
A healthy lifestyle is key to a happy and fulfilling life.?
Regular exercise is essential for good health. 定期鍛煉對于健康至關重要。
Eating a well-balanced diet is important for maintaining good health. 均衡飲食對于維持健康非常重要。
Adequate sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. 充足的睡眠對于整體健康和幸福感至關重要。
Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of chronic diseases. 保持健康的體重可以降低患慢性疾病的風險。
Stress management is key to maintaining good mental health. 壓力管理對于維持良好的心理健康至關重要。
Hydration is important for overall health and well-being. 保持水分攝入對于整體健康和幸福感至關重要。
Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption is crucial for good health. 避免吸煙和過量飲酒對于維持健康至關重要。
A positive attitude can have a significant impact on overall health and well-being. 積極的態(tài)度對于整體健康和幸福感有著重要的影響。
Small changes in daily habits can lead to significant improvements in health over time. 日常習慣的小變化可以隨著時間的推移帶來顯著的健康改善。
健身房 - Gym
舉重 - Weightlifting
有氧運動 - Cardio exercise
跑步機 - Treadmill
健身操 - Aerobics
瑜伽 - Yoga
動感單車 - Spinning
跳繩 - Jump rope
健身球 - Exercise ball
慢跑 - Jogging
慢性耐力訓練 - Endurance training
HIIT - High-Intensity Interval Training (高強度間歇訓練)
橄欖球 - Rugby
卡巴萊 - Capoeira
健美操 - Bodybuilding exercises
跳舞 - Dancing
輪滑 - Inline skating
健行 - Hiking
健身瑜伽 - Fitness yoga

Improves physical health and fitness. (改善身體健康和健身水平。)
Reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. (降低患糖尿病、心臟病和肥胖等慢性疾病的風險。)
Enhances cognitive function and brain health. (增強認知功能和大腦健康。)
Boosts mood and reduces stress and anxiety. (提升心情,減輕壓力和焦慮。)
Builds confidence and self-esteem. (建立自信和自尊。)
Teaches valuable life skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership. (教授寶貴的人生技能,如團隊合作、溝通和領導力。)
Provides social opportunities and helps build relationships. (提供社交機會,幫助建立人際關系。)
The Mediterranean diet emphasizes whole, minimally processed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. - 地中海飲食強調整個的、最少加工的食物,如水果、蔬菜、全谷物和瘦蛋白質。
The DASH diet focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy?products, while limiting high-fat and sugary foods. - DASH 飲食強調水果、蔬菜、全谷物、瘦蛋白質和低脂乳制品,同時限制高脂肪和高糖食品。
The vegetarian or vegan diet excludes meat and animal products, and emphasizes plant-based
foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts. 素食或純素飲食不包括肉類和動物制品,強調植物為基礎的食物,如水果、蔬菜、豆類和堅果。
The paleo diet focuses on whole, unprocessed foods that were commonly eaten by early?humans, such as lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. 古人類飲食強調整個的、未加工的食物,如瘦肉、魚類、水果、蔬菜和堅果。
The low-carbon diet restricts carbohydrates, such as those found in grains, fruits, and starchy
vegetables, and emphasizes protein, fat, and non-starchy vegetables. 低碳水化合物飲食限制碳水化合物,如谷物、水果和淀粉蔬菜中的碳水化合物,強調蛋白質、脂肪和非淀粉蔬菜。
The whole foods diet emphasizes minimally processed foods that are as close to their natural
state as possible, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. 全食物飲食強調最少加工的食物,盡可能接近其自然狀態(tài),如水果、蔬菜、全谷物和瘦蛋白質。?
