Aigododecathlon P18
Moon found her captured inside the dark net.
"Hmm......What happened?"She thought.
A person wearing a robe approaches.
"Ah Moon,you're such a pity!"
"Wa......Wait!Who IS Moon?"
"Of course you.Hahaha......"
The strange person walks away.
Meanwhile,in the fans dormitory......
Luna's phone rang.
"Luna?"Moon asks.
Luna says:"Moon?You're still alive?"
"I'm alive!"Moon answers,"But I'm Cynthia!"
"W......what?"Luna is stunned,"do you even remember it?Marble?Alum?Ya don't remember?"
"I haven't heard of the person you say,but,I'm in the dark web!But I still have a lot of knowledge!"
Luna think for a while and speaks:"Cynthia,collect as much infos as possible,then phone me with the number 17283506!I need it to solve the crisis!"
"Ok."Moon is unclear what's the crisis,but she accepted anyway.
What will happen between Luna and Moon?Read the next composition.