Moonology Oracle
There are eight main Moon phases, and each has its own keywords: New Moon: Clean slate, potential, dreams Waxing Crescent Moon: Courage, moving forwards,faith First Quarter Moon: Challenges, confidence, commitment Gibbous Moon: Tweak, hone, adjust Full Moon: Results, forgiveness, gratitude Disseminating Moon: Relax, accept,regroup Third Quarter Moon :Re-evaluate,balance trust Balsamic Moon: Healing, soothing, surrender
The Moonology Oracle deck comprises 44 powerfu and magical cards to use whether you want a deep answer to a probing question or just quick guidance. You can ask questions about love, money, work or anything else you like. If you are feeling confused about something, the cards will do their best to bring you clarity. How the deck is structured
The deck is divided into four parts, each representing the unfolding story of the eight main monthly Moor phases: Moon phase cards
These show the eight phases of the lunar month, as described in the table on page 10.
New Moon cards
The 12 New Moon cards bring an energy of newness and beginnings as they pass through each sign of the zodiac. Full Moon cards
The 12 Full Moon cards herald climaxes and conclusions in each sign of the zodiac. Special Moon cards
The wild cards mark standout sometimes unexpected, situations. They are New Moon Eclipse,Full Moon Eclipse,Waxing Moon,Waning Moon,Void-of-Course Moon, Cardinal Moon Fixed Moon, Mutable Moon, Supermoon, Blue Moon, South Node and North Node. Interpreting the cards
You can be sure that whichever card you draw,no matter which phase the Moon is in on that day, it's the right card for you. For example, if you were to pull the New Moon in Gemini card on a Full Moon in Scorpio day, the interpretation of the New Moon in Gemini card is still your answer. The cards are purely symbolic representations of the many energies that we get from our ever-changing Moon. Overall interpretation
On each card you will find the overarching likely answer to your question. This encapsulates the energies of the card and the message it is sending to you. The cards are predictive so will tell you what your thoughts and feelings are currently creating and where they will take you.You'll be given ideas to harness the energies of the card if you're happy with it, and how to change things if you're not. Additional meanings
Can every single interpretation in each card's'Additional meaningsapply to you? Probably not In fact, some of the additional meanings listed may even appear contradictory at times-but astrology covers everything, so you need to understand al the possibilities each card brings. EveryMoor phase has various meanings and you will need to be honest with yourself and decode the one that you feel, viscerally, is for you. Attune to the Moon
Affirmations and guidance to help you manifest complete,release or remove whatever you need to make positive change in your life. The teaching
Each cards'teaching’ provides additiona information about the Moon and how it connects with the cards message, for people interested in learning more about astrology Use the interpretations in this guidebook as well as the beautiful images on the cards to learn more about the current energies. The elements
As in astrology, Moonology uses the four main elements: fire, earth, air and water. Each element brings its own qualities and is assigned to three stan signs: ·Fire (intense,suggesting heat lies head) -Aries,Leo and Sagittarius · Earth (grounded and promises stability) -Taurus,Virgo and Capricorn · Air (asks you to apply your intellect or logic) -Gemini.Libra and Aquarius .Water (emotional and asks you to sense your feelings)-Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Learning to 'feel’these elements as you use the cards will not only help your understanding of the cards but will also teach you more about how the Moon cycle works. Once you start to really feel the qualities ofthe elements, you will begin to awaken other deep-seated knowledge that you have aboutthe Moon and the cosmos. The beautiful illustrations by artist NyxRowan can be used as meditation tools. You couldfor example,develop a daily practice of pulling a single card and placing it before you as you meditate on the message. Ask the Ancient Greek and Roman goddesses of the Moon-Selene or Diana respectively -for example or the archangels associated with theMoon-Haniel or Gabriel-to help you understand whatever it is that you need to know. They will shine down understanding upon you like moonbeams, no matter what time ofthe day or night you ask for help Although the beautiful images are soft and mysterious, as you read the interpretations ofthe cards you will see that there are strong and often quite clear messages giving you an idea of how your future is going to play out with a very practical fee to the answers or interpretations. In time you can start to expand on these original meaningsnoting how the cards show up for you.