A healthy diet can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and?cancer. - 健康的飲食可以幫助減少慢性疾病的風險,如心臟病、糖尿病和癌癥。
Eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients can help improve overall health and?well-being. 飲食平衡、包含各種營養(yǎng)素可以幫助改善整體健康和幸福感。
A healthy diet can help maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of obesity and related?health problems. 健康的飲食可以幫助保持健康的體重,減少肥胖和相關的健康問題的風險。
Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can provide important vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are essential for good health. 吃各種水果、蔬菜和全谷物可以提供重要的維生素、礦物質和纖維素,對健康至關重要。
A healthy diet can improve mental health, including reducing the risk of depression and?anxiety. 健康的飲食可以改善心理健康,包括減少抑郁和焦慮的風險。
Eating a healthy diet can increase energy levels and improve physical performance, making it
easier to exercise and be active. 飲食健康可以增加能量水平和改善身體表現,使運動和活動更容易。
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. 減少,重復使用和回收利用。
Conserve water. 節(jié)約用水。
Conserve energy. 節(jié)約能源。
Use public transportation or carpool. 使用公共交通或拼車。
Use eco-friendly products. 使用環(huán)保產品。
Plant trees and flowers. 種樹和花。
Reduce paper usage. 減少紙張使用。
Use energy-efficient light bulbs. 使用節(jié)能燈泡。
Avoid using single-use plastics. 避免使用一次性塑料制品。
Dispose of hazardous waste properly. 正確處理有害廢物。
Take shorter showers. 洗澡時間盡量縮短。
Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving. 刷牙或者剃須時關掉水龍頭。
Only run the dishwasher and washing machine when you have a full load. 只有在衣物或餐具足夠多的情況下再運行洗衣機和洗碗機。
Use a broom instead of a hose to clean driveways and sidewalks. 掃地而不是用水管沖洗車道和人行道。
Water your lawn or garden early in the morning or late at night to minimize evaporation. 早晨或晚上澆花草,減少水的蒸發(fā)。
Install low-flow showerheads and toilets. 安裝低流量的淋浴頭和馬桶。
Collect rainwater and use it for watering plants. 收集雨水并用于澆水。
Making offerings to ancestors and gods. 祭祀祖先和神靈。
Lighting incense and praying for good fortune. 點香祈福。
Eating traditional foods. 吃傳統食物。
Wearing traditional clothing. 穿傳統服裝。
Giving red envelopes with money inside. 發(fā)紅包。
Displaying and admiring lanterns. 展示和欣賞燈籠。
Setting off fireworks or firecrackers. 放煙花或鞭炮。
Dragon and lion dancing. 舞龍舞獅。
Decorating with auspicious symbols. 裝飾吉祥符號。
Watching or participating in traditional performances. 觀看或參與傳統表演。
Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) 春節(jié)/新年 - Celebrates the start of the lunar new year and
the arrival of spring. It's the most important festival in China and is a time for family reunions, eating traditional foods, and exchanging red envelopes containing money. 慶祝農歷新年和春天的到來。是中國最重要的節(jié)日,是一個家庭團圓、吃傳統食品和交換紅包的時候。
Lantern Festival (Yuan Xiao Festival) 元宵節(jié) - Celebrates the first full moon of the lunar new
year. People eat tangyuan (sweet glutinous rice balls), solve riddles written on lanterns, and
watch lion dances and dragon dances. 慶祝農歷新年的第一個滿月。人們吃湯圓,猜燈謎,看獅子舞和龍舞。
Qingming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day) 清明節(jié) - A time for paying respect to ancestors and
sweeping their tombs. People also fly kites and eat qingtuan (green glutinous rice balls). 一個為祖先掃墓和緬懷逝者的時候。人們還放風箏,吃青團(糯米粉制成的綠色小球)。
Dragon Boat Festival 端 午 節(jié) - Commemorates the death of poet Qu Yuan, who drowned
himself in a river to protest against corruption. People race dragon boats, eat zongzi (sticky rice
wrapped in bamboo leaves), and drink realgar wine. 紀念詩人屈原的逝世,他為了抗議腐敗,投江自盡。人們比賽龍舟,吃粽子(糯米飯包在竹葉里),喝雄黃酒。
Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival) 中秋節(jié) - Celebrates the harvest and the full moon. People
eat mooncakes and pomelos, and appreciate the beauty of the moon. 慶祝收獲和滿月。人們吃月餅和柚子,欣賞月亮的美麗。
Double Ninth Festival (Chongyang Festival) 重陽節(jié) - Celebrates the ninth day of the ninth lunar
month. People climb mountains, fly kites, and drink chrysanthemum wine. 慶祝農歷九月九日。人們爬山、放風箏、喝菊花酒。
Winter Solstice Festival (Dongzhi Festival) 冬至節(jié) - Celebrates the longest night of the year and
the return of longer days. People eat tangyuan and make sacrifices to ancestors.
After a long and cold winter, the spring season is finally approaching. It's a time of renewal, growth, and fresh beginnings. As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, there are
many things that we can do for fun. Here are some ideas:
Go for a hike in nature. The spring season is the perfect time to explore the great outdoors. Go
for a hike in a local park or nature reserve and admire the blooming flowers and trees. 去大自然中遠足。春天是探索大自然的完美時機。去當地的公園或自然保護區(qū)遠足,欣賞盛開的花朵和樹木。
Have a picnic. Grab a blanket, some sandwiches, and snacks and head to a nearby park for apicnic. Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine while lounging on the grass. 野餐。帶上毯子、三明治和零食,前往附近的公園野餐。在草地上享受新鮮空氣和陽光。
