今天要說的這個詭計是出自一本1898年的偵探小說《A Master of Mysteries》(解謎大師)的第一個短篇《The mystery of the circular chamber》(圓形房間之謎),作者是L. T. Meade和Robert Eustace。
Hard-headed old physician that he was, he was literally aghast when I told him my story. He explained to me that a man placed in the position in which I was when the floor began to move would by means of centrifugal force suffer from enormous congestion of the brain. In fact, the revolving floor would induce an artificial condition of apoplexy. If the victim were drugged or even only sleeping heavily, and the floor began to move slowly, insensibility would almost immediately be induced, which would soon pass into coma and death, and a post-mortem examination some hours afterwards would show no cause for death, as the brain would appear perfectly healthy, the blood having again left it.