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The Surgeon 2

2023-04-23 21:48 作者:Kichho_Aslyim  | 我要投稿

Haytham: Evening, gentlemen.

Charles: Charming.

Haytham: Oh, peace, Charles! **He'll grow on you**.

Thomas: Oi, Catherine ya fussock! Get back here! Daddy needs a drink!

Haytham: **How fares** the search?

William: **Maths and maps are not cutting it.**

Haytham: **What of** your local contacts?

William: We'll need to earn their trust before they'll share what they know.

Thomas: **I have an idea on how we might be effective in that**. There is a man who has **taken to enslaving** natives. Rescue them and they'll owe us.

Haytham: Do you know where they're being held?

Thomas: 'Fraid not.

Charles: Benjamin Church will. He's a finder and a fixer. He's also on your list.

Haytham: **And there I was**, wondering whom I might **solicit** next. Well done.

`"He'll grow on you" is an idiom that means you will start to like or appreciate someone or something over time, even if you didn't like them initially.`

`The word "fare" in this context means "to occur" or "to happen". (How goes the search)`

`The phrase "take to doing" means to start doing something regularly or habitually. For example, "She's taken to jogging every morning"`?

`The phrase "there I was" is often used to start a story or anecdote, usually to describe a particular moment in time or a specific situation. It's a great way to grab the listener's attention and draw them into the story.`


Haytham: Wonderful.

Haytham: Charles!

Charles: Sir?

Haytham: Seems like we're not the only ones looking for Mister Church.

Charles: Dammit! He could be anywhere. What do we do?

Haytham: We find him. Come, I'll show you how.

Woman: Should we write his family, do you think?

Man: **Not our business to meddle**—**even if we've the best of intentions.**

Woman: But **if you could have seen it**! They were surely drunk, carrying on like that. And during the day, no less!

Man: Such scandalous behavior from one who aims to be a surgeon? Not likely if he keeps up such **carousing**...

Woman: A **truly** shameful display. Benjamin's parents would be **mortified**.

Man: Perhaps I should send someone to retrieve him before he **damages** his reputation **beyond repair**...

Woman: They **stumbled off** to the northeast—no doubt in search of a tavern or some other place of ill repute.

Haytham: Start questioning those on the street. I'm headed for higher ground...

`The phrase "place of ill repute" refers to a location that has a bad reputation or is associated with immoral or illegal activities.`?

`"Headed for" usually means that someone or something is on their way to a particular destination or goal`


Haytham: Time to take a listen. **With luck**, one of those people knows **what became of Benjamin**.

Redcoat 1: I've asked the **criers**, but they all **plead ignorance**.

Redcoat 2: **Bugger** that! They're lying.

Redcoat 1: Aye. What can I do? **Threats slide off them** and I'll not **deign to grovel**.

Redcoat 2: **Actions speak louder than words**, my friend. Arrest one and put him in stocks. See if he's so **glib** then

Redcoat 1: **To do so without cause** will **set** them singing songs about us. Last thing the city needs is town criers complaining about our abuse of authority.

Redcoat 2: Then forget it. The crime is done, the killers gone, and those who know won't share their secrets. If the city wishes to **harbor** scoundrels—**let them pay the price for it.**

`The phrase "what became of" is an idiom that means "what happened to." In the context of the sentence you provided.`

?`a town crier was a man whose job was to walk through the streets of a town shouting out news and official announcements.`

`The phrase "threats slide off them" means that a person is not affected by threats and intimidation . ep.Her confidence was so strong that threats of any kind simply slid off her like water off a duck's back.`

`In this context, "stocks" refers to a form of punishment used in the past where a person's ankles were locked into a wooden frame, known as the stocks, as a form of public humiliation and punishment.`?


Redcoat 1: ...and so he says to Church, that **one way or another** the **debt would be settled**. I don't envy the man. **He has grim times ahead.**

Redcoat 2: What do you think they're planning?

Redcoat 1: All I know is it can't be good. Cutter was with them.

Redcoat 2: Probably looking for a nice quiet place **to do the deed**. **From what I hear tell**, his work usually involves **quite a bit of** screaming..

Redcoat 1: **Which reminds me**, **we'd best not** buy any meat tomorrow.

Redcoat 2: **Good call**, that.

`The phrase "one way or another" means that something is going to happen, or be done, in some manner, regardless of the circumstances or obstacles that may arise.`

`The phrase "debt would be settled" means that a financial obligation or liability would be paid off or cleared`

`"He's grim times ahead."? "times" is noun here`

?`"From what I hear tell." This phrase is an idiomatic expression`



`"Good call, that" is an informal expression used to indicate that someone has made a good decision or choice`




Haytham: See, Charles? We'll have Church in no time, just as I said we would.

Charles: **If I might ask**, sir, where did you learn to do all this?

Haytham: It is a requirement when you are raised in the manner that I was. Perception is fundamental to the Order. **It guides the feet when running and climbing. Informs the hands when striking and fighting.** But most important, it transforms the senses. And we begin to know the world in a different way.?

Haytham:Careful. The place is **well guarded**. We need to slip past them...

Silas: Why must you always make these things so difficult, Benjamin? Merely provide me with **recompense** and all shall be forgiven.

Benjamin: I'll not pay for protection I don't need!

Silas: Clearly, you DO require protection, else we wouldn't be here.

Silas: **How very gauche**. Now, what shall we do about our guest?

Cutter: Maybe I take 'is hands. Put an end to 'is surgerin'. Maybe I take 'is tongue. Put an end to 'is **wagglin**'. Or maybe I take 'is cock. Put an end to 'is fuckin' us!

Silas: So many options. I can't possibly decide. Take all three.

Benjamin: Now hold a moment. **Perhaps I was hasty in refusing you earlier...**

Silas: I'm so very sorry, Benjamin, but that door has closed.

Benjamin: Be reasonable, Silas.

Silas: I'm so very sorry, Benjamin, but that door has closed.

Benjamin: **Be reasonable**, Silas.

Silas: I rather think I was. But **you took advantage of my generosity**. I won't be made a fool a second time. I fear **I lack the constitution to beat witness to such barbarism**. Come find me when you're finished, Cutter.

`"Tongue wagglin'" is a dialect term that typically refers to someone who is taunting or provoking someone else through their speech or body language.`?

`"constitution" means the mental or emotional strength and resilience to handle or endure something.`?

The Surgeon 2的評(píng)論 (共 條)

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