Visit a farmer's market. Spring is the season for fresh produce. Visit a local farmer's market andstock up on fresh fruits and vegetables. 參觀農貿市場。春天是新鮮農產品的季節(jié)。去當地的農貿市場,囤積新鮮的水果和蔬菜。
Try a new outdoor activity. Take advantage of the warm weather and try a new outdoor activity, such as kayaking, paddleboarding, or rock climbing. 嘗試新的戶外活動。利用溫暖的天氣嘗試新的戶外活動,比如劃皮艇、劃槳板或攀巖。
Take a bike ride. Rent a bike or dust off your own and go for a leisurely ride around yourneighborhood or a nearby park. 騎自行車。租一輛自行車或擦掉你自己的自行車,到你的社區(qū)或附近的公園騎車。
Have a BBQ. Host a backyard BBQ and invite your friends and family over for some delicious foodand fun in the sun. 燒烤。在后院舉行燒烤聚會,邀請你的朋友和家人一起享用美食和陽光。
Go to a sporting event. Spring is the season for many outdoor sports, such as baseball, soccer, and tennis. Attend a local game or tournament and cheer on your favorite team. 去看體育比賽。春天是許多戶外運動的季節(jié),比如棒球、足球和網球。參加當地的比賽或錦標賽,為你喜愛的團隊加油助威。
Convenience: eBooks are very convenient as they can be downloaded instantly to your deviceand you can carry a whole library with you wherever you go. 方便:電子書非常方便,因為它們可以立即下載到你的設備上,你可以隨身攜帶整個圖書館。
Affordaility: eBooks are often less expensive than printed books, which makes them anaffordable option for avid readers. 價格實惠:電子書往往比印刷書籍便宜,使它們成為狂熱讀者的經濟選擇。
Customization: You can customize the text size, font, and brightness on an e-reader, making iteasier to read and easier on the eyes. 定制化:你可以在電子閱讀器上自定義文字大小、字體和亮度,使閱讀更加容易且更加舒適。
Eco-friendly: eBooks do not require paper and printing, which makes them a more eco-friendlyoption. 環(huán)保:電子書不需要紙張和印刷,使其成為更環(huán)保的選擇。
Space-saving: eBooks do not take up physical space in your home, so you can have a whole librarywithout cluttering your living space. 節(jié)省空間:電子書不占用家中的實體空間,因此你可以擁有整個圖書館,而不會占據生活空間。
Accessibility: With eBooks, you can easily access books from anywhere in the world, as long asyou have an internet connection. 可訪問性:通過電子書,你可以輕松地從世界各地訪問圖書,只要你有互聯網連接。紙質書籍的好處:
Tangibility: The physical aspect of holding a book, turning its pages and feeling its weight can be avery satisfying experience. 有形性:握著一本書、翻開它的頁面,感受它的重量是一種非常滿足的體驗。
No screen time: Reading a physical book allows you to disconnect from technology and reducescreen time, which is beneficial for your eyes and overall health. 沒有屏幕時間:閱讀實體書讓你遠離科技,減少屏幕時間,這對你的眼睛和整體健康都有好處。
Collectability: For book lovers, collecting physical books can be a fun hobby and a way to displaytheir passion. 收藏性:對于書籍愛好者來說,收集實體書可以成為一種有趣的愛好和展示他們熱情的方式。
No battery required: You don't have to worry about running out of battery or finding a chargerwhen reading a paper book. 不需要電池:閱讀實體書時不用擔心電量耗盡或找不到充電器。
No distractions: When reading a physical book, there are no notifications, emails, or otherdistractions that can interrupt your reading experience. 沒有干擾:閱讀實體書時,沒有通知、郵件或其他干擾會打斷你的閱讀體驗。
Easier on the eyes: Paper books are generally easier on the eyes than electronic devices, as theydon't emit blue light that can cause eye strain and disrupt sleep. 對眼睛更友好:實體書通常比電子設備對眼睛更友好,因為它們不會散發(fā)出藍光,導致眼睛疲勞和破壞睡眠。

AI 教師 VS. 真人教師
AI 教師的好處:
AI teachers can provide personalized learning experiences for individual students. - AI 老師可以為每個學生提供個性化的學習體驗。
AI teachers can adapt to each student's learning style and pace. - AI 老師可以適應每個學生的學習風格和節(jié)奏。
AI teachers can provide immediate feedback to students, helping them to improve more quickly. - AI 老師可以立即向學生提供反饋,幫助他們更快地提高。
AI teachers can be available 24/7, allowing students to learn at any time that suits them. - AI 老師可以全天候提供服務,讓學生可以在任何適合他們的時間學習。
AI teachers can handle a large number of students at the same time, making education moreaccessible and affordable. - AI 老師可以同時處理大量的學生,使教育更加容易接近和負擔得起。
AI teachers can analyze student data and provide insights to teachers, helping them to improvetheir teaching methods. - AI 老師可以分析學生數據并向教師提供見解,幫助他們改進教學方法。真人教師的優(yōu)勢:
Real teachers can establish a personal connection with their students, building trust and rapport. - 真正的老師可以與學生建立個人聯系,建立信任和融洽的關系。
Real teachers can provide emotional support and guidance to students, helping them to navigatechallenges and difficult situations. - 真正的老師可以向學生提供情感支持和指導,幫助他們應對挑戰(zhàn)和困難情況。
Real teachers can use their experience and expertise to create engaging and interactive lessonsthat motivate students to learn. - 真正的老師可以利用他們的經驗和專業(yè)知識,創(chuàng)造引人入勝、互動性強的課程,激勵學生學習。
Real teachers can adjust their teaching methods to suit the needs of individual students, providing personalized attention and support. - 真正的老師可以調整教學方法,以滿足每個學生的需求,提供個性化的關注和支持。
Real teachers can serve as role models for their students, demonstrating positive values andbehaviors. - 真正的老師可以成為學生的榜樣,展示積極的價值觀和行為。
Real tachers can provide students with opportunities for socialization and collaboration, fostering teamwork and communication skills. - 真正的老師可以為學生提供社交和合作機會,培養(yǎng)團隊合作和溝通技能。