【作文素材】牛津通識(shí)讀本《The Meaning of Life》摘抄Chapter3

第三章?????? 意義的沒(méi)落
The fact that they seem to have vanished does not mean that life is superficial, since you can only have surfaces if you have depths to contrast with them.
To live without the need for such guarantees is to be free. You can argue that there were indeed once grand narratives (Marxism, for example) which corresponded to something real, but that we are well rid of them; or you can insist that these narratives were nothing but a chimera all along, so that there was never anything to be lost. Either the world is no longer story-shaped, or it never was in the first place.
For those who believe in God, or some other intelligent force behind the universe, life has built-in meanings and purposes because it is itself an artefact.
For Hegel, Reason realizes itself in history only through the genuinely free actions of individuals; indeed, it is at its most real when they are at their most free. All of these grand narratives dismantle the distinction between freedom and necessity – between forging your own meanings and being receptive to one already installed in the world.
For we are already plunged deep in the midst of meaning, wherever it is we happen to find? ourselves. We are woven through by the meanings of others – meanings which we never got to choose, yet which provide the matrix within which we come to make sense of ourselves and the world. In this sense, if not in every sense, the idea that I can determine the meaning of my own life is an illusion.