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2023-10-24 17:14 作者:神尾智代  | 我要投稿

Palestine in the ancient world was part of the region known as Canaan where the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah were located. The term `Palestine' was originally a designation of an area of land in southern Canaan which the people known as the Philistines occupied a very small part of.




The Canaanites, Canaanite-Phoenicians, and the Israelites, among others, established themselves in the area much earlier. The Philistines are thought to have come to the area toward the end of the Bronze Age c. 1276 BCE and established themselves on the southern coastal plain of the Mediterranean Sea in an area afterwards known as Philistia.



等早已在該地區(qū)定居。非利士人被認為是在青銅時代末期(約公元前 1276 年)抵達該地區(qū),他們在地中海南部沿海平原建立了自己的勢力,該地區(qū)后來被稱為Philistia(非利士)。

The whole of the region was referred to as `Canaan' in Mesopotamian texts and trade records found at Ebla and Mari as early as the 18th century BCE while the term `Palestine' does not appear in any written records until the 5th century BCE in the Histories of Herodotus. After Herodotus, the term `Palestine' came to be used for the entire region which was formerly known as Canaan.

早在公元前 18 世紀,在埃勃拉




發(fā)現的美索不達米亞文字和貿易記錄中,整個地區(qū)都被稱為“Canaan”(迦南),而“Palestine”(巴勒斯坦)一詞直到公元前 5 世紀才出現在希羅多德(Herodotus)的《歷史》中。希羅多德之后,“Palestine”(巴勒斯坦)一詞被用來指代之前被稱為“Canaan”(迦南)的整個地區(qū)。

The region is part of the so-called fertile crescent and human habitation there can be traced back to before 10, 000 BCE. The lands were originally inhabited by nomadic hunter-gatherers who most likely immigrated from Mesopotamia but became sedentary agriculturalists by the Early Bronze Age (c.3300-c.2000 BCE). In the Middle Bronze Age (c. 2000-c.1550 BCE)) trade with other nations expanded and Canaan prospered and in the Late Bronze Age (c.1550-c. 1200 BCE) this affluence continued as the region was incorporated into the Egyptian Empire (c.1570-c.1069 BCE).

該地區(qū)是所謂新月沃土 (Fertile Crescent)的一部分,人類在此居住的歷史可追溯到公元前 10000 年以前。這片土地的最初居住者是游牧狩獵采集者,他們很可能是從美索不達米亞移民過來的,但到了青銅時代早期(約公元前 3300 年至公元前 2000 年),他們成為了定居農業(yè)者。到了青銅時代中期(約公元前 2000 年至公元前 1550 年),此地與其他國家的貿易不斷擴大,迦南也隨之繁榮起來。到了青銅時代晚期(約公元前 1550 年至公元前 1200 年),隨著該地區(qū)并入埃及帝國(約公元前 1570 年至公元前 1069 年),這種富庶的景象得以延續(xù)。

As Egypt's influence and power waned, that of the Assyrians grew and there were Assyrian incursions into other lands as early as 1295 BCE. The entire Near East suffered during the so-called Bronze Age Collapse of c. 1250-c. 1150 BCE and Canaan was no exception. According to the biblical Book of Joshua, the Israelite general Joshua invaded the land and divided the region among his people. At approximately the same time, however, the Sea Peoples (whose identity remains unknown) arrived in the region and could have been responsible for the evident destruction of towns and cities, as they were in other nations.

隨著埃及影響力和實力日漸衰落,亞述人的影響力和實力不斷增強,早在公元前 1295 年,亞述人就曾入侵其他國家。在公元前約 1250 年至公元前 1150 年所謂的青銅時代崩潰時期,整個近東都遭受了損失,迦南也不例外。據《圣經-約書亞記》記載,以色列將軍約書亞



The Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, and the armies of Alexander the Great all conquered the region in succession and, finally, so too, the armies of Rome. By the time Rome appeared in the land it was long known as Judea, a term taken from the ancient Kingdom of Judah which had been destroyed by the Babylonians. It was also referred to, however, as Palestine and, after the Bar-Kochba Revolt of 132-136 CE, the Roman emperor Hadrian renamed the region Syria-Palaestina to punish the Jewish people for their insurrection (by naming it after their two traditional enemies, the Syrians and the Philistines). The designations Philistia, Roman Judea, and Palestine were all in use afterwards.

