## 來(lái)自你的消息:
Richard H. Steckel
Richard A. Jensen
Working Paper No. 15140
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
January 1985
We have benefitted from the comments or help of Raymond Cohn,
Philip Curtin, David Eltis, Stanley Engerman, Roderick Floud,
Donald Haurin, Kenneth Kiple, Robert Margo, Jerry Thursby, and
seminar participants at Brigham Young University. Judy Collingwood
and Cheryl Zinker provided valuable research assistance The
research reported here is part of the NBER's research program in
Development of the American Economy. Any opinions expressed are
those of the authors and not those of the National Bureau of
Economic Research.
NBER Working Paper #1540
January 1985
Determinants of Slave and Crew
Mortality in the Atlantic Slave Trade
This paper measures and. analyzes death rates that prevailed in the
Atlantic slave trade during the late 1700s. Crew members died primarily
from fevers (probably malaria) and slaves died primarily from gastrointestinal
diseases. Annual death rates in this activity were 230 per thousand
among the crew and 83 per thousand among slaves. The lack of immunities
to the African disease environment contributed to the high death rates
among the crew. The spread of dysentery among slaves during the voyage
was probably exacerbated by congestion and. poor nutrition. Death rates
differed systematically by region of origin in Africa and. season of the
year. There was little interaction between the incidence of slave and.
crew deaths. The high death rates make the slave trade a demographic
laboratory for study of health and mortality ad an economic laboratory
for study of markets for free labor.
Richard H. Steckel
Economics Department
Ohio State University
Columbtis, Ohio 1132l0
(6lI) 422-50Q8
Richard A. Jensen
Economics Department
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio 132lO
(61)-i.) Li.229339
## 來(lái)自ChatAI的消息:
Richard H. Steckel
Richard A. Jensen
我們受益于Raymond Cohn、Philip Curtin、David Eltis、Stanley Engerman、Roderick Floud、Donald Haurin、Kenneth Kiple、Robert Margo、Jerry Thursby以及布里格漢姆青年大學(xué)的研討會(huì)與研究人員的評(píng)論和幫助。Judy Collingwood和Cheryl Zinker提供了有價(jià)值的研究幫助。此處報(bào)告的研究是NBER發(fā)展美國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)研究計(jì)劃的一部分。任何觀點(diǎn)均屬作者個(gè)人觀點(diǎn),而非美國(guó)國(guó)家經(jīng)濟(jì)研究局的觀點(diǎn)。
Richard H. Steckel
哥倫布, 俄亥俄州11321
(6lI) 422-50Q8
Richard A. Jensen
哥倫布, 俄亥俄州13210
(61)-i.) Li.229339
## 來(lái)自你的消息:
One of the early political expressions of opposition to slavery occurred
in the late 1700s when Parliament considered proposals to ameliorate condi tions in the slave trade. The treatment and mortality of slaves emerged as
central questions in deliberations and the debate led to collection and study
of evidence on conditions in Africa, the middle passage, and the New World.
Legislation in 1788 took the form of limits on the slave—carrying capacity of
vessels; the requirement that slave vessels carry a surgeon who cared for
slaves and who monitored conditions through a journal that noted deaths and
causes of death: and a system of bonuses to ship captains and surgeons.
Controversy over the health and mortality of persons involved in the
slave trade has persisted from the era of the campaign against slavery to the
present. The debate continues in part because the rhetoric, the charges and
counter-charges, and the tactics of the supporters and foes of the institution
often obscured the underlying realities. More fundamental to modern research,
however, are the facts that substantially limited information on these ques tions survives to the present and the levels and determinants of health and
mortality are central to larger questions such as the economic costs of the
slave trade to Western Europe, the profitability of slavery and the slave
trade, and the impact of legislation on the slave trade.
Studies of mortality in the Atlantic slave trade have relied extensively
on data from company records, newspapers, and government sources such as port
records, papers required by legislation monitoring or regulating the trade,
and the results of special inquiries.' The measure of mortality commonly con structed from these sources is the ratio of slave deaths to the number of
slaves embarked, although some authors have used the ratio divided by voyage
length multiplied by 1000.2 The central questions of research have included
mortality differences by region of departure from Africa, the effect of crowding on mortality, voyage length and the probability of death, the secular
trend in mortality rates, and the importance of vessels that had an unusually
high number of deaths.
