【英音】Improve your English conversation sk

This lesson will give you guidance to help you feel confident striking up conversations in a wide range of scenarios so you can unleash your conversational abilities on the world!
Keep It Simple!
If you are someone who typically feels uncomfortable making small talk, feel free to keep things simple. You don’t need to come up with any out-of-the-box questions —just be yourself!
A great way to kick off any conversation is with a sincere greeting and introduction.
- Hi! I’m Lucy. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
It’s simple yet effective. It’s great for social events where you don’t know manypeople.
At work, you could say-
- Hello, I’m Lucy. I just started in the marketing department. I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself.
This is great for when you’ve started a new position and don’t know many of yourcolleagues yet. It shows that you have a genuine interest in meeting the people youwill be working with.
There are many simple questions you could ask to get a conversation going afteryou’ve introduced yourself, like-
- What do you do for work?
- Have you read any good books lately?
- What’ve you been up to today?
- What’s the last show you binged?
- Do you have any travel plans coming up?
Give a Compliment
Compliments help to make a person feel appreciated and seen. They
are great for instantly making a good impression and building rapport. It doesn’t
need to be some over-the-top compliment or one that has the potential to make the
other person feel awkward.
Just give a genuine compliment and flash a bright, cheerful smile. The beauty of this
technique is that it works in basically any scenario, whether you are at a party or in
a job interview.
At a party or other social gathering, you could say something like-
- I love how you’ve decorated your house! It feels so cosy.
- I’m obsessed with your earrings!
- Wow, your shoes are gorgeous! Where’d you get them?
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