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“I love cat”這句話到底有什么問題呢?

2023-06-28 21:08 作者:一秒鐘鐘鐘換心情杏仁  | 我要投稿



A: I love cat. Cat is so cute.

B:Oh, you mean you love cats?

A:Yes, but I don't dog.

B:I don't like dogs. When you want to talk about a thing in general, like an animal, you need to use the plural form. Cats, dogs.


B:If you use the singular form of an animal, it often sounds like you're talking about the meat from that animal.

A:OK. So I like eating cow. Yes?

B:Well, if you want to talk about cow meat, we say beef.

A: Okay. Okay. I like duck. It means I like to eat a duck. Yes?

B: Oh, me too.

A: But I hate gooses. They scare the shit?out of me. GOOSES. See, I put the "S". So I'm talking about the animal, right?

B: Actually, the plural form of goose is geese. So if you want to talk about the animal, you can say "I hate geese".

A: I hate English.

B: Perfect.

A: Okay, I got it.

I love cats.

I don't like dogs.

I like eating beef and duck.

I hate geese.

“I love cat”這句話到底有什么問題呢?的評論 (共 條)

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