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2023-08-04 14:46 作者:--Titanic-  | 我要投稿



ECAM 飛機中央電子監(jiān)控系統(tǒng),空客獨有的系統(tǒng),通過推理手柄上面幾行小的按鍵去切換監(jiān)控對象,比如Door監(jiān)控客艙門,Wheels監(jiān)控起落架。A320的ECAM顯示屏是中間兩塊顯示屏。

APU 輔助電力系統(tǒng),不做贅述

ADIRS 大氣數(shù)據(jù)基準慣性系統(tǒng)

一 通電



The A320 is normally powered by the two engine generators during flight. When the engines are not running an Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) in the rear of the aircraft can be used to provide power. On the ground when the aircraft is parked we can also connect an external power generator to the power inlet on the outside. If all generators fail during flight a ram air turbine (RAT) automatically deploys and is driven by the airstream to provide essential power. Lastly the A320 has two batteries that provide DC power for APU start.


Upon entering the flight deck:

  1. 檢查雨刮器、氣象雷達是否關(guān)閉

    Check that the wipers and weather radar are turned off

  2. 確保起落架手柄已經(jīng)放下,引擎主開關(guān)已經(jīng)關(guān)閉,引擎模式選擇器處于正常狀態(tài)

    Check that the landing gear lever is down, engine master switches are off and engine mode selector is normal

  3. Check Battery Voltage greater than 25.5V


  4. Push BAT 1 and BAT 2 pushbuttons to turn both batteries on which will give us basic DC power

    按下BAT 1和BAT 2(即一號電池和二號電池),從而獲得最基本的直流電

  5. 當(dāng)EXT PWR按鍵(即外部電源)?顯示綠色的AVAIL,按下以取得為駕駛艙顯示屏提供電力的外部交流電

    When the EXT PWR pushbutton shows a green AVAIL text push it to use the external AC power for the flight deck screens

二 啟動APU

  1. 按住頂板上半部分的APU火警測試按鈕。這觸發(fā)了火警測試,這時APU消防按鈕、滅火器按鈕,并顯示紅色ECAM主警告和APU FIRE ECAM操作亮起。這時松開按鈕。

    Push and hold the APU fire test pushbutton in the upper part of the overhead panel. This triggers the fire test which illuminates the APU fire button, fire extinguisher button and show a red ECAM master warning and APU FIRE ECAM action. Release the button again


    Push the APU MASTER SW pushbutton

  3. 等待幾秒鐘,讓APU完成APU自我測試并打開引氣門,您可以在下面那塊ECAM的APU頁面上進行監(jiān)控。

    Wait for a few seconds for the APU for the APU self test to complete and inlet door to open, which you can monitor on the APU page in the lower ECAM

  4. 按下APU START按鈕,從而打開APU

    Push the APU START pushbutton to start the APU

  5. APU成功啟動之后,APU START 按鍵上會顯示一個綠色的AVAIL,上面那塊ECAM 顯示屏也會在右半欄里顯示APU AVAIL

    When the APU has started the START button shows a green AVAIL light and the upper ECAM shows an APU AVAIL memo in the right column

  6. APU打開后,打開APU BLEED系統(tǒng)

    Turn on the APU BLEED when the APU is available

  7. 檢查PACK?1、PACK 2按鍵,確保兩個空調(diào)組件已經(jīng)打開.

    Check that both air conditioning packs are turned on with the PACK 1 and PACK 2 buttons

  8. 按下L TK PUMP 1和?2,CTR TK 1 和?2,R?TK PUMP 1和?2,從而打開所有的油泵

    Turn on all fuel pumps by pressing the L TK PUMP 1 and 2, CTR TK 1 and 2, and R TK PUMP 1 and 2 buttons

  9. 確保頂板上沒有按鍵顯示白光(有的話都按下去)

    Check that no white lights are remaining in the overhead panel

三 大氣數(shù)據(jù)慣性基準系統(tǒng)和燈光、客艙標(biāo)識

ADIRS and Signs

  • 將所有ADIRS旋鈕旋轉(zhuǎn)至NAV位置,從而開始對準過程(即獲取基本數(shù)據(jù))

    Set all three ADIRS switches to the NAV position to start the alignment process

  • 將NAV&LOGO燈調(diào)整至“1”的位置

    Turn on the first set of navigation light by placing the NAV & LOGO light switch to the “1” position.

  • 將EMER EXIT LT調(diào)整至ARM位置

    Arm the passenger emergency exit lights by setting the EMER EXIT LT to the center ARM position


    Set the SEAT BELTS and NO SMOKING switches to AUTO




We can perform an engine fire test for ENG 1 and then ENG 2 by pressing and holding the TEST button in the upper part of the overhead panel. You should see the engine fire button light up red, the two fire extinguisher buttons illuminate and you should see and hear a red master warning, a red engine fire message on the ECAM as well as a red FIRE text on the engine master switch

  • 按住一號引擎的火警測試按鈕,然后對二號引擎做同樣的操作.

    Press and hold the ENG 1 fire test button, then repeat for ENG 2

  • 確保襟翼處于收起狀態(tài).

    Check that the flap lever is at the indicated flap position

  • 確保擾流板處于收起狀態(tài)

    Check that the speed brake lever is retracted

  • 確保已經(jīng)拉好“手剎”.

    Check that the parking brake is on

  • 確保剎車蓄壓器足夠保證“手剎”始終不松.

    Check the brake accumulator pressure is sufficient to hold the parking brake on

  • 打開ECAM的引擎頁面,檢查油量

    Open the ECAM engine page and check the engine oil quantity

  • 檢查液壓油量

    Check the ECAM hydraulic oil quantity

  • 檢查氧分壓

    Check the ECAM oxygen pressure

  • 打開ECAM上狀態(tài)頁面(status)并檢查

    Check the ECAM status page

  • 按下ECAM的recall按鍵,檢查先前的警告

    Press the ECAM recall button to display any previously cautions and warnings

五 引擎啟動前



We’re now entering the minimum necessary values into the MCDU.

  1. 打開INIT B界面,填入ZWF、ZWFCG和航程燃油質(zhì)量信息

    Set the ZWF and ZFWCG as well as the BLOCK FUEL mass on the INIT B page

  2. 在起飛性能頁填入V1、VR、V2速度以及起飛襟翼

    On the performance takeoff page insert the V1, VR and V2 speeds and takeoff flaps



  1. 將BEACON LT(信標(biāo)燈)調(diào)整為“on”

    Set the BEACON light switch to on

  2. 讓ECAM顯示預(yù)設(shè)頁面.可以通過按下當(dāng)前頁面對應(yīng)的按鈕實現(xiàn);當(dāng)CLR按鍵顯示綠燈時也可以按下CLR.

    Display the default ECAM page by pressing the manually selected ECAM page button or by pressing the CLR button if they are highlighted in green

  3. 確保所有的油泵已經(jīng)開啟,APU正在運行,APU引氣口已經(jīng)開啟.

  4. Check that all fuel pumps are on, that the APU is running and that APU BLEED is turned on

  5. 確保所有艙門已經(jīng)關(guān)閉:按下ECAM的DOORS按鍵,在屏幕上點擊還開著的門.

    Check that all doors are closed. Open the ECAM DOORS page and click on any doors that are still open. After a while the label will change from amber to white to show the door closed and slide armed

六 啟動引擎



With the APU running and APU BLEED and all fuel pumps on, parking brake set and beacon light on we can now commence with the engine start. Start sequence is right engine #2 first, then left engine #1.

  • 講引擎模式選擇器調(diào)整至IGN/START(即點火/啟動).

  • Set the engine mode selector to IGN/START

  • 將二號引擎主開關(guān)打開.

  • Move the ENG2 master switch from OFF to ON


The full authority digital engine controller (FADEC) now automatically starts the engine. The lower ECAM displays the engine page and we can see the air starter valve open and ignition A or B being used for the engine start. The engine core N2 and engine fan N1 rotation speeds are rising and the fuel flow (FF) and exhaust gas temperature (EGT) is increasing. When the engine is started successfully a green AVAIL text is displayed above the engine N1 indication.

  • 對一號引擎重復(fù)相同的操作

    Repeat the process for the engine #1

  • 當(dāng)一號引擎也在上面的ECAM顯示綠色的AVAIL時,將引擎模式選擇器調(diào)整回NORMAL.

    When engine #1 also displays a green AVAIL indication on the upper ECAM set the engine mode selector back to NORMAL

A320冷艙啟動教程的評論 (共 條)

临朐县| 莱西市| 板桥市| 闵行区| 根河市| 库尔勒市| 曲靖市| 永登县| 漾濞| 新晃| 富蕴县| 石家庄市| 鸡东县| 利辛县| 漯河市| 周口市| 南乐县| 通化县| 土默特左旗| 镇远县| 奉节县| 隆回县| 西平县| 伊宁县| 江永县| 怀宁县| 西城区| 康定县| 东至县| 临湘市| 昭平县| 太仓市| 柯坪县| 津市市| 凤冈县| 建阳市| 西贡区| 砀山县| 铜川市| 江源县| 平谷区|