My ARK creatures:Deinocheirus ageis

Basic information:
Name: Deinocheirus?aegis
Period: Cretaceous
Temperament: Friendly
Size:around rex sized
Drops:Large amounts of raw meat , hide and fur , small amounts of raw prime meat and keratin
Base stats:
Melee Damage:100%/175%,+5%,+1.7%
Movement speed:100%,+0,+1%
Speed values(wild):600,1800(land)/900,900(water)
Speed values (tamed):600,1800(land)/900,900(water)
Other:cannot be ridden without a saddle, 410 drag weight, can enter all boss arenas
Deinocheirus can be found around the rivers and lakes of each maps.
Dossier text-wild:
The deinocheirus is quite the bizarre creature. It looks like a big duck with huge arms, and allows people to walk past them without fear of being attacked.
Although deinocheirus are friendly giants which can wander by the river with numerous small creatures,they still have a strong sense of territory and repulse any ferocious?giant predators which intrude on their territories. Their impressive strength and bravery in combat are enough to make the enemies of deinocheirus flee.
Deinocheirus can be tamed starting at player level 80, with two methods available.
Method1:Find a wild deinocheirus and feed it to tame. They will happily become a loyal companion if satisfied in terms of food. Notably, the huge duck accepts foods such as exceptional kibble, raw fish meats and various vegetables or berries. when taming. The passive taming method is easy on the resources, not needing tranqs, which is why I chose it.
Method 2:Fight with deinocheirus and gain their trust by defeating enemies. The player who find deinocheirus should close and press E to enter “Cooperative Mode”, then ride the deinocheirus and defeat creatures above 250 drag weight to gain taming, with more powerful creatures giving more taming.?
Dossier text-tamed:
For any tribe,deinocheirus can be a great help.?Their huge arms make them capable of lots of tasks,?for example,?harvesting wood, thatch and berries efficiently. Also, in addition to being excellent combat mounts, tamed deinocheirus, if equipped with a special saddle with wooden vats attached, can crush berries into them and get various useful juice.
Saddle Information:
The deinocheirus basic saddle : unlocked at level 80,?It is a standard?saddle with 25 armor which allows for rider weaponry that needs 400 hide,350 fiber,100 wood and 135 metal ingots to craft.
The deinocheirus wooden vat saddle : unlocked at level 90, It is a superior saddle with 35 armor which allows for rider weaponry that needs 500 hide,350 fiber,400 wood and 180 metal ingots to craft. Two wooden vats are attached to each side of the saddle that provide more protection. Players can add berries and rare flowers into the inventory of deinocheirus which equip wooden vat saddle to make several beneficial juice.

Related engram:
【Tintoberry juice】:unlocked at level 80, needs?25 tintoberries and 10 rare flowers to make, players recover 50 health in 5 seconds after drinking the juice, it will spoil after 2 hours.
【Azulberry juice】: unlocked at level 80, needs 25 azulberries and 10 rare flowers to make,players can recover 50 Stamina in 5 seconds after drinking the juice, it will spoil after 2 hours.
【Amarberry juice】: unlocked at level 80, needs 25 amarberries and 10 rare flowers to make, players can recover 150 food in 5 seconds after drinking the juice, it will spoil after 2 hours.
【mejoberry juice】: unlocked at level 80, needs 25 mejoberries and 10 rare flowers to make,can provide taming progress 5x that of normal mejoberries, it will spoil after 2 hours.
【stimberry juice】:unlocked at level 80, needs 25 stimberries and 10 rare flowers to make, players gain 50% more movement speed and the stamina consumption rate be 25% faster after drinking the juice, it will spoil after 2 hours.
The above items can only be crafted in the inventory of a deinocheirus with the barrel saddle equipped. Only barrel-saddled deinocheirus and their riders can instantly consume juice from the inventory. Other survivors and creatures need to have it extracted with a liquid container before it can be consumed. All juices restore 50 water and relieve heat effects.

Deinocheirus can be bred and lay eggs. Deinocheirus eggs can be used to make exceptional kibble.
Left click: Deinocheirus swings its claws to strike twice. 50 base damage per hit. Inflicts the status ‘Weakened’ on the target, which increases damage taken by 25%. This attack can hit the rider, and collects large amounts of wood and berries, and smaller amounts of thatch and fiber.

Right click: Deinocheirus extends its claws and gently grabs creatures below 250 drag weight. Clicking again releases the creature. If the creature hit is a carnivore over 280 drag weight, deinocheirus slams the creature down to the ground utilizing its height advantage. This deals 95 base damage and has 8 seconds of stun. The ability has a 20% chance to fail, however, and if failed, deinocheirus takes 15% damage in recoil.

C: Deinocheirus rakes in resources with its claws. Base 20 damage, collects berries, fiber, meat and hide.
X: Deinocheirus turns its body and enters ‘Alert’ mode. In this mode, deinocheirus receives a 60% damage reduction, and if hit, strikes back?with a 150 base damage heavy claw swipe which inflicts cripple for 8 seconds. However, deinocheirus also receives the ‘Claw Pain’ debuff due to overexertion, which reduces damage by 25%.

Spacebar: Deinocheirus approaches a tree and itches itself on the tree. Flat 100 damage, collects small amounts of thatch, charcoal, sap and rare mushroom.

Ctrl: Deinocheirus raises its head and calls out. No effect.
Passive abilities:
【Incomparable?bravery】:?Deinocheirus will fight even harder when it senses a powerful presence near it; when a creature with above 400 drag weight is nearby, deinocheirus receives the ‘Incomparable’ effect semi-permanently, which gives a 25% increase to damage and attack speed. ?
【Magical feathers】:?Deinocheirus’ thick feathers provide quite significant defense against both damage and cold. Deinocheirus has 25% damage resistance and gives 150 insulation to its rider.
【Strong body】:?Deinocheirus’ tall neural spines have large amounts of muscle attached to them, providing significant strength. Deinocheirus has a 50% weight reduction of plant and meat based resources and has knockback resistance.
【Fisher in water】:?As a semi-aquatic fisher, deinocheirus is not obstructed by aquatic environments. Deinocheirus receives a hydration?buff like that of spinosaurus when touching water, wearing off after 15 seconds out of water. Deinocheirus has a 2x harvest multiplier on prime fish meat.
【Recovery by food】:?Deinocheirus can quickly recover by consuming large?amounts of food. If deinocheirus’ health is not full, its health recovers at 4x speed, food consumes at 4x speed, stamina drain is increased by 25% and movement speed by 10%.