## 來(lái)自ChatAI的消息:
## 來(lái)自你的消息:
This paper extends work in the area by analyzing 92 surgeons' logs
required by Dolben's Act of 178R. The ships in the sample originated from the
major supply regions in Africa and span the years 1792 to 1796. The excep tional value of the logs for measuring levels and studying determinants of
mortality stems from the combination of information on dates of death, causes
of death, and records for slaves as well as crew. Because dates of death and
the number of persons at risk are available, true death rates can be calcu lated. The death rates are relevant for comparisons with the mortality expe riences of other populations. The chronological record also permits study of
death rates by day during loading and during the voyage as opposed to study of
the journey as a whole that is common in previous work. Although the diagnos tic capabilities of ship surgeons were primitive by modern standards, the
symptoms of several diseases or disease categories common in the slave trade
were sufficiently distinctive to be useful. This combined with the systematic
enumeration of causes enables a statistical examination of causes of mortality
that is more detailed then previously undertaken. The mortality records of
the crew furnish a backdrop against which slave mortality can be compared and
cont rasted.
The analysis begins with death rates by cause of death, The results of
this inquiry suggest a plan of action for study of major causes of death
during loading and during the voyage. The next portion compares the findings
of this paper with previous work, and the last section considers the general ity of the results. The analysis generally accepts the data at face value;
the hazards of doing this and features of the data are discussed in the appendix.
## 來(lái)自ChatAI的消息:
## 來(lái)自你的消息:
The surgeon maintained a chronological journal of loadings and unload—
ings, usually in categories of men, women, boys, and girls, although sometimes
only males and females or men and women were enumerated. Slaves were frequently held on board until departure for the West Indies. Slaves unloaded
include those sold to other vessels and pawns (captives held as security
before transactions were completed) and sick slaves returned to shore.3 Slave
sales or transfers to other ships were extensive on a few vessels. A computer
program written for these data tabulates the number at risk each day from
first loading to the final destination in the West Indies.
Muster rolls establish the crew size at the time of departure from
England for 45 out of 92 vessels in the sample. Crew size for the remaining
vessels was estimated from a regression of crew size on tons.4 The available
muster rolls show that relatively few crew members left the ship or were taken
on board before the ship reached the West Indies. As an approximation it was
assumed that crew size changed only through deaths. Thus the estimated number
of crew at risk may be inaccurate for particular vessels.
Death rates were calculate from the chronological record of deaths and
data on the average number of person-years at risk during a particular time
period.5 The tables express results in annual rates per 1000 to facilitate
comparisons with other populations.
## 來(lái)自ChatAI的消息:
## 來(lái)自你的消息:
Medical Knowledge
The information available on casues of death must be approached cau tiously given the rudimentary medical knowledge of the late 1700s.6 The
difficulties stem from the lack of a germ theory of disease to guide inquiry
and from the poor state of medical instruments and procedures necessary for
precise diagnosis. In making a diagnosis that would guide treatment the surgeons drew upon visible symptoms of the patient. Unfortunately not all important symptoms of a particular disease were visible, the symptoms may have
changed over time as the disease ran its course, and some diseases with distinctly different causes have symptoms in common. The problems of identification were compounded if the patient had more than one disease.
Medical diagnosis of cause or causes of death is important for investigation of socioeconomic and epidemiological factors in mortality. Knowledge of
the disease or diseases involved conveys information about the net influence
of the prevalence or pathogens, mechanisms of transmission, and the susceptibility of individuals in the population. Unfortunately the surgeons recorded
few visible detals and their observations were often grouped under broad headings such as "fevers," "dysentery," and "diarrhea." The fevers no doubt
included malaria and probably yellow fever and the gastrointestinal diseases
no doubt included shigellosis (bacillary dysentery)and possibly amoebic
dysentery.7 However, fever sometimes acconpanies gastrointestinal diseases
and vomiting and diarrhea may acconpany malaria and yellow fever.8 Thus it is
not safe to conclude that "fevers" were confined entirely to diseases spread
by mosquitoes or that gastrointestinal diseases such as "diarrhea" were confined entirely to diseases spread by ingestion of contaminated matter.