亞述人、巴比倫人、波斯人和亞歷山大大帝的軍隊都先后征服了這一地區(qū),最后羅馬軍隊也征服了這里。當羅馬軍隊出現在這片土地上時,這里早已被稱為猶大(Judea),這個詞來自于被巴比倫人摧毀的古代猶大王國。然而,它也被稱為“Palestine”(巴勒斯坦),在公元 132-136 年的巴爾科赫巴起義后,羅馬皇帝哈德良將該地區(qū)改名為“Syria-Palaestina”(敘利亞-巴勒斯坦),以懲罰猶太人的叛亂(用他們的兩個傳統(tǒng)敵人敘利亞人和非利士人的名字命名)。此后,非利士、羅馬猶太和巴勒斯坦的稱謂繼續(xù)沿用。

When the Western Roman Empire fell, Palestine was taken by the Eastern or Byzantine Empire and held until c. 634 CE when it was taken by invading Muslim armies from Arabia.

西羅馬帝國滅亡后,東羅馬帝國(或拜占庭帝國)接管了巴勒斯坦并一直控制到公元 634 年左右,當時來自阿拉伯的穆斯林軍隊征服了它。

埃勃拉 (Ebla)


The name `Palestine' is thought to derive from either the word plesheth (meaning `root palash', an edible concoction carried by migratory tribes which came to symbolize nomadic peoples) or as a Greek designation for the nomadic Philistines. The author Tom Robbins has suggested the term `Palestine' originates from the ancient androgynous god Pales who was worshipped in the region of Canaan. If this is so then `Palestine' means `Land of Pales'.

人們認為,“Palestine”(巴勒斯坦)這個名字源于“plesheth”一詞(意為“帕拉什根”,一種由遷徙部落攜帶的可食用混合物,后來成為游牧民族的象征),或者來自希臘語中對游牧民族非利士人的稱呼。作家湯姆·羅賓斯(Tom Robbins)提出,“Palestine”一詞源于迦南地區(qū)崇拜的古代雌雄同體的帕萊斯神



It has been established that there was an androgynous deity named Pales (referred to in texts as both a god and a goddess) who was recognized by the Romans as the patron deity of shepherds and sheep and whose festivals were celebrated on 21 April and 7 July in Rome in the area of the Palatine Hill (Adkins & Adkins, 269). There is, however, no documentation from ancient times linking this deity to the name of the region of Palestine and, most likely, the name derives from the Greek for `the Land of the Philistines'. Scholars J Maxwell Miller and John H. Hayes support this conclusion, writing: Along the southern coastal plain of the Eastern Mediterranean seaboard (roughly south of present-day Tel Aviv) were settled the Philistines. They came to that region as a part of the general `Sea Peoples' migrations at the end of the Bronze Age and inhabited five main cities – Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, Gath, and Gaza. Although historically the Philistines are to be associated specifically with the coastal plain, during Classical Times the name `Philistia' (“Land of the Philistines”) came to be applied more generally to the whole southern end of the Eastern Mediterranean Seaboard…In short, then, the English term `Palestine' derives ultimately from `Philistia'. (39-40)

據考證,羅馬人認為有一位名為 Pales (帕萊斯神)的雌雄同體的神靈(在文本中既被稱為神靈,也被稱為女神)是牧羊人和羊群的守護神,羅馬人會于 4 月 21 日和 7 月 7 日在帕拉丁山

(帕拉提諾山或帕拉蒂尼山,拉丁語:Collis Palatium或Mons Palatinus)

地區(qū)慶祝(Adkins & Adkins, 269)。不過,沒有任何古代文獻將這位神與巴勒斯坦地區(qū)的名稱聯系起來,該名稱很可能來自希臘語中“Land of the Philistines”(非利士人之地)。學者詹姆斯·麥克斯韋·米勒(James Maxwell Miller)和約翰·哈拉爾森·海斯 (John Haralson Hayes)?在他們的著作中支持這一結論:


(Sea Peoples,歷史學名詞。這些人被認為是一群海上劫掠者所組成的同盟,他們很可能來自南歐,尤其是愛琴海。他們在整個東地中海游弋,并且在青銅時代末期,入侵了安納托利亞、敘利亞、迦南、塞浦路斯和埃及。但是,這群人的具體身份對現代學者來說依然是一個謎團,只能通過一些考古學的證據和古文明的零碎記載來進行推測)



、以革倫(Ekron)、迦特 (Gath)和加沙(Gaza)。雖然從歷史的角度來看,非利士人與沿海平原有特定的聯系,但在古典時期,“ Philistia”

(“Land of the Philistines”,非利士人之地)

這個名稱通常廣泛地應用于東地中海沿岸的南端......簡而言之,英語中的“Palestine”(巴勒斯坦)一詞最終源自 “Philistia”(非利士)。(39-40)

Following Herodotus' use of the term in his work in the 5th century BCE, other writers adopted it in their own and `Palestine' gradually replaced `Canaan' as the name of the region.




The region of Palestine is among the earliest sites of human habitation in the world. Archaeological evidence suggests a hunter-gatherer community living a nomadic existence in the region pre-10,000 BCE. In the Early Bronze Age, permanent settlements were founded and agricultural communities developed. Trade was initiated with other regions in the Near East and, because of its location between the cities of Mesopotamia and those of Arabia and Egypt, Palestine became an important trading hub and attracted the attention of Sargon the Great (r. 2334-2279 BCE) who absorbed the region into his Akkadian Empire c. 2300 BCE.

巴勒斯坦地區(qū)是世界上最早的人類居住地之一。考古證據表明,公元前 10000 年前,該地區(qū)的狩獵采集群體過著游牧生活。在青銅時代早期,人們建立了永久性定居點,并發(fā)展了農業(yè)社區(qū)。巴勒斯坦與近東其他地區(qū)開始貿易往來,由于地處美索不達米亞城市與阿拉伯和埃及眾多城市之間,巴勒斯坦成為重要的貿易樞紐,吸引了薩爾貢大帝


(公元前 2334-2279 年)的注意,約公元前 2300 年,薩爾貢大帝將該地區(qū)并入他的阿卡德帝國。

The affluence of the Akkadian Empire at this time encouraged the growth of urban centers throughout the region and Palestine flourished until Akkad fell to the invading armies of the Gutians, Elamites, and Amorites in c. 2083 BCE. After this, the cities were abandoned and the people returned to a rural, agrarian lifestyle, possibly due to overpopulation, though the reasons are unclear.

公元前 2083 年左右,古提人(Gutians)、埃蘭人(Elamites)和亞摩利人(Amorites)的軍隊入侵阿卡德,阿卡德帝國在這一時期的富裕促使整個地區(qū)的城市中心發(fā)展起來,巴勒斯坦也隨之繁榮。此后,城市被遺棄,人們回到了農村,過上了農耕生活,這可能是由于人口過剩導致的,但真實原因尚不清楚。



In the Middle Bronze Age (c. 2000-c.1550 BCE), the people again embraced urbanization and trade flourished. International commerce had first been established between the port city of Byblos and Egypt in c. 4000 BCE and, by 2000 BCE, Egypt was the region's most influential partner in trade. Egypt's influence is evident in the pattern of burial rituals in the region which closely mirror Egypt's in terms of the type of grave goods included in the tombs.

青銅時代中期(約公元前 2000 年至公元前 1550 年),此地再次迎來城市化,貿易蓬勃發(fā)展。約公元前 4000 年,港口城市比布魯斯(今稱朱拜勒,古稱比布魯斯)與埃及之間首次建立了國際貿易關系,到公元前 2000 年,埃及已成為該地區(qū)最有影響力的貿易伙伴。埃及的影響力在該地區(qū)的喪葬儀式中顯而易見,從墓葬中的墓葬用品類型來看,埃及的喪葬儀式與該地區(qū)的喪葬儀式如出一轍。

This partnership continued to benefit both Egypt and the Palestine region until the arrival of the Semitic peoples known as the Hyksos in c. 1725 BCE. The Hyksos, known in ancient Egyptian inscriptions only as “foreign kings”, were able to use Palestine to gain a foothold in the Delta region of Lower Egypt toward the end of Egypt's Middle Kingdom (2040-1782 BCE) and establish themselves as a political entity at Avaris.

在約公元前 1725 年被稱為“Hyksos”


的閃米特人到來之前,這種伙伴關系一直使埃及和巴勒斯坦地區(qū)受益。喜克索斯人在古埃及碑文中被稱為“外國國王”,在埃及中王國末期(公元前 2040-1782 年),他們利用巴勒斯坦在下埃及三角洲地區(qū)站穩(wěn)了腳跟,并在阿瓦里斯

(所在的位置現在被稱為Tell el-Dab'a)


In time, they became powerful enough to initiate trade, muster armies, and take control of the Delta and a large part of Lower Egypt until they were driven out by Ahmose I of Thebes in 1570 BCE. Ahmose I's campaign pursued the Hyksos north through Palestine into Syria, leaving ruined cities and scattered communities in his wake.

隨著時間的推移,喜克索斯人變得足夠強大,逐步開展貿易、集結軍隊并控制三角洲和下埃及的大部分地區(qū),直到底比斯的雅赫摩斯一世(Ahmose I of Thebes)于公元前 1570 年驅逐了他們,雅赫摩斯一世將??怂魉谷粟s往北方,穿過巴勒斯坦進入敘利亞,隨之而來的是被毀的城市和分散的社區(qū)。



Following the expulsion of the Hyksos, the cities of Palestine were rebuilt and Ahmose I absorbed the region into the newly formed Egyptian Empire (also referred to as the New Kingdom, c. 1570-c.1069 BCE). Ahmose I wanted to make sure that no other foreign power would infiltrate Egypt's border and so created a buffer-zone around Egypt's borders which was enlarged by later pharaohs to form their empire.

在驅逐了喜克索斯人之后,巴勒斯坦的城市得到了重建,雅赫摩斯一世將該地區(qū)并入了新成立的埃及帝國(又稱新王國,約公元前 1570 年至公元前 1069 年)。雅赫摩斯一世著手確保沒有任何外國勢力能夠滲透埃及邊境,為此他在國家邊界周圍創(chuàng)建了一個緩沖區(qū),后來繼任的統(tǒng)治者擴大了這個緩沖區(qū),建立了他們自己的帝國。

Some of the most famous Egyptian pharaohs ruled during the New Kingdom and patronized Palestine in trade and through building projects. Hatshepsut (r. 1479-1458 BCE), Thutmose III (r. 1458-1425 BCE), Amenhotep III (r. 1386-1353 BCE), and Ramesses the Great (r. 1279-1213 BCE), among many others, encouraged trade in the region and improved its infrastructure.

一些最著名的埃及法老都曾在新王國時期統(tǒng)治過巴勒斯坦,并通過貿易和建筑項目對巴勒斯坦提供幫助。哈特謝普蘇特(公元前 1479-1458 年在位)、圖特摩斯三世(公元前 1458-1425 年在位)、阿蒙霍特普三世(公元前 1386-1353 年在位)和拉美西斯二世(公元前 1279-1213 年在位)等許多法老都鼓勵在該地區(qū)開展貿易并改善其基礎設施。

During the reign of Thutmose III, a people known as the Habiru disturbed the peace through raids on communities. The identity of these people (like the Hyksos and Sea Peoples) is unknown but they appear to have been native to the region and the term `Habiru' used to designate those who refused to conform any longer to the rules of society. They are described as outlaws rather than invaders and past attempts by modern-day scholars to link the Habiru with the Hebrews have been discredited.


During the reign of Ramesses the Great, the Sea Peoples make their first appearance in Egypt's history. Ramesses defeated them in a sea battle off his coast in c. 1278 BCE and again encountered them in 1274 BCE as allies of the Hittites at the Battle of Kadesh. Who they were and where they came from is still debated in the present day but they returned to wage war on Egypt during the reign of Merenptah (r. 1213-1203 BCE) and later during the reign of Ramesses III (r. 1186-1155 BCE). At the same time they were harassing Egypt, the Sea Peoples were also wreaking havoc on the Hittite Empire and throughout the Levant. Their activities, along with Assyrian incursions beginning c. 1300 BCE, threw the region of the Near East into chaos.

在拉美西斯大帝統(tǒng)治時期,海上民族(Sea Peoples)首次出現在埃及歷史上。約公元前 1278 年,拉美西斯在其近海的一次海戰(zhàn)中擊敗了他們,公元前 1274 年,他們作為赫梯人的盟友在卡迭石戰(zhàn)役(Battle of Kadesh)中再次遭遇。關于他們是誰以及他們來自哪里的爭論至今仍在繼續(xù),但他們在麥倫普塔(Merneptah,公元前 1213-1203 年在位)統(tǒng)治時期和拉美西斯三世(Ramesses III,公元前 1186-1155 年在位)統(tǒng)治時期重返埃及發(fā)動戰(zhàn)爭。在騷擾埃及的同時,海上民族還對赫梯帝國以及整個黎凡特造成了嚴重破壞。約公元前 1300 年,他們的活動以及亞述的入侵使近東地區(qū)陷入混亂。

It is about this same time, c. 1250-1200 BCE, that the conquest of Canaan by the Israelite general Joshua is thought to have occurred as related in the biblical Book of Joshua and, to a lesser extent, in the Book of Numbers. While there is certainly evidence of a great upheaval in the land at this time, the archaeological evidence does not fit with the biblical narrative and it is possible the land was overrun by the Sea Peoples.

大約在公元前 1250-1200 年,以色列將軍約書亞征服迦南也是在這一時期發(fā)生的,《圣經-約書亞記》和《民數記》都有相關記載,但《民數記》的記載較少。雖然有證據表明當時這片土地發(fā)生了巨大的動蕩,但考古證據與《圣經》的敘述并不相符,這片土地有可能已被海上民族入侵。

The first mention of Israel comes from the stele of Merenptah who claims that “Israel is devastated” in the description of his victory over the Libyans (who were allies of the Sea Peoples). The stele seems to be referring to `Israel' as a people, not as a kingdom or city-state, and it is possible that the Israelites joined with the Sea Peoples and Libyans in a push against Egypt, though this is speculative.


At some point after the alleged invasion by general Joshua, however, the Israelites are firmly established in Palestine and, by c. 1080 BCE, the Kingdom of Israel is founded in the north. Israel would flourish as a United Kingdom until after the death of King Solomon (c. 965-931 BCE) when it split in two as the Kingdom of Israel with its capital at Samaria in the north and the Kingdom of Judah with the capital at Jerusalem in the south. Throughout the reigns of the early Israelite kings, and later, the Philistines are repeatedly referenced in the Bible as their sworn enemies.

然而,在約書亞將軍入侵之后的某個時期,以色列人在巴勒斯坦站穩(wěn)了腳跟,并在約公元前 1080 年在北部建立了以色列王國(the Kingdom of Israel)。以色列王國(the Kingdom of Israel)作為一個聯合王國一直繁榮昌盛,直到所羅門王死后(約公元前 965-931 年),以色列王國(the Kingdom of Israel)一分為二,北部是以撒瑪利亞為首都的以色列王國





羅馬省份敘利亞巴勒斯坦的位置,公元 210 年


The Philistines (thought to be from Crete and, most likely, from the Aegean area) landed on the southern Mediterranean coast of Canaan in circa 1276 BCE after being repulsed in their invasion of Egypt (along with the Sea Peoples) by Rameses III. By 1185 BCE they had established themselves firmly in settlements along the coast known as Philistia. Other, older, settlements were already thriving in the area upon their arrival and the Philistines went quickly to work to subdue them.

非利士人(被認為來自克里特島,很可能來自愛琴海地區(qū))在入侵埃及(與海上民族一起)被拉美西斯三世擊退后,于約公元前 1276 年登陸迦南地中海南部海岸。到公元前 1185 年,他們已經在被稱為“Philistia”(非利士)的沿海地區(qū)建立了自己的定居點。在他們到來時,該地區(qū)其他更古老的定居點已經繁榮起來,非利士人很快就展開了征服它們的行動。

According to biblical narratives, the Philistines were organized and efficient enough to cause the early Israelite tribes and cities a great deal of trouble. They posed a significant threat to the Israelite King Saul (r. c. 1080-1010 BCE), were defeated by his successor, King David (r. c. 1035-970 BCE), and were still enemies of Israel under King Solomon but, in spite of Israelite victories over them, they continued to thrive along the coast and harass their neighbors.

根據《圣經》的記載,非利士人組織嚴密,效率極高,給早期的以色列部落和城市造成了巨大的麻煩。他們對以色列國王掃羅(以色列聯合王國的開國國王,約公元前 1080-1010 年)構成了重大威脅,但被其繼任者大衛(wèi)王(約公元前 1035-970 年)擊敗,在所羅門王時期仍然是以色列的敵人。盡管以色列人戰(zhàn)勝了他們,他們卻繼續(xù)在沿海地區(qū)繁衍生息,騷擾其鄰居。

In 722 BCE, the region was overrun by the Assyrians and the Kingdom of Israel was destroyed. At this same time, the Philistines were subdued completely and lost their autonomy. The Neo-Assyrian Empire claimed Palestine and their king Sennacherib (r.705-681 BCE) launched a campaign in the region in 703 BCE. Although he failed to take Jerusalem, he succeeded in making Judah a vassal state.

公元前 722 年,亞述人襲擊該地區(qū)并摧毀了以色列王國。與此同時,非利士人也被徹底征服,失去了自治權。新亞述帝國宣稱擁有巴勒斯坦,其國王西拿基立

(Sennacherib,又名辛那赫里布,公元前 705-681 年)

于公元前 703 年在該地區(qū)發(fā)動了一場戰(zhàn)役。雖然他未能攻下耶路撒冷,但成功地使猶大王國成為附庸國。

The Assyrians held the region until the fall of their empire in 612 BCE to a coalition led by Babylonians and Medes and, shortly after, the Babylonians invaded Palestine in 598 BCE and sacked Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple of Solomon, and took the leading citizens among the Israelites back to Babylon (a period in Jewish history known as the Babylonian Captivity). They returned between 589-582 BCE and destroyed the rest of Judah, scattering the Philistines at the same time.

亞述人一直控制著該地區(qū),直到公元前 612 年其帝國被巴比倫人和米底人聯軍攻陷,不久之后,巴比倫人于公元前 598 年入侵巴勒斯坦,洗劫了耶路撒冷,摧毀了所羅門圣殿,并將以色列人中的重要公民帶回巴比倫


。他們于公元前 589-582 年返回,摧毀了猶大的其他地區(qū),同時也驅散了非利士人。

Babylon fell to Cyrus the Great (d. 530 BCE) who absorbed the region into the Achaemenid Empire and allowed the Jews to return from Babylon to their homeland. The Persian Empire fell to Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) and, after him, the Seleucids controlled the region until c. 168 BCE when the Maccabees revolted against foreign rule and the imposition of foreign religion and established the Hasmonean Dynasty, the last independent Judean kingdom. Rome involved itself in the region's affairs in 63 BCE and, after Augustus became emperor, Palestine became a province known as Roman Judea in c. 31 BCE.

巴比倫落入居魯士大帝(卒于公元前 530 年)之手,他將該地區(qū)并入阿契美尼德帝國,并允許猶太人從巴比倫返回故土。波斯帝國落入亞歷山大大帝(公元前 356-323 年)之手,在他之后,塞琉古王朝控制了該地區(qū),直到約公元前 168 年,馬加比家族反抗外來統(tǒng)治和宗教的強加,建立了哈斯蒙尼王朝,這是猶大最后一個獨立的君主國。公元前 63 年,羅馬介入該地區(qū)的事務,奧古斯都加冕為皇帝后,巴勒斯坦在約公元前 31 年成為羅馬的一個省,稱為“Roman Judea”(羅馬猶太行?。?/p>



The Romans installed a king of their choice, Herod the Great, to rule the region and imposed the same tax levies on Judea as they did other provinces in the empire. The people resented Roman rule and occupation, however, and Judea proved an especially problematic region for Rome.

羅馬人根據自己的方便任命了一位國王希律大帝(Herod the Great)統(tǒng)治該地區(qū),并對猶太地區(qū)征收與帝國其他省份相同的稅賦。然而,此地的人民對羅馬的統(tǒng)治和占領深惡痛絕,事實證明猶太地區(qū)尤其令羅馬頭疼。

The years 66-73 CE saw the First Jewish-Roman war which resulted in Titus destroying Jerusalem, including the Second Temple (leaving only the Western Wall) and leading to the martyrdom of the defenders of Masada. Although the people of the land were free, within reason, to adhere to their own cultures and religious beliefs, they were still under Roman rule and wanted their independence.

公元 66-73 年,第一次猶太-羅馬戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā),提圖斯摧毀了耶路撒冷,包括第二圣殿(只留下西墻),



【簡譯】奮銳黨 (Zealots,又名熱烈派)

In 115-117 CE, the conflict known as the Kitos War broke out (so-named from a corruption of the name of the Roman general, Lucius Quietus, who commanded the Roman legions). This conflict also ended in a Roman victory and a relative peace was restored. In 132 CE, however, the Bar-Kochba Revolt (132-136 CE) broke out and proved the most costly to both sides (although the Judeans suffered the worse casualties with over 500,000 combatants killed, not counting many others). The Emperor Hadrian was so enraged by Jewish resistance that he re-named the province Syria Palaestina (after the two traditional enemies of the Jews, the Syrians and the Philistines) and banished all Jews from the region, building his city Aelia Capitolina on the ruins of Jerusalem. The Bar-Kochba Revolt was the last of the Jewish-Roman Wars and, afterwards, Rome held the region without further serious incident.

公元 115-117 年,爆發(fā)了被稱為“Kitos”的戰(zhàn)爭(基托斯戰(zhàn)爭,第二次猶太–羅馬戰(zhàn)爭,這一名稱由指揮羅馬軍團的羅馬將軍盧修斯·基托斯的名字演變而來)。這場沖突也以羅馬的勝利而告終,此地恢復了相對的和平。然而,公元 132 年,巴爾科赫巴起義(Bar-Kochba Revolt,公元 132-136 年)爆發(fā),雙方都遭受了慘重的損失(盡管猶大人的傷亡最為慘重,超過 500000 名戰(zhàn)士被殺,這還不包括其他許多人)。哈德良皇帝被猶太人的抵抗激怒了,他將該省重新命名為“Syria Palaestina”(敘利亞-巴勒斯坦)(以猶太人的兩個傳統(tǒng)敵人敘利亞人和非利士人的名字命名),并將所有猶太人驅逐出該地區(qū),在耶路撒冷的廢墟上建造了Aelia Capitolina(埃利亞卡皮托利納)。巴爾科赫巴起義是最后一次猶太人與羅馬人的戰(zhàn)爭,此后,羅馬一直控制著該地區(qū),沒有再發(fā)生嚴重事件。


后 續(xù)

The emperor Diocletian (r.284-305 CE) divided the Roman Empire in two, the Western Empire which controlled Europe and the Eastern Empire (later known as the Byzantine Empire) which administrated affairs in the Near East and, of course, held Syria-Palaestina. When the emperor Constantine the Great (r.306-337 CE) legitimized Christianity and made it the state religion, Syria-Palaestina became a Christian province and an important center for the new faith.

戴克里先皇帝(公元 284-305 年)將羅馬帝國一分為二,西方帝國控制歐洲,東方帝國(后稱拜占庭帝國)管理近東事務,當然也包括“Syria Palaestina”(敘利亞-巴勒斯坦)。君士坦丁大帝(Constantine the Great,公元 306-337 年)將基督教合法化并將其定為國教后,“Syria Palaestina”(敘利亞-巴勒斯坦)成為基督教行省和新信仰的重要中心。

The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 CE but the Byzantine Empire continued on relatively unchallenged until the 7th century CE and the rise of Islam in the region. In 634 CE, the Muslim armies from Arabia took Syria-Palaestina and renamed it Jund Filastin (“Military District of Palestine”). The Muslims felt they had as much of a religious stake in the region as the Christians or as the Jews before them and churches were turned into mosques in the same way that earlier temples had given way to churches.

西羅馬帝國于公元 476 年滅亡,但拜占庭帝國一直延續(xù)到公元7世紀,伊斯蘭教在該地區(qū)興起。公元 634 年,來自阿拉伯的穆斯林軍隊占領了“Syria Palaestina”(敘利亞-巴勒斯坦),并將其改名為“Jund Filas?īn”(阿拉伯語:“巴勒斯坦軍區(qū)”)。穆斯林認為,他們在該地區(qū)的宗教利益與基督徒或之前的猶太教徒一樣重要,因此他們將教堂改成了清真寺,就像早期的寺廟讓位于教堂一樣。

Palestine came to be referred to by European Christians as the Holy Land and the First Crusade was launched to win it back from Muslim occupation in 1096 CE. This effort was followed by many more, supported by the Byzantine Empire, through 1272 CE at enormous cost of life and property but with nothing finally gained. The Byzantine Empire fell in 1453 CE, greatly reducing Christian influence in the region, and Palestine was held by the Ottoman Turks. The region continued to be contested throughout the next few centuries until the British involved themselves in 1915 CE during World War I at which time the western powers first devised plans to partition the Middle East for their own purposes and benefit.

歐洲基督徒將巴勒斯坦稱為圣地,并于公元 1096 年發(fā)動了第一次十字軍東征,試圖將其從穆斯林的占領下奪回。此后,在拜占庭帝國的支持下,歐洲基督徒又發(fā)起了多次十字軍東征,直至公元 1272 年,付出了巨大的生命和財產代價,但最終一無所獲。公元 1453 年,拜占庭帝國滅亡,大大削弱了基督教在該地區(qū)的影響力,巴勒斯坦被奧斯曼土耳其人占領。在接下來的幾個世紀里,關于該地區(qū)的爭端持續(xù)不斷,直到公元1915年英國卷入第一次世界大戰(zhàn),西方列強首次制定了出于自身目的和利益瓜分中東的計劃。

Palestine continued to be a war-torn and much-contested region up through World War II when, afterwards, the United Nations declared the area the State of Israel and established it as a homeland for the Jewish people. This mandate by the United Nations, and the resulting country of Israel, remains controversial and the region continues to be as troubled in the present day as it was in ancient times.


新月沃土 (Fertile Crescent)


Adkins, L. & Adkins, R.

Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome.

Oxford University Press, 1998. Durant, W.

Ceasar and Christ.

Simon and Schuster, 1956. Durant, W.

Our Oriental Heritage

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The Ancients in Their Own Words.

Fall River Press, 2018. Leick,G.

The A to Z of Mesopotamia

. Scarecrow Press, 2010. Mellor, R.

Historians of Ancient Rome: An Anthology of the Major Writings

. Routledge, 2012. Miller, J. M. & Hayes, J. H.

A History of Ancient Israel and Judah.

Westminster Press, 1986. Palestine: HistoryAccessed 1 Dec 2016. Robbins, T.

Skinny Legs and All

. Bantam, 1995. Shaw, I.

The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt.

Oxford University Press, 2016. Van De Mieroop, M.

A History of the Ancient Near East, ca. 3000-323 BC

. Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. Von Soden, W.

The Ancient Orient

. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1994. Wise Bauer, S.

The History of the Ancient World.

W. W. Norton & Company, 2007.

耶路撒冷平面圖。大衛(wèi)和所羅門的統(tǒng)治(公元前 1025-953 年)。后期國王統(tǒng)治下的巴勒斯坦(公元前 953-722 年)?!妒繋熡洝分屑s書亞統(tǒng)治下的巴勒斯坦(公元前 1250-1125 年)


Joshua J. Mark



原文網址: https://www.worldhistory.org/palestine/

【簡譯】巴勒斯坦(Palestine)的評論 (共 條)

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