The Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes are blessed and entrusted with custodianship over some of the most potent war machines in the service of the Imperium. Most owe their origins to the Standard Template Construct system ( often abbreviated to STC ) of the all but forgotten Dark Age of Technology. Developed to supply colonists with reliable, easy to manufacture technology as humanity expanded into the cosmos, the basic STC designs later became the backbone of fighting vehicle patterns deployed during the Great Crusade. The standard Rhino hull is a prime example. It is one of the oldest STC designs still in use and provides the basis for many other armoured fighting vehicles , from whirlwinds to Predators to the Sisters of Battle Immolator.

Just as it can be said that the Great Crusade forged the Space Marines, it was the demands of fighting against a myriad of foes on every type of battlefield imaginable that created many of the Space Marines' most common fighting vehicles . At the time they were also not just restricted to use by the Space Marine Legions and there is evidence that the Imperial Army——the combined forerunner of the Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy——also used the same standard vehicles.

In the thousands of years since those legendary times many vehicle designs have been lost, and knowledge and science have become so debased that the Adeptus Mechanicus is unwilling to court the wrath of the Machine God by attempting to recreate them. STC patterns might be discovered, see considerable use and then fall into disfavour for a myriad of possible reasons. Recently discovered archives describe a battle tank used by the Space Marine Legions during the Great Crusade that is similar to one fielded in large numbers by the followers of the so - called?Blind King during the terrible wars of the Occlusiad of mid M37 for example.This medium sized, tracked vehicle was equipped with a remotely operated turret-mounted weapons system thought lost since the time of the Scouring , and outclassed many of the tanks fielded by the Imperium against the rogue Tech-Priests serving the Blind King.
Some vehicles currently in use by the Adeptus Astartes, such the Land Raider , have been lost and then rediscovered, whilst other patterns have been handed down from generation to generation, for thousands of years , with very few changes. It is generally held that many other paterns aside from those used in the 41st Millennium?have existed , and may still exist on distant worlds Mankind reached during its earlier expansion across the galaxy.

The Chapter Forges?
Each Space Marine Chapter has its own base;a homeworld or space-borne fortress-monastery within which are various facilities such as the Chapters Apothecarion, Chapels and Armoury . Construction of most Space Marine vehicles takes place in the Chapter forges , each Chapter having an officer known as the Master of the Forge who is responsible for ensuring its armouries receive a steady supply of vehicles and munitions. This is a high ranking and honourable position amongst the Chapter Masters headquarters staf that reports directly to the Chapter Master and is supported by an extensive staff comprising Techmarines , Artificers , Servitors , Techno-mats and the forge's slave workers.
Amongst their many duties, the Techmarines oversee the construction of new vehicle chassis , and although each Chapter has its own traditions and rituals of construction, they all folow a broadly similar pattern. The Chapter forges manufacture and assemble the required components, then the complete chassis——be it Rhino , Land Raider , Land Speeder , etc , is blessed and omens are read. Interpreting the omens indicates what specific type of vehicle is to be constructed from the metalic skeleton , so , for example , a Rhino chassis?may then be earmarked to become a Predator Annihilator , Razorback or Vindicator , and the vehicle is then returned to the forges to be completed.

Once any additional equipment required has been fitted , the Ceremonies?of Naming and Awakening are then performed ,the naming ceremony giving each individual vehicle its unique title.Examples include the Salamanders Rhino Nocturne’s Hamner, or the Iron Hands Land Raiders Myrmex and Metallus Gravus. Some Chapters proudy display this name on the vehicle’s exterior, while others believe it must be kept secret lest the enemy learn it?and gain power over the vehicle’s machine spirit.

The Ceremony of Awakening sees the initiation of the vehicle’s machine spirit into the Chapter. The machine spirit within is awoken from its slumber and only once this ceremony is complete, and the vehicle has been declared fit for service, is it handed to the armouries for storage until required. With the Chapters constantly fighting wars across the galaxy, attrition is high, and the Master of the Forge will allocate?new vehicles to fighting companies in need of replacements, or if a new major offensive is planned, will store them as part of the Chapter’s central reserve of heavy armour until they are needed.
Not all Chapters have the facility to make every vehicle they require. For example , the largest vehicles , such as Thunderhawk gunships, require vast manpower and ancient and arcane processes to construct. So some Space Marine Chapters have ties to nearby Forge Worlds and can draw on these in times of need——the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Space Marines long ago swore mutual oaths of service to the Imperium and ancient charters exist requiring Forge Worlds to supply Chapters with arms and armour when required.
In these cases vehicles are constructed to order and can only be supplied to the specific Chapter. Strict monitoring ensures that they do not fall into less trustworthy hands, and once complete, the new vehicle is delivered to the Chapters base of operations, often with great ceremony, renewing old ties of fealty or repaying ancient debts. The strict security around such arrangements is essential because Space Marine vehicles rank amongst the most potent technology available to the Imperium, and help to give the Space Marines an edge in battle. They cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of traitors, rebels, recidivists or spies, who might turn them against those they were originally intended for.
The Techmarines of the Adeptus Astartes are one of the very few bodies outside of the Adeptus Mechanicus inducted into the arcane rites of the machine, yet the two ancient institutions are so divergent in doctrine and demeanour that relations are often strained. The servants of the Machine God are rarely allowed within a Chapter's forge, except where long-standing ties between individual Forge Worlds and Chapters allow it. Despite this, some formal contact between the Adeptus Astartes and the Adeptus Mechanicus exists, and ancient treatises prevail whereby Techmarines receive training in the arcane arts of science and technology by serving an apprenticeship on a Forge World, some even travelling to Mars to learn from the master Techno Magi of the Red Planet. Each Techmarine initiated into the ancient lore of machines before returning to they Chapter and a few may even one day rise to the honoured rank of Master of the Forge.