## 來(lái)自ChatAI的消息:
## 來(lái)自你的消息:
Tables 1—4 show the death rates calculated for slaves and crew during
loading and the voyage. Comparisons involving the overall rates given in the
last row of the third column of each table demonstrate that loading and the
voyage were extraordinarily hazardous to life. The rates are exceptional when
placed in the proper perspective of the probable age range of the slaves and
crew. Death rates are ordinarily highest during infancy, then decline during
childhood and reach a minimum just before or during adolescence, The rates
usually rise gradually for many years beyond the minimum and then accelerate
upwards in the 60s and beyond. Under ordinary circumstances most deaths were
confined to the very young and the old. Typical eighteenth—century Western
European populations in the age range 10—34, for example, probably had average
annual death rates not exceeding roughly 1 percent.9 Furthermore, the upper
limit of recorded experience for this age group when not living under severe
circumstances such as war or famine is less than 2 percent.10 The slaves and
crew faced death rates several times higher than their contemporaries engaged
in ordinary activities. The slave trade therefore provides a laboratory for
study of health and mortality under extreme circumstances.
The slave trade was relatively hazardous for the crew, particularly
during loading. Compared to slaves the death rates of the crew were more than
5 times higher during loading and nearly twice as high during the voyage. The
absolute levels of crew death rates were on the low to middle range of magnitudes reported by others for European populations residing in western Africa
during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.1' The surgeons logs support
the view that western Africa was the "white man's grave." The extraordinary
death rates for the crew raise interesting questions about the operation of
markets for free labor that engaged in the slave trade, Comparisons of the
slave trade with other types of voyages would add a dimension of perspective
to the slave trade and may provide insights into causes of mortality.
## 來(lái)自ChatAI的消息:
## 來(lái)自你的消息:
The chances of death changed considerably during the course of loading
and the voyage. mong slaves the safest period occurred about 3 to 6 months
before departure; the death rate at this time was 22.8 per thousand, or in the
neighborhood of twice the rate expected for settled populations not facing
severe circumstances. From this low the rate nearly tripled to 64.5 per thou sand during the four weeks before departure, continued to rise during the
early part of the voyage, and reached a peak of 145.9 per thousand during days
29—42 of the voyage. Slave death rates followed an inverted—U shape during
the voyage and differed by a factor of roughly 2 to 1. Compared to slaves,
crew death rates were less volatile during loading and reached a plateau of
nearly 350 per thousand in weeks 5-12. Over three-quarters of all crew deaths
during the voyage occurred within the first four weeks.
During the operations of loading and the voyage over 60 percent of the
crew deaths were from fevers and over 40 percent of the slave deaths were frOm
gastrointestinal diseases. The share of crew deaths from fevers was slightly
higher during loading (68%) compared to the voyage (54%). Among slaves thQ
shares of deaths from gastrointestinal diseases were approximately constant
during loading (38%) and the voyage (41%). Gastrointestinal diseases claimed
16 percent of crew deaths and fevers amounted to 8 percent of slave losses.
The minor causes of slave deaths included respiratory diseases (5%), sui cide (3%), scurvy (2%), insurrection (2%), and accidents. Among crew deaths 8
percent involved accidents (primarily drowning), 2 percent scurvy, 1 percent
respiratory, and 1 percent insurrection. The fotheru category includes well—
defined but relatively infrequent ailments such as yaws and dropsy, several
poorly—described diseases (e.g. sudden death," "sulks," "fits," "delirium,"
and "relaxed"), and many illegible entries. Most of the slave deaths from
respiratory diseases (89%) and scurvy (88%) occurred on the voyage, particu larly near the middle and the end of the trip, which is consistent with claims
and evidence that the voyage was debilitating. The low death rates from
scurvy suggest that measures sometimes taken as early as the late eighteenth
century to include vitamin C in the diet through foods such as lime juice may
have been used.12 Information on exact dates of death available in the logs
indicates that slave suicides were concentrated during or shortly after
slaves were first loaded and at the time the ship left Africa.
## 來(lái)自ChatAI的消息:
## 來(lái)自你的消息:
It is important to note that smallpox and measles were virtually absent
as causes of death in these data. Inoculation against smallpox was practiced
in England as early as the mid 1700s, and the availability of the technology
suggests that it may have been used on slaves.13 It is also possible that
native Africans practiced inoculation.14 Because the logs pertain to only to
a few years (1792-1796), it is also possible that epidemic conditions for this
disease were temporarily favorable.
