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2023-08-27 21:49 作者:是fu一一耶  | 我要投稿


  • 聽不清(沒有太聽懂):well, I am so sorry I didn't get your question. could you please repeat it for me? I would appreciate it a lot.
  • 聽不懂:Oh, I have to apologize for my vocabulary, because, I cannot understand your question. Could you rephrase in some common words or should we just move to the next question? Sorry for the trouble!


  • 舉例論證

xxx(觀點及簡單分析). Oh, it remainds me of something happened last month. A friend of mine named xxx, he/she xxx. I think this would be of help in supporting my stance.


In the context of environmental protection, I believe it is imperative that we adopt measures such as xxx to ensure a greener and more sustainable future for our planet.


I must admit, xxx

雅思口語Part3滿分框架|口語7.5?的隱藏規(guī)則|解決一切突發(fā)情況和特殊話題的評論 (共 條)

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