【神奇樹屋magic tree house】#25讀書筆記
?Stage fight on a summer night.
一、reading log
Chapter 1?Special Magic ???They went to the tree house,Morgan tells them that they'll find a special magic im the next four adventure,then they are ready to go. Chapter 2?London Bridge ???They arrived London, a group of boys run past them, they followed them toward London Bridge. Chapter 3?The Bear Garden ???The first they want to the bear garden where people watch animal fighting. So they don't want to go. Chapter 4?A Midsummer Night's Dream ???They meet a sad bear and Anne wants to help him, but Jack wants Anne to watch the play. Chapter 5?Stage Fright ???The man wanted Jack to be fairies, but Jack was shy and Annie pretends to be a boy to become fairies. Chapter 6?Onstage! ???They were on stage, but Jack couldn't stay. That man brought bravery to Jack Chapter 7?In the Forest, in the Night ???Jack and Annie palyed very well on stage. Chapter 8?The Most Important Person ???The queen appeared, the people shouted, Jack and Annie saved the bear. Chapter 9?Sweet Sorrow ???Will sent them to the tree house, they were ready to home. Chapter 10?Our Will? ???Will is Willlion shakespeare, Then they get home. 二、key words
1.fairies /?fe?riz/(故事中的)小仙人 Because I have just lost two fairies.