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The Hermit

2023-06-23 10:21 作者:R洛拂煙  | 我要投稿

The Hermit

l am alone and quite content

for it's only me l need.

For everything a tree can be

starts within a seed.

To know thy selfand look within,

to learn to live without

is to live a life of happiness

missing only doubt.

Perhaps someday you too

will find what 1 have found,

the many truths l've come across,

both simple and profound.

The Hermit is about looking within to

find the answers to life's pressing

questions. lt's about introspection,

seclusion, and knowledge. In her hand, a

Satyrs holds a glowing star, as her

knowledge of selfenables her to grasp

even the most elusive of life's mysteries.

The shadow of the hermit is reclusive

and isolating, retreating not to gain

deeper understanding, but out of fear or


Upright: introspection·soul-searching

spiritual enlightenment·inner


·inner peacemeditation

·contemplation·letting go of material


Reversed: Lonelinessparanoia


*not taking enough time for personal

reflection or too much time thinking and

not enough action·intellectual or

spiritual elitism

The Hermit的評論 (共 條)

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