of Political Economy

31. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science*

32. Management Science

33. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management*

34. Marketing Science

35. MIS Quarterly

36. Operations Research

37. Organization Science

38. Organization Studies

39. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

40. Production and Operations Management

41. Quarterly Journal of Economics

42. Research Policy*

43. Review of Accounting Studies (Accounting)

44. Review of Economic Studies*

45. Review of Finance* (Finance)

46. Review of Financial Studies (Finance)

47. Sloan Management Review

48. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal*

49. Strategic Management Journal

50. The Accounting Review (Accounting)

審稿 memo的評(píng)論 (共 條)

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