Techmarines and the Chapter Cult
Techmarines often occupy an unusual position within their Chapters, especially in relation to the particular 'Chapter Cult' they and their brethren follow. Each Space Marine Chapter has its own traditions and rituals by which it venerates its Primarch and other key figures from its long and glorious history, some of them highly idiosyncratic. To be initiated into a Chapter cult is a high honour, and grants the initiate knowledge that is only possessed by a small number of warriors across the Imperium. Like their brethren, Techmarines are also initiated into the mysteries of their Chapter's cult, but they are also possessed of the secrets of the Cult of the Machine, into which they are initiated whilst learning their arcane craft alongside the Tech-Priests of Mars or other Forge Worlds.

In most cases, the Techmarine is able to absorb and reconcile the divergent secrets of both his own Chapter cult and of the Cult Mechanicus, but in some instances the doctrines of the two might be at odds in some way. They might both require certain oaths of the initiate, which may clash at some point in the Techmanne's future, for example, The Dark Angels and their Successors are a case in point regards this, for the oaths of the Unforgiven are terrible indeed and demand the initiate's complete adherence .Many Techmarines in the service of the Unforgiven Chapters are often a class apart from their brethren, party?to many secrets of both cults but never fully inducted into the deeper truths known only to the grim-faced masters of the Inner Circle.
Rites of Battle
Adeptus Astartes combat doctrine is very different to that of Imperial Guard forces and is largely dictated by the size of a Chapter and the nature of the mission, who are only required to take on the most vital and arduous of operations. Combat doctrine can generally be described in terms of rapid response and rapid strike, although all Space Marines are masters of all forms of warfare. Most Chapters lack the numerical strength and indeed the inclination to hold on to or dominate large areas of around, instead providing forces for short deployments with specific and strategically vital objectives.?
Chapters operate a very flexible command structure and although each is divided into ten companies, these generally provide a pool of warriors which can be combined to create strike forces of varying sizes. A company may fight together as a single unit or be split up into smaller combined arms forces, with strike forces being generally organised around a core of Tactical squads, supported by specialist Assault or Devastator troops as well as armoured units of all kinds.
Each company will have its own complement of transport vehicles, but the heavier armour is invariably drawn from the central Chapter Armoury — the exception to this is the Chapter's 1st Company, which often maintains its own Land Raiders and Stormravens as transports for its Terminator squads. Companies do not generally maintain Predators, Vindicators, Hunters or Whirlwinds as part of their permanent strength as such valuable and revered assets are more likely to be allocated on a mission-by-mission basis. When a strike force is dispatched,?its commander will request assets from the Armoury. The Master of the Forge, in consultation with the Chapter Master's headquarters and the strike force commander, will then allocate vehicles suitable for the task.

The crews for a Chapter's armoured vehicles comprise solely Space Marines, many assigned as required from the Tactical squads of the Chapter’s 6th?and 7th companies. All?Space?Marines are trained in the operation of armoured vehicles and armoured formation tactics as part of their core indoctrination——some going on to specialise in armoured operations, being trained upon larger vehicles and even being entrusted with basic maintenance tasks. All Space Marine vehicles are fitted with spinal interfaces that link with the custodian’s body by plugging into his power armour and black carapace.This alows them to become part of the vehicle , granting intuitive communion with its controls and systems.
Deployment of Armoured Units?
Infantry are the core fighting force of all?Adeptus Astartes Chapters. Heavily armed and armoured, and operating in Assault , Tactical and Devastator squads, they form the backbone of most Space Marine strike forces. Other arms are primaily deployed in support of these elite infantry warriors , although some do occasionaly operate independently when the situation requires them to do so.

The role of a Space Marine armoured unit is to deliver the decisive blow to an enemy at the critical point in the battle. It is deployed to break an enemy defensive system and , in close coordination with other arms, to destroy the most dangerous hostile units. The paramount principle of a Chapter's tank deployment and tactics is cooperation with its infantry squads, the infantry-tank assault force concentrating a Chapters fire and shock power into a narow sector for breakthrough and deep penetration operations. This is the preferred offensive method used by most Chapters for ground operations in the open field.
The deployment of heavy armour by Chapters is always for a specific mission or role. Tanks are rarely used for general advances, holding ground or for prolonged siege warfare, although none of these capabilities is beyond the Adeptus Astartes, and some may excel at them where necessity dictates.
A Chapter of around only a thousand warriors cannot sustain long deployments and such are the foes assailing Mankind , that there are ever more emergencies to avert elsewhere. The Space Marines' modus operandi focuses therefore on short term operations and rapid strikes, attacking fast with overwhelming force before redeploying to another war zone.
一個戰(zhàn)團由大約一千名戰(zhàn)士組成,他們無法維持長期部署;而且襲擾人類的敵人也極其眾多,其他區(qū)域中需要防止(發(fā)生)的緊急事件會更多。因此 星際戰(zhàn)士們的作戰(zhàn)方式側(cè)重于短期行動和快速打擊,利用壓倒性力量快速進攻,然后再被重新部署到另一個戰(zhàn)區(qū)。
During rare extended campaigns, after each deployment troops wil usualy be recalled?to their battle barge to re-arm and refit , before being redeployed to the surface for subsequent assaults.
Some war zones preclude the use of heavy armour. Examples include ship-to-ship boarding actions, infiltration missions for sabotage or intelligence gathering (often carried out by lightly equipped Scout units ), tunnel fighting and planet strikes. Orbital drops require a landing zone to be secured before heavier equipment can be landed safely, unless a Thunderhawk Transporter is available to deliver Rhinos or even Land Raiders directly into battle.
As well as armour and infantry units , strike forces also include artillery?assets. To a Space Marine commander , traditional artilery is of litte value.The nature of Space Marine operations means that there is often little time to establish artillery?positions or for the lengthy work of reducing an enemys fighting strength by attritional bombardment. Artillery?is invariably of the mobile, close support variety, able to move with the rest of the force and deliver short, sharp salvoes of fire to saturate a target immediately before or even during an ongoing assault. Few Space Marine Chapters possess heavy artilery capable of reducing enemy bunkers , pillboxes or walls to rubble at long ranges, and where they do, such war machines are often the relics of the earliest days of the Legiones Astartes and rarely used by the Chapters of the Age of the Imperium.
The heaviest firepower available to a force commander is provided by the Chapter's fleet. Orbital bombardment by the macro weapons of a battle barge or strike cruiser is a very blunt tool for a surgical strike force. Inaccurate, although devastating, an orbital strike is used to prepare the ground for a major assault, for destructive fire against large targets, for harassing fire or as a weapon of last resort. It might be able to hit a city or a map grid , but it cannot be relied upon to hit a specific target such as an individual bunker within that city or a moving target such as an enemy tank column. It lacks the speed to react to new targets or the accuracy for counter-artillery battery fire. Other factors also restrict its use. Spaceships must be pre - positioned in low orbit, which is not always possible or desirable during rapid assaults or where the world in question possesses effective?orbital defences.
The Rites of Modification?
The Tech - Priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus claim stewardship over all forms of machine utilised across the million and more worlds of the Imperium, and it is certainly true that without their constant ministrations the vast?majority of those machines would fal silent , and with them many of the cultures they sustain. The servants of the Omnissiah abhor almost all forms of progress, distrustful of advancements that might cause machine to turn upon man, as indeed it is held by some once happened. New war machines therefore are not invented but discovered , beneath the dust of ancient battlefields or in crumbling tomes in continent-sized libraria. The Space Marines exist apart from the bulk of humanity however , and the technology they utilise is of a distinctive class visibly different from that available to most within the Imperium. This difference extends further than mere aesthetics, for the Techmarines of the Adeptus Astartes know that their war machines are more favourably disposed to modification and augmentation than those utilised by the Imperial Guard or other divisions within?the Imperium's sprawling military. Thus , it is not unusual to uncover accounts of Space Marine commanders confronted with new?tactical situations ordering their Techmarines to modify their vehicles or weapons in some manner , and for a solution to be forthcoming. Such accounts enrage the servants of the Machine God, who regard it as blasphemy and an affront to al they hold sacred , and it is far from uncommon for delegations of Tech-Priests to demand access to a Chapter’s forge having heard of such modifications being undertaken , but few Masters of the Forge are likely to suffer such an insult. Nevertheless, even the mighty Space Marines must rely upon the Adeptus Mechanicus at times, and so wise Chapter Masters act to ensure that the Tech-Priests are appraised of the Forge’s developments and , where necessary, new patterns are ceded to them for further study .
IA2節(jié)譯:星際戰(zhàn)士裝甲武庫的評論 (共 條)