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2023-12-18 15:58 作者:薩霞  | 我要投稿

老白 | 過去將來4種時態(tài)


過去將來時:would / should do

過去將來進行時:would / should be doing

過去將來完成時:would / should have done

過去將來完成進行時:would / should have been doing

It was six o'clock. The sun would soon set.

  • 這時是六點鐘,太陽即將落山。

He asked me what l should be doing eight o'clock tomorrow.

  • 他問我次日8點將正在做什么。(用于間接引語中)

l guessed that mom would have made so me sandwiches by the time we got back.

  • 我猜我們回來時媽媽已經(jīng)做好一些三明治了。

l heard by July you'd have been teaching here for ten years.

  • 我聽說到七月份,你就在這里教了10年書了。

一般將來時:be to +動詞原形

過去將來時:was / were to +動詞原形

lt was six o'clock. The sun was to set soon.

  • 這時是六點鐘,太陽即將落山。

He promised that he was to help me.

  • 他答應他會幫助我。


主要應用于have done結構的表達中


My father would have driven me to Shanghai, but we decided it would be quicker by train.

  • 父親原本要開車送我去上海,但我們還是覺得坐火車更快。(最終沒開車去)

lf l had left sooner, I would have been on time.

  • 要是我早點動身,我就準時到了。(但我動身太遲了)

主句謂語也可根據(jù)情況使用"should (could, might) +have+過去分詞”

若表示與過去事實相反的虛擬語氣,主句謂語也可根據(jù)情況使用“should (could, might)+have+過去分詞”。

lf we had found him earlier we could have saved his life.

  • 要是我們當時早點找到他的話,我們就可以救活他。(可惜我們找到他太晚了)

l should not have laughed if I had thought you were sericus.

  • 如果我想到你是認真的,我就不會笑了。(事實是我笑得可歡了)

You should have reported them to the police.

  • 你應當向警方控告他們的。(本應做但沒做,此情況人稱不限于I / we)

At the time of the accident I was sitting in the back of thecar,because Tom's little boy was sitting beside him in front.(到此為事實)

If Tom's boy had not been there I would have been sitting in front.

  • 事故發(fā)生的時候,我坐在車子的后座,因為湯姆的小兒子坐在前邊他的身旁。要是湯姆的孩子沒坐在那里的話,我就會坐在前面了。

虛擬語氣:was / were to +have done

was / were to have done:用來表達預期會發(fā)生,但實際未發(fā)生的情況

The boat, which was to have taken them to the island, failed to arrive.

  • 原本預計帶他們上島的船卻沒來。

l was to have seen him last Wednesday, but he didn't come.

在沒那么正式的語境中,be supposed to的用法比be to have done更自然

?l was supposed to help, but I was ill.

  • (more natural than I was to have helped ...)
  • 我當時應該幫忙,但是我生病了。

過去將來4種時態(tài)都是啥?過去將來進行時、過去將來完成時、過去將來完成進行時的評論 (共 條)

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