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9.2/9.3 GRE考前點題機(jī)經(jīng)

2023-08-30 17:33 作者:再不學(xué)GRE就瘋了  | 我要投稿


1、n is an integer greater than or equal to 5.?

Quantity A: The number of positive factors of n?

Quantity B: The number of positive factors of n + 2?

A.?Quantity A is greater.?

B. Quantity B is greater.?

C. The two quantities are equal.?

D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

2、In 1998 the yearly expenses to run a certain small business were x dollars. In 1999 the yearly expenses to run the business increased by 10 percent of the 1998 yearly expenses. In 2000 the yearly expenses decreased by 5 percent of the 1999 yearly expenses.?

Quantity A: The percent increase from 1998 to 2000 in the yearly expenses to run the business?

Quantity B: 5%?

A. Quantity?A is greater.?

B. Quantity B is greater.?

C. The two quantities are equal.?

D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.


1、In the species under discussion, the expression of emotions and transmission of information are ____ the production and hearing of sounds, resulting as much from a great variety of postures and gestures.?

A. chiefly dependent on?

B. hardly limited to?

C. rarely accomplished by?

D. not overridden by?

E. severely constrained by?

2、The candidate accused some people who had _____ him of being by contrast very supportive of another candidate who took similar stands on most political issues.?

A. lauded?

B. noticed?

C. excoriated?

D. offended

E. Promoted



Simulations indicate, and observations confirm, that the particles constituting Saturn's rings are giving up angular momentum to moons of the planet. The simulations predict that over just a few hundred million years, the related energy transfer will cause the rings' collapse. An analogous process occurs around young stars in the disks of matter from which planets emerge, and these protoplanetary disks do vanish that quickly, computer models show. Yet if Saturn's rings are so short-lived, a large comet or moon-the ring’s presumed sourse- must have broken apart in Saturn’s vicinity within the past several hundred million years. That is quite unlikely. It would have much more probable in the young solar system-4 billion years ago or more.?

It can be inferred that the author of the passage mentions protoplanetary disks because?

A. The computer modeling techniques used to study them were later applied to Saturn’s rings?

B. Conclusions about them might reasonably be applied to Saturn’s rings?

C. The accepted understanding of them is challenged by observations of Saturn’s rings?

D. The material of which Saturn’s rings are composed must at one time have been in a protoplanetary disk around the Sun

E. Observations of Saturn’s rings may serve as a substitute for observations of protoplanetary disks


9.2/9.3 GRE考前點題機(jī)經(jīng)的評論 (共 條)

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