Because the underlying causes and methods of transmission of many
diseases are quite different, the investigation of determinants of mortality
will be undertaken by disease category. The data in Tables 1-4make it clear
that fevers and gastrointestinal diseases should be the focus of attention.
Other causes of death are relevant to the entire picture, but their frequency
of occurrence——even for the most important minor causes such as accidents
among the crew and respiratory diseases among slaves-—is so low that syste—
matic study is not feasible with these data.
The configurations of death rates by day of loading, day before depar ture, and day of voyage suggest that determinants of mortality substantially
involved a time—dependent process. The importance of time is easily seen for
gastrointestinal diseases involving slaves; death rates more than doubled from
the beginning to the end of loading and continued to climb, reaching a peak
during the third to the fifth week of the voyage. The pattern of death rates
resembles the beginning, height, and end of an epidemic.
The concepts of agent, host, environment, and incubation period as
employed by epidemiologists are useful for understanding mortality from dysentery.'5 The spread of an infectious disease depends upon the probability of
contact between an infectious agent and individuals, and the susceptibility of
individuals. The amount of infectious material in the environment is a function of the number of infected individuals or hosts of the agent, the duration
and extent to which infectious material is expelled by hosts3 the rate of survival of the agent in the environment, the route of entry into the host, and
the existence of alternative reservoirs or hosts of the agent. The availability of hosts varies with the mobility and interpersonal contact within the
population group, and the immunityor other means of resistence to the agent
by individuals. The incubation period is the interval of time between contact
with an infectious agent and the onset of illness. Each disease has a characteristic incubation period, which may vary among individuals. The discussion
so far has assumed a situation with case—to-case transmission of disease, but
the concepts can easily be extended to include the spread of infection from a
central source such as contaminated food or liquid.
## 來(lái)自ChatAI的消息:
## 來(lái)自你的消息:
The epidemiology of malaria and yellow fever involve intermediate hosts.
The parasites responsible for these infections spend part of their life cycle
inhabiting mosquitoes and so the path of transmission is from man (or other
host) in his infectious stage, to mosquito, and subsequently from mosquito to
man. These diseases therefore involve populations of mosquitoes and humans
(or other hosts), each with its own set of susceptible and infective hosts.
African natives were ordinarily infected with malaria as children, and those
who survived had a limited immunity to further symptoms, but could act as
hosts.'6 Thus malaria was hyperendemic in coastal areas of western Africa,
and the spread of the disease among European newcomers resembled a stochastic
version of contamination from a central source. Unlike malaria, yellow fever
kills the victim within 5 to 7 days or follows by rapid recàvery and life—long
immunity that prevents the individual from acting again as a host. The yellow
fever parasite occasionally died out in parts of .Africa, particularly in iso
lated areas, but the chances of an epidemic increased as the nonimmune popula tion grew and as contacts with the outside carried the disease. Europeans may
have contributed to periodic yellow fever epidemics as noninimune hosts.
The spread of infectious disease is a complex process that can be summa rized using mathematical models.'7 In a simple deterministic model of an epi demic, for example, disease spreads by contact between infectives and suscept ibles, there is no removal from circulation by death, recovery, or isolation,
and infections remain contagious throughout the epidemic. The epidemic curve
shows the rate at which new cases accrue over time under the conditions or
parameters specified by the model. The time pattern of deaths is derivable
from the epidemic curve by incorporating magnitudes for the share of those
infected who fail to survive and the delay from the onset of symptoms to
death. More complex models can involve infection and removal, intermediate
hosts, geographical spread, stochastic phenomena, latent and infectious peri ods, and lost immunity. The a priori formulation of a model appropriate for
slaves or crew would be difficult in part because many conditions relevant to
the model are unknown. Indeed, the relevant conditions are an important
object of investigation. Nevertheless, an epidemic model is a useful frame work for thought. Some of the parameters in such a model were given and
others were under the control or influence of slave traders, ship captains,
and surgeons. The extent and nature of control are topics for the next section of the paper.
## 來(lái)自ChatAI的消息: