【閱前提醒】本篇專欄的外語原文部分出自蘇格蘭經(jīng)學家理雅各所著的《The Chinese Classics》。理雅各先生出生于1815年(清嘉慶二十年),一生致力于中西方文化的交流,其最重要的成果就是詳盡譯釋了種花家傳統(tǒng)經(jīng)典。由于理雅各先生的本職是傳教士,因此其譯作非常注重釋經(jīng)(不少傳教士譯者都有這種職業(yè)習慣,例如傳教士柯大衛(wèi)翻譯的《論語》也是注重釋經(jīng)),這種緊抓釋經(jīng)權(quán)的翻譯模式至今仍是獨一份。不過由于理雅各的譯作卷帙浩繁,因此目前人們常常刪去釋經(jīng)只取譯文。但我感覺此書的釋經(jīng)部分才是精華,直接丟棄實在是有些買櫝還珠了。因此就計劃用業(yè)余時間對理雅各的譯作原文進行整理上傳。當然此書規(guī)模實在龐大,以我的業(yè)余精力和水平,只能是能整理多少算多少,能整理成什么樣算什么樣。?
01.01.01、[It was his] first year, the spring, the king’s first month.
01.01.02、In the third month, the duke and E-foo?of Choo(Yifu of Zhu)made a covenant in Meeh(Mie).
01.01.03、In summer, in the fifth month, the earl of Ch'ing(Zheng)overcame Twan(Duan)in Ye(Yan).
01.01.04、In autumn, in the seventh month, the king [by] Heaven’s [grace] sent the [sub-]administrator Heuen(Xuan)with a present of [two] carriages and their horses for the funerals of duke Hwuy(Hui)and [his wife] Chung?Tsze(Zhong Zi).
01.01.05、In the ninth month, [the duke] and an officer of Sung(Song)made a covenant in Suh(Su).
01.01.06、In winter, in the twelfth month, the earl of Chae(Zhai)came [to Loo(Lu)].
[It was his] first year, the spring, the king’s first month.
? ? ? ? ——左氏認為這是由于魯隱公并不是繼位,而只是暫攝魯桓之位,所以不算繼位,故不記。
????? ? 那魯隱公的這次繼位為什么會出現(xiàn)這么復(fù)雜的情況呢?左氏為我們還原了魯隱公攝位之事的前因,此事源于魯隱之父魯惠公后宮中的一場宮斗:
? ? ? ? 依周禮,魯國應(yīng)該由嫡長子魯桓公繼位,但魯桓公剛出生魯惠公就死了,魯桓公此時估計還沒斷奶,根本不可能處理朝政,甚至連被垂簾親政的能力都沒有,所以經(jīng)過公室商議,先由魯隱公繼位,等到魯桓成年后再還政給魯桓公。左氏以此為憑,認為此魯隱公只是攝位,以此解釋春秋不記魯隱登基之事。
? ? ? ? ——仲子的掌紋僅僅是“為魯夫人”,也就是說,她只是命中注定要做魯國的夫人,但老天并沒有寫明一定是做魯惠公的夫人,魯隱公也可以??!如果不是魯惠公太好色,其應(yīng)該將仲子嫁給長子魯隱公,而不是自己一個已經(jīng)五六十歲都能當人家小姑娘爺爺?shù)娜嗽谶@里老當益壯。
? ? ? ? ——左傳還是遮掩了一下,太史公直接說,魯惠公就是扒灰,即仲子本來是嫁給魯隱公的,結(jié)果太漂亮,引得魯惠公扒灰截胡。太史公的說法比較可信,因為掌紋的緣故,宋肯定是要與魯國聯(lián)姻,但正值壯年的魯惠公怎么會對一個嬰兒產(chǎn)生欲望,正??隙ㄊ墙o儲君兒子定親,這亦能應(yīng)“為魯夫人”之讖,只是女大十八變后,呵呵……
? ? ? ? 新君為了保命,不得不妥協(xié)分封這三大家族,而由于這三大家族的家祖都是魯桓的庶子,因此被合稱為“三桓”,沒錯,正是孔圣一生的夢魘——魯國三桓。魯國國政至此逐漸由三桓把持,而這個曾經(jīng)的東土大國周禮之邦至此便逐漸淪為諸侯爭霸的背景板。
? ? ? ? 宋武公生仲子。仲子生而有文在其手,曰為魯夫人,故仲子歸于我。生桓公而惠公薨,是以隱公立而奉之。
? ? ? ? 元年春王周正月。不書即位,攝也。
Par.1.This paragraph, it will be seen, is incomplete, the adjunct merely of a 公即位〖山注||? 此處是說,正常情況應(yīng)該有“公即位”三個字〗,which is found at the beginning of nearly every other book. The reason of the incompleteness will be considered below.
元 年,-'the 1st year.' The Urh-ya〖山注||《爾雅》〗explains 元 by 始 'the beginning,' 'first,’ and Kung-yang〖山注||??公羊〗 makes the phrase simply =君之始年,'the prince's 1st year.' Too Yu〖山注||? 杜預(yù)〗 tries to find a deeper meaning in the phrase, saying that the 1st year of a rule stands to all the following years in the relation of the original chaos to the subsequent kosmos, and is therefore called yuen, to intimate to rulers that from the first moment of their sway they are to advance in the path of order and right. This consideration explains also, he thinks, the use of 正月,‘the right month’for‘the 1st month (凡人君即位,欲其體元以居正,故不言一年一月也),'?The Urh-ya, however, gives 正 as = 長,“the most elevated,' 'the senior’ But in the denomination of the 1st month as ‘the right or correct month,’we must acknowledge a recognition of what are called ‘the three ching(三正),'-the?three different months, with which the dynasties of H?a, Shang, and Chow〖山注||? 夏商周〗 commenced the year. H?a began the year with the 1st month of spring; Shang, a month, and Chow, 2 months earlier. 〖山注||??此處是指的夏商周歷法建首的區(qū)別,周人以十二地支命名十二月,故建首在子;商歷建首在丑;夏歷建首在寅,而寅月是春季第一個月,因此我們?nèi)缃袷褂玫淖辖饸v是夏歷〗It became so much a rule for the beginning of the year to be changed by every new dynasty, that Ts‘in made its f?irt month commence a lunation before that of Chow. 〖山注||? 此處是說秦建首在亥,比周之首還早一個月〗To a remark of Confucius, Ana. XV.x., we are indebted for the disuse of this foolish custom, so that all dynasties have since used ‘the seasons of H?a’一After all, there remains the question why the first month of the year should be called ching (正).〖山注||? 這一段是關(guān)于夏商周秦歷法建首的規(guī)律,建首指的是確定一年的首月,夏商周秦確立歷法時,都會比前朝提前一個月,所以,夏歷建首在寅,商歷建首在丑,周歷建首在子,秦歷建首在亥,但由于秦首亥月還是初冬,過于反直覺,連緊隨秦制的漢都受不了,因此之后很快廢除了秦首,如今我們使用的紫金歷是夏歷,建首在寅。〗
王正月,一“the king's first month’ The ‘king’here can hardly be any other than P‘ing〖山注||? 周平王,東周開國之君,原為西周幽王之子,后為奪權(quán)勾結(jié)戎夷弒殺幽王,至此西周滅亡,后東遷洛邑,建國東周〗, the king of Chow for the time then being, as Too Yu says;一and in this sty?e does the account of very many of the years of the Ch'un Ts'?w〖山注||? 春秋〗 begin,as if to do homage to the supremacy of the reigning House. Kung-yang〖山注||??公羊〗 makes the king to be W?n〖山注||? 周文王,西周武王之父,原為商之西方伯,后其子武王滅商,追封其為文王。今有出土甲骨,認為文王生前已稱王,此處不詳述〗; but though he was the founder of the Chow dynasty, the commence?nent of the year was not yet changed in his time.
The remaining character in this par. occasions the foreign student considerable perplexity. The commencement of the year was really in the 2d month of winter, and yet it is here said to have been in the spring. -春王正月. We have spring when it really was not spring. It must be kept in mind that the usual names for the seasons-春,夏,秋,冬,only denote in the Ch'un Ts'?w〖山注||??春秋〗the four quarters of the Chow year, beginning with the 2d month of winter. ít was, no doubt, a perception of the inconvenience of such a calendar which made Confucius, loyal as he was to the dynasty of Chow, say that he preferred that of H?a to it. Strange as it is to read of spring, when the time is really winter, and of winter when the season is still autumn, it will appear, as we go on, that such is really the style of the Ch'un Ts‘?w. Maou, fully admitting all this, yet contends for a strange interpretation of the text, in which he joins 春 and 王?together, making the phrase to stand for the kings of Chow,一“Spring kings,’ who reigned by the virtue of wood, the first of the five elements(五行之首). He presses, in support of this view, the words of Tso-she on this paragraph,-元年春王周正月, which show, he aays, that Tso-she joined 春 with 王,as he himself would do; but Tso-she's language need not be so construed, and 春?evidently stands by itself, just as the names of the other seasons do.〖山注||? 周歷的春正月是夏歷的冬十一月,也就是說,此時并不是現(xiàn)實中的春天,因此孔夫子雖尊周禮,但反而喜歡夏歷?!?/span>
We come now to the incompleteness of the par., already pointed out. According to the analogy of the style in the first years of other dukes, it should be stated that in his 1st year and the 1st month of it, the duke took the place (即位) of his predecessor. According to the rule of Chow, on the death of a sovereign—and all the princes were little kings in their several States —his successor, acknowledged to be such as the chief mourner on the occasion and taking the direction of the proper ceremonies for the departed,'ascended the throne by the bier.’ There is an interesting account of such an accession in the Shoo, V.xxii〖山注||《尚書·周書·顧命》〗. The thing was done so hurriedly because‘the State could not be a single day without a sovereign (國家不可一日無君); or because, as we phrase it,“the king never dies: What remained of the year, however, was held to belong to the reign of the deceased king, and the new reign began with the beginning of the next year, when there was a more public taking of the place,’ though I do not know that we have any accouut of the ceremonies which were then performed. The first ‘place-taking’ was equivalent to our ‘a(chǎn)ccession;'?the second, to our 'coronation.’ The proper explanation, therefore, of the incompleteness of the paragraph is that Yin omitted the ordinary 'place-taking’ ceremonies, and of course there could be no record of them. Perhaps he made the omission, having it in mind to resign ere long in favour of his younger brother (so, Tso-she); but to say that the usual 公即位 was here omitted by Confucius, either to show his approval or disapproval of Yin, as Kuh-l?ang does, followed by Hoo Gan-kwoh (胡安國,A.D.1,074一1,138) and a hundred other commentators, is not to explain the text, but to perplex the reader with vain fancies.
The Chuen of Kung-yang says:—?〖山注||? 譯文位置在原書AppendixⅠ-?speciments of the commentaries of Kung-yang and Kuh-leang〗
What is meant by 元年? The first year of the ruler.〖山錄||《公羊傳·隱公元年》——元年者何?君之始年也?!?/span>
What is meant by 春 (spring)? The first season of the year.〖山錄||《公羊傳·隱公元年》——春者何?歲之始也。〗
What is meant by 王(the king)?It means king W?n.〖山錄||《公羊傳·隱公元年》——王者孰謂?謂文王也?!?/span>
Why does [the text] first give “king,” and then “first month?” [To show that] it was the king's first month.〖山錄||《公羊傳·隱公元年》——曷為先言王而后言正月?王正月也。〗
Why does it [so] mention the king's first month ??To magnify the union of the kingdom [under the dynasty of Chow].〖山錄||《公羊傳·隱公元年》——何言乎王正月?大一統(tǒng)也?!?/span>
Why is it not said that the duke came to the [vacant] seat ? To give full expression to the duke's mind.?〖山錄||《公羊傳·隱公元年》——公何以不言即位?成公意也?!?/span>
In what way does it give full expression to the duke's mind? The duke intended to bring the State to order, and then restore it to Hwan.〖山錄||《公羊傳·隱公元年》——何成乎公之意?公將平國而反之桓?!?/span>
What is meant by restoring it to Hwan?Hwan was younger, but nobler [than the duke by birth]; Yin was grown up, but lower [than Hwan by birth]. The difference between them in these respects, however, was small, and the people of the State did not know [their father's intention about the succession]. Yin being grown up and a man of worth, the great officers insisted on his being made marquis. If he had refused to be made so, he did not know for certain that Hwan would be raised to the dignity; and supposing that he were raised to it, he was afraid that the great officers might not give their assistance to so young a ruler. Therefore the whole transaction of Yin's elevation was with a view [in his mind] to the elevation of Hwan.〖山錄||《公羊傳·隱公元年》——曷為反之桓?桓幼而貴,隱長而卑,其為尊卑也微,國人莫知。隱長又賢,諸大夫扳隱而立之。隱于是焉而辭立,則未知桓之將必得立也。且如桓立,則恐諸大夫之不能相幼君也,故凡隱之立為桓立也?!?/span>
But since Yin was grown up and a man of worth, why was it not proper that he should be made marquis?Among the sons of the wife proper, the succession devolved on the eldest, and not on the worthiest and ablest. Among a ruler's sons by other ladies of his harem, the succession devolved on the noblest, and not on the eldest.〖山錄||《公羊傳·隱公元年》——隱長又賢,何以不宜立?立適以長不以賢,立子以貴不以長。〗
In what respect was Hwan nobler [in rank] than Yin?His mother was of higher position [than Yin's mother].〖山錄||《公羊傳·隱公元年》——桓何以貴?母貴也?!?/span>
Though the mother was nobler, why should the son be [also] nobler? A son was held to share in the nobility of his mother; and a mother shared in the [subsequent] nobility of her son.〖山錄||《公羊傳·隱公元年》——母貴則子何以貴?子以母貴,母以子貴。〗
The Chuen of Kuh-l?ang says:—〖山注||??譯文位置在原書AppendixⅠ-?speciments of the commentaries of Kung-yang and Kuh-leang〗
Although there was nothing to be recorded [under the first month], it was necessary to specify it;一its being the commencement [of the rule] required this attention to be paid to it.〖山錄||《榖梁傳·隱公元年》——雖無事,必舉正月,謹始也。〗
Why is it not said that the duke came to the [vacant] seat? To give full expression to the duke's mind.〖山錄||《榖梁傳·隱公元年》——公何以不言即位?成公志也。〗
In what way does this give full expression to the duke's mind? It tells that Yin did not himself care to be duke.〖山錄||《榖梁傳·隱公元年》——焉成之?言君之不取為公也。〗
What is meant by saying that he did not himself care to be duke? That he intended to resign the marquisate to Hwan.〖山錄||《榖梁傳·隱公元年》——君之不取為公,何也?將以讓桓也。〗
Was it correct in [to~wish] to resign it to Hwan ?It was not correct.?〖山錄||《榖梁傳·隱公元年》——讓桓正乎?曰:不正?!?/span>
The Ch‘un Ts'?w gives full expression? to men's excellent qualities, but does not do so to their evil;一why should it give such expression to [the intention of] Yin which was not correct?With a view to show detestation of Hwan.〖山錄||《榖梁傳·隱公元年》——《春秋》成人之美,不成人之惡。隱不正而成之,何也?將以惡桓也。〗
How does that detestation of Hwan appear??Yin intended to resign in his favour, and yet Hwan murdered him;一showing Hwan's wickedness. Hwan murdered him, and yet Yin would have resigned in his favour;—showing Yin's goodness.〖山錄||《榖梁傳·隱公元年》——其惡桓,何也?隱將讓而桓弒之,則桓惡矣;桓弒而隱讓,則隱善矣?!?/span>
If Yin was thus good, why do you say that he was not correct??In the Ch'un Ts'?w,what is righteous is held to be noble, and not what is [merely] kind. It would lead forward in the [straight] path, and not in the crooked. A filial son tries to display the excellent qualities of his father, and not the evil ones. The father was not correct, but perverse, in seeking to give the State to Hwan. Notwithstanding, he overcame this perversity of mind, and the State was given [at last] to Yin; but Yin had fathomed the purpose of their father, and thereon would have given the State to Hwan;一carrying out their father's wickedness. That there should be elder brother and younger brother is in the order of Heaven. A man receives his sonship from his father; and a feudal prince receives his rank from the king. To disannul the order of Heaven, and forget his ruler and father in order to do a small kindness, is what is called walking in a small path. Iooking at Yin, we may say that he could make light of a State of a thousand chariots, but could not tread the way that is right.'〖山錄||《榖梁傳·隱公元年》——桓弒而隱讓,則隱善矣。善則其不正焉,何也?《春秋》貴義而不貴惠,信道而不信邪。孝子揚父之美,不揚父之惡。先君之欲與桓,非正也,邪也。雖然,既勝其邪心以與隱矣。已探先君之邪志而遂以與桓,則是成父之惡也。兄弟,天倫也。為子受之父,為諸侯受之君。已廢天倫而忘君父,以行小惠,曰小道也。若隱者,可謂輕千乘之國,蹈道則未也?!?/span>
In?the?third month, the duke and E-foo?of Choo(Yifu of Zhu)made a covenant in Meeh(Mie).
Par.2. There was nothing proper for record in the 1st and 2d months of the year, and we come here to the third month. Choo (we have Choo-low, 邾 婁,in Kung-yang) was a small State, nearly all surrounded by Loo,一the pres. dis. of Tsow (鄒), dep. Yen-chow. At this time it was only a Foo-yung (附庸), attached to Loo (see Mencius, V. 下,ii.4.); but in a few years after this its chief was raised to the dignity of viscount (子). The House had the surname of Ts'aou (曹), and had been invested with the territory by king Woo, as being descended from the ancient emperor Chuen-h?uh. The chief's name,as we learn afterwards from the Ch'un Ts'?w, was K'ih (克); E-foo (父, read in the 2d tone, found appended to many designations, by way of honour) is his designation (字),given to him here, says Tso-she,’by way of honour; for which remark there seems to be no ground. M?eh (Kuh and Kung both have 昧,with the same sound) was a place belonging to Loo,一in the pres. dis. of Sze-shwuy (泗 水), dep. Yen-chow. We know nothing of any special object sought by the ‘covenanting’ here. Tso-she merely says that the duke arranged for it to cultivate friendly relations with his neighbour, at the commencement of his temporary administration, 公 heads the record, here and in most other accounts of meetings and covenants on the part of the marquises of Loo with other princes;-an order proper in the historiographers of that State. I can think of no better word for 盟 than‘covenant’‘to covenant’ On all occasions there was the death of a victim, over which the contracting parties appealed to superior Powers, wishing that, if they violated the terms of their covenant, they might meet with a fate like that of the slain animal. One definition of the term is 誓約,'an agreement with an oath.' Compare the account of Jacob and Laban's covenant, Genesis, xxxi.
The 及 after 公 is to be taken as simply= 與,‘with;’ ‘a(chǎn)nd’ Kung, Kuh, and others find recondite meanings in it, which will not bear examination.
[Tso-she, after this paragraph, gives an incident of the 4th month, in summer, that ‘the earl of Pe led a force, and walled Lang,’ adding that no record of it was made, because it was not done with the duke's order. See the 1st note on ‘The speech at Pe’ in the Shoo. I have translated the notice according to the view of Ch‘in Sze-k‘a(chǎn)e given there; but Tso-she could not have intended 費伯 to be taken as meaning‘Earl of Pe,’but merely‘Pih(some scion of the House of Loo) of Pe.']
In summer, in the fifth month, the earl of Ch'ing(Zheng)overcame Twan(Duan)in Ye(Yan).
Par.3. Ch‘ing was an earldom which had not been of long duration. In B.C. 805, king Seuen had invested his brother Y?w(友)with the lands of Ch'ing, in the pres. Hwa Chow (華州), dep. T'ung-chow, Shen-se. Y?w's son, Keueh-tuh (掘突), known as duke Woo(武公), conquered a territory more to the east,一the country of Kwoh and Kwei (虢鄶之地)-and settled in it, calling it ‘New Ch‘ing’-the name of which?is still retained in the district of Sin-ch‘ing(新鄭),dep. K‘a(chǎn)e-fung, Ho-nan. Woo's son, Woo-shang (寤生), known as duke Chwang (莊)and born in B.C.756, is the earl of this par. Twan was his younger brother. Yen has left its name in the dis. of Yen-ling (鄢陵).?
Tso-she's account of the event in the text is the following:一
Duke Woo of Ch'ing had married a daughter?of the House of Shin,called Woo Keang,who?bore duke Chwang and his brother Twan of?Kung. Duke Chwang was born as she was?waking from sleep [the meaning of the text?here is uncertain],which frightened the lady?so that she named him Woo-shang (=born?in waking),and hated him,while she loved?Twan,and wished him to be declared his?father's heir.Often did she ask this of duke?Woo,but he refused it.〖山錄||《左傳·隱公元年》——初,鄭武公娶于申,曰武姜,生莊公及共叔段。莊公寤生,驚姜氏,故名曰“寤生”,遂惡之。愛共叔段,欲立之。亟請于武公,公弗許。〗
When duke Chwang?came to the earldom,she begged him to confer?on Twan the city of Che."It is too dangerous a?place,”was the reply.“The Younger of Kwoh?died there;but in regard to any other place,you?may command me.”She then requested King;and there Twan took up his residence,and came?to be styled T'ae-shuh (=the Great Younger)?of King city.?〖山錄||《左傳·隱公元年》——及莊公即位,為之請制。公曰:“制,巖邑也,虢叔死焉。佗邑唯命?!闭埦?,使居之,謂之京城大叔。〗
Chung of Chae said to the duke, "Any metropolitan city,whose wall is more?than 3,000 cubits round,is dangerous to the?State.According to the regulations of the former kings,such a city of the 1st order can?have its wall only a third as long as that of the capital;one of the 2d order,only a fifth as long;and one of the least order,only a ninth.Now?King is not in accordance with these measures and regulations. As ruler, you will not be able to endure Twan in such a place.” The duke replied,“It was our mother's wish;—how could I avoid the danger?”“The lady K?ang,”returned the officer,“is not to be satisfied. You had better take the necessary precautions, and not allow the danger to grow so great that it will be difficult to deal with it. Even grass, when it has grown and spread all about, cannot be removed ;-how much less the brother of yourself, and the favoured brother as well !" The duke said,“ By his many deeds of unrighteousness he will bring destruction or himself. Do you only wait a while."〖山錄||《左傳·隱公元年》——祭仲曰:“都,城過百雉,國之害也。先王之制:大都,不過參國之一;中,五之一;小,九之一。今京不度,非制也,君將不堪?!惫唬骸敖嫌杀俸??”對曰:“姜氏何厭之有?不如早為之所,無使滋蔓。蔓,難圖也。蔓草猶不可除,況君之寵弟乎?”公曰:“多行不義,必自斃,子姑待之?!?/span>〗
‘After this, T'ae-shuh ordered the places on the western and northern borders of the?State to render to himself the same allegiance as they did to the earl. Then Kung-tsze Leu said to the duke,“A State cannot sustain the burden of two services;-what will you do now? If you wish to give Ch'ing?to T'ae-shuh, allow me to serve him as a subject. If you do not mean to give it to him, allow me to put him out of the way, that the minds of the people be not perplexed." “There is no need,” the duke replied, “for such a step. His calamity will come of itself."〖山錄||《左傳·隱公元年》——既而大叔命西鄙、北鄙貳于己。公子呂曰:“國不堪貳,君將若之何?欲與大叔,臣請事之;若弗與,則請除之。無生民心?!惫唬骸盁o庸,將自及?!?/span>〗
' T'ae-shuh went on to take as his own the places from which he had required their divided contributions, as fair as Lin-yen. Tsze-fung「the designation of Kung-tsze Leu above] said, “Now is the time. With these enlarged resources, he will draw all the people to himself," The duke replied, “They will not cleave to him, so unrighteous as he is. Through his prosperity he will fall the more."〖山錄||《左傳·隱公元年》——大叔又收貳以為己邑,至于廩延。子封曰:“可矣,厚將得眾?!惫唬骸安涣x不暱,厚將崩?!?/span>〗
‘T‘a(chǎn)e-shuh wrought at his defences, gathered the people about him, put in order buff-coats and weapons, prepared footmen, and chariots, intending to surprise Ch‘ing, while his mother was to open to him from within. The duke heard the time agreed on between them, and said,“Now we can act" So he ordered Tsze-fung, with two hundred chariots, to attack King. King revolted from T'ae-shuh, who then entered Yen, which the duke himself proceeded to attack; 'and in the 5th month, on the day Sin-ch'ow, T'ae-shuh fled from it to Kung.〖山錄||《左傳·隱公元年》——大叔完、聚,繕甲、兵,具卒、乘,將襲鄭,夫人將啟之。公聞其期,曰:“可矣!”命子封帥車二百乘以伐京。京叛大叔段。段入于鄢,公伐諸鄢。五月辛丑,大叔出奔共。〗
'In the words of the text,-"The earl or Ch‘ing overcame Twan in Yen,”Twan is not called the earl's younger brother, because he did not show himseli to be such. They were as two hostile?princes, and therefore we have the word "overcame." The duke is styled the earl of Ch‘ing simply, to condemn him for his failure to instruct his brother properly. Twan's flight is not mentioned, in the text, because it was difficult to do so, having in mind Ch‘ing's wish that?Twan might be killed.〖山錄||《左傳·隱公元年》——書曰:“鄭伯克段于鄢?!倍尾坏?,故不言弟;如二君,故曰克;稱鄭伯,譏失教也;謂之鄭志。不言出奔,難之也。〗
Immediately after these events, duke Chwang placed his mother K?ang in Shing-ying, and swore an oath, saying,“I will not see you again, till I have reached the yellow spring [i.e., till I am dead, and under the yellow earth]." But he repented of this. By and by, Ying K‘a(chǎn)ou-shuh, the border-warden of the vale of Ying, heard of it, and presented an offering to the duke, who caused food to be placed before him. K‘a(chǎn)ou-shuh put a piece of meat on one side; and when the duke asked the reason, he said,“I have a mother who always shares in what I eat. But she has not eaten of this meat which you, my ruler, have given, and I beg to be allowed to leave this piece for her." The duke said,“You have a mother to give it to. Alas! I alone have none.” K‘a(chǎn)ou-shuh asked what the duke meant, who then told him all the circumstances, and how he repented of his oath. “Why should you be distressed about that?” said the officer. “If you dig into the earth to the yellow springs, and then make a subterranean passage, where you can meet each other, who can say that your oath is not fulfilled?" The duke followed this suggestion ; and as he entered the passage sang,“ This great tunnel, within, With joy doth run."When his mother came out, she sang, “This great tunnel, without, The joy flies about."After this, they were mother and son as before.〖山錄||《左傳·隱公元年》——遂置姜氏于城潁,而誓之曰:“不及黃泉,無相見也?!奔榷谥}考叔為潁谷封人,聞之,有獻于公。公賜之食,食舍肉。公問之,對曰:“小人有母,皆嘗小人之食矣,未嘗君之羹,請以遺之?!惫唬骸盃栍心高z,繄我獨無!”潁考叔曰:“敢問何謂也?”公語之故,且告之悔。對曰:“君何患焉?若闕地及泉,隧而相見,其誰曰不然?”公從之。公入而賦:“大隧之中,其樂也融融!”姜出而賦:“大隧之外,其樂也洩洩!”遂為母子如初。〗
‘A superior man may say,“Ying K‘a(chǎn)ou-shuh was filial indeed. His love for his mother passed over to and affected duke Chwang. Was there not here an illustration of what is said in the Book of Poetry,“A flial son of piety unfailing,?There shall for ever be conferred blessing on you ?"'〖山錄||《左傳·隱公元年》——君子曰:“潁考叔,純孝也,愛其母,施及莊公?!对姟吩唬骸⒆硬粎T,永錫爾類?!涫侵^乎!”〗
Space would fail me were I to make any remarks on the criticisms interspersed by T'so-she in this and other narratives, or vindicate the translation of his narratives which I give. The reader will perceive that without the history in the Chuen, the Confucian text would give very little idea of the event which it professes to record; and there are numberless instances, more flagrant still, in the Book. The 君子,who moralizes, is understood to be Tso-she himself. We have no other instance in the Ch'un?Ts‘?w of 克 used as in this paragraph.
In autumn, in the seventh month, the king [by] Heaven’s [grace] sent the [sub-]administrator Heuen(Xuan)with a present of [two] carriages and their horses for the funerals of duke Hwuy(Hui)and [his wife]?Chung?Tsze(Zhong Zi).
Par.4. 天王,‘Heaven's king’ or‘king by Heaven's grace,' is of course king P'ing. The sovereign of China, as Heaven's vice-gerent over the empire,is styled 天子,“Heaven's son;'?in his relation to the feudal princes as their ruler,he was called 天王,‘Heaven's king.’?
仲子 is‘the second Tsze,’i.e., the daughter of the duke of Sung, who became the 2d wife of duke Hwuy as mentioned in the note on the title of this book ;not Hwuy's mother, as Kuh-l?ang absurdly says.?
賵?is explained in the dict. as 贈死者,“presents to the dead, and 所以助主人送葬者,“aids to the presiding mourner to bury his dead.'?But such presents were of various kinds, and 賵?denotes the gift specially of one or more carriages and their horses. So both Kung and Kuh.The king sent such presents on the death of any of the princes or their wives ; and here we have an instance in point.?
But there is much contention among the critics as to who the messenger was;-whether the king's chief Minister 家宰, or some inferior officer of his department. The former view is taken by Kuh-l?ang, and affirmed by the editors of the K'ang-he Ch'un Ts'?w ;-but,as I must think, erroneously. Under the 家宰 or 太宰,were two 小宰, and four 宰夫,called by Biot Grand-administrateur general’‘Sous-adminstrateurs generaux’and aides-administrateurs generaux.’ It belonged to the department of the last, on all occasions of condolence, to superintend the arrangements, with every thing that was supplied by way of presents or offerings,一the silks, the utensils, the money, &c.?(see the Chow Le Ⅰ.,ⅲ.56-73). The offcer in the text was, no doubt, one of these aid-administrators; and this removes all difficulty which the critics find in the mention of an officer of higher rank by his name.
The rule was that princes should be buried?five months after their death, and Tso-she says that the king's message and gift arrived too late,?so far as duke. Hwuy was concerned. This?criticism may be correct; but he goes on to say that Chung Tsze was not yet dead, and the message and gift were too early, so far as she was concerned. The king could never have been guilty of such an impropriety as to anticipate the lady's death in this way, and the view of Tso-she can only provoke a smile. He adds:-'The king's burial took place 7 months after his death, when all the feudal princes were expected to be present. The prince of a State was buried 5 months after his death, when all the princes, with whom he had covenanted, attended. The funeral of a great officer took?place 3 months after his death, and was attended by all of the same rank; that of an officer, at the end of a month, and was attended by his relatives by affinity. Presents on account of a death were made before the burial, and visits of condolence were paid before the grief had assumed its greatest demonstrations. It was not proper to anticipate such occurrences.'
On first translating the Ch‘un Ts‘?w, I construed the par. as if these were a 之 between 公 and 仲,and supposed that only one carriage and its horses were sent for the fu?eral of Chung Tsze, who had been the wife of Hwuy. I gave up the constr?ction in deference to the prevailing opinion of the commentators; but it had been adopted by no less a scholar than Ch‘ing E (程頤;A.D.1033一1107).
?[Tso-she has here two other entries under??this season:-“In the 8th month an officer of Ke attacked E;’ and ‘There were locusts.’ He adds that E sent no official announcement of the attack to Loo, and that therefore it was not recorded; and that no notice w?s entered of the locusts,because they did not amount to a plague.]
In the ninth?month, [the duke] and an officer of Sung(Song)made a covenant in Suh(Su).
Par.5. Sung was a dukedom,-having its chief city in the pres. dis. of Shang-k`?w (商邱), dep. Kwei-tih, Ho-nan.?The charge given to the viscount of Wei on his being appointed to the State is still preserved in the Shoo, V.viii. The dukes of Sung were descended from the kings of Yin or Shang; and of course their surname was Tsze(子) . Suh was a small State, in the present Tung-p'ing(東平)Chow, dep. T'ae-gan, Shan-tung. It was thus near Loa, but a good way from Sung. Its chiefs were barons with the surname Fung(風).
Tso-she tells us that in the last year of duke Hwuy, he defeated an army of Sung in Hwang, but that now duke Yin sought for peace. It was with this object that the covenant in the text was made.
I translate as if 公 preceded 及,for so the want must generally be supplied throughout the classic. Kung and Kuh both understand some inferior officer of Loo (微者),but in other places they themselves supply 公. By.宋人,however, we must understand an officer of Sung. It is better to translate so than to say simply-`aman of Sung.'
[Between this par. and the next Tso-she has the three following narratives:—
‘In winter, in the 10th month, on the day K?ng-shin, the body of duke Hwuy was removed and buried a second time: As the duke was not present, the event was not recorded, When duke Hwuy died, there was war with Sung, and the heir-prince was young, so that there was some omission in the burial. He was therefore now buried again, and in another grave. The marquis of Wei came to be present at the burial. He did not have an interview with the duke, and so his visit was not recorded.’〖山錄||《左傳·隱公元年》——冬十月庚申,改葬惠公。公弗臨,故不書?;莨耙?,有宋師,大子少,葬故有闕,是以改葬。衛(wèi)侯來會葬,不見公,亦不書。〗
‘After the confusion occasioned by Kung-shuh of Ch'ing, Kung-sun Hwah [Twan or Kungshuh's son] fled to Wei, and the people of Wei attacked Ch'ing in his behalf, and requested Lin-yen for him. Ch'ing then attacked the southern border of Wei, supported by a king's army and an army of Kwoh, and also requested the aid of troops from Choo. The viscount of Choo sent a private message to Kung-tsze Yu of Loo, who asked leave from the duke to go. It was refused; but he went and made a covenant with an officer of Choo and an officer of Ch'ing in Yih. No record was made of this, because Yu's going was against the duke's order.'〖山錄||《左傳·隱公元年》——鄭共叔之亂,公孫滑出奔衛(wèi)。衛(wèi)人為之伐鄭,取廩延。鄭人以王師、虢師伐衛(wèi)南鄙。請師于邾。邾子使私于公子豫。豫請往,公弗許,遂行,及邾人、鄭人盟于翼。不書,非公命也〗
'The southern gate of the city was made new.' It was done without the duke's order, and so was not recorded.]〖山錄||《左傳·隱公元年》——新作南門。不書,亦非公命也?!?span id="s0sssss00s" class="font-size-12">
In winter, in the?twelfth?month, the earl of Chae(Zhai)came [to Loo(Lu)].
Par.6. Chae[so 祭 is here read] was an earldom, in the present Ch'ing Chow( 鄭 州), dep. K'ae-fung, held by the descendants of one of the duke of Chow's sons. Acc. to Tso-she the earl here was a minister at court, and came to Loo, for what purpose we know not, without the orders of the king. Kung-yang, indeed, thinks he came as a refugee, and that 伯 is the designation of the individual merely (字), and not his title; while Kuh-l?ang makes the coming to have been to do a sort of homage to duke Yin. But this is simply guess work.
Par.7.Of Yih-sze we know nothing but what this brief par.tells. He was ‘a(chǎn) duke's son,’ but whether the son of Hwuy, or of Hwuy's father, we cannot tell, It is best in such a case to take 公子 as if it were the surname. So Ho H?w (何休)says here, 公子者氏也.Kuh-l?ang finds a condemnation of Yih-sze in the omission of the day of his death; but the old method of interpretation which found praise or blame in the mention of or silence as to days, in the use of the name, the designation, the title, and such matters, is now discarded. 卒 is the proper term to use for the death of an officer.〖山注||? 此處理雅各傾向于認為“公子”是姓氏,但這種觀點我并不認可,我認為“公子”“公孫”應(yīng)該是春秋之后逐漸變成了姓氏,即有人身份本為“公子”“公孫”,后就以此為氏,最后逐漸演變成為了姓氏。包括黃帝,我同樣認為“公孫”應(yīng)該是其身份,而不是其姓氏。〗
Tso-she gives the designation of·Yih-sze as Chung-foo, and says that the day of his death is not recorded, because the duke did not attend at the ceremony of dressing the corpse, to it into the coffin.