
:What are you looking at?
- 看什么看?
:You're welcome, you rotten little thief.
- 不客氣,小毛賊。
:I'm not a thief! I just borrowed your stupid coin. I was going to give it back to you as soon as I won the race.
- 我不是賊!我就是借用你的破金幣。贏了比賽之后馬上就會還你。
:It's not a coin. It is a medal.
- 那不是金幣,是枚獎牌。
:Coin, medal, whatever. Just go back to your own dumb game and win another one.
- 金幣,獎牌,管它呢?;啬愕娜踔怯螒蚶镌仝A一個不就行了。
:I can't. I didn't win it in my game. I won it in Hero's Duty.
- 不行,我不是在自己的游戲里贏的。是在英雄使命里贏的。
:Hero's Doodie?
- 英雄屎命?
:It's not that kind of duty.
- 不是那個"屎"。
:I bet you really got to watch where you step in a game called Hero's Doodie! What did you win the medal for, wiping? I hope you washed your hands after you handled that medal.
- 在英雄"屎"命這種游戲里,走路一定得注意腳底吧!你贏獎牌做什么,擦著玩嗎?希望你摸過獎牌之后記得洗手。
- 聽著!
:One more, one more. Why did the hero flush the toilet? Say "Why" .
- 還有一個,還有一個。為什么英雄要沖馬桶?問"為什么"。
- 為什么
:Because it was his doodie!
- 因為那是他的"屎"命!
:How dare you insult Hero's Duty? You little guttersnipe! I earned that medal and you better get it back for me toot- sweet, sister!
- 你竟敢侮辱英雄使命?黃毛丫頭!獎牌是我贏來的,你最好麻利地給我拿回來,小妹妹!
:Well, unless you've got a go- cart hidden in the fat folds of your neck, I can't help you!
- 除非你后脖頸的贅肉里,藏著一輛卡丁車,不然我也沒辦法!