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Udemy PS Chris Barin 69-72

2023-02-27 00:16 作者:FilMMedium  | 我要投稿


Hide Pixel With Layer Masks?


  1. 就直接用橡皮擦工具,開始刪除像素,永久性的損壞,導致不能進一步編輯。這點應(yīng)用到任何情況任何選擇。創(chuàng)建圖層面板的方法?按右下底部第3徽標,白色方框出現(xiàn)在圖層縮略圖附近,我可以識別出我有相關(guān)的圖層蒙版。bad choice would be to grab eraser tool and start deleting pixels. those changes are permanent. it's not going to allow you to do further edits. this is where layer masks come into play. at one point, you might want them back this applied to just about any situation. whenever possible leave yourself options.?to create one layer mask, press on this 3rd icon from bottom of layer panel. now this white square has appeared next to my layers thumbnail, and through i can recognize i have a layer mask associated with it.?

  2. 切換到黑白圖?切換到刷子工具,黑色前景讓背景消失。切換回白色前景,挽救回黑色背景,可以在兩者之間切換,可以做各種編輯。目前毀壞性的編輯?比如加入胡子,可以讓蒙版圖層失效,這就是可補救編輯圖層。讓圖層蒙版可以區(qū)分?首先,關(guān)鍵區(qū)分清楚選擇圖層和圖層面板?有高亮提示目前你合作的圖層。here's the deal. i'll switch to brush tool and i'll start painting with black now this background goes away. the great thing about it??is i can switch to white, now i can bring it back, i can toggle between the two and make all sorts of edits. now destructive editing. after i've move forward, and i've done some other things, say add a fabulous mastache to it. i can change my mind and disable this layer mask. that's non destructive editing at its best. first it's essential make the distinction between selecting layer and selecting layer mask. that's a highlight effect that shows you what you're currently working on.?

  3. 另外一種方式依據(jù)前景背景顏色,如果可以修改紅色藍色等非黑白色調(diào),那是選中圖層了,如果切換到圖層蒙版,注意前景背景顏色切換到默認的黑白色。因為蒙版切換在黑白兩個領(lǐng)域,黑色的移除背景,白色的把被移除的背景修復回來。比如你工具欄選擇特定顏色在進行繪制,但背景色素缺失掉,很大程度在圖層面板你誤選成了蒙版圖層。another giveaway letme change the BG and FG colors, when layer chosen, now i'll switch to layer mask, but pay attention to area, it immediately reverted to black and white. that's because layer masks only work with in there two spaces. black hides pixels while white reveals them. so black removes, white add them back in. if you're working with certain colors and you see the missing from your toolbox, that most likely means you've selected your layer mask.?

  4. 保留刷子工具所有的屬性。用方括號調(diào)節(jié)刷子大小。調(diào)節(jié)硬度來確保安全的過度。不通過面板,更容易的設(shè)置刷子,在畫布右鍵,得到一堆選項。當標注你隱藏的像素,開頭的白色矩形如今變成黑色,是PS通知可以隱藏像素的方式。讓蒙版暫時失效,右鍵,選擇讓給你圖層蒙版失效。任何時候都可以從列表中刪除掉。the great thing about it is that you retain all great features from your brush tool. you can adjust the size on the fly with square bracket keys. you can change hardness to ensure safter transitions and so on.?to easily customize brush without accessing panels, you're right click anywhere on canvas and you get a bunch of options. please note that as you hide pixels, the initial white rectangle now slowly becomes black, that's the PS way of informing you that you're just hidden pixels. if you want to temporarily disable this mask, you can right click it, and here you'll have this option disables layer mask.?you can also delete it at any point from the same list.?

  5. 創(chuàng)建選擇蒙版??梢赃x擇點擊蒙版縮略圖,立刻得到選擇。這取決于還沒有繪制到的區(qū)域。如果想切換到任意選擇工具,比如字幕選框,右鍵-反轉(zhuǎn)選擇。一旦反選了,基本上可以鎖定變化,失去靈活調(diào)整機會。靈活調(diào)整可以時不時的手動調(diào)整,建議保持選項可以隨時調(diào)整。you can control click mask thumbnail and you'll immediately get a selection. this is based on area you haven't painted over. switch to any selection tool, say marquee, right click and choose inverse selection. now you're free to work on region. once you do that, you basically fully commit to these changes, and you lost all flexibility. this may come in handy from time to time. i advise you to keep your options open.?

  6. 創(chuàng)建的工具選擇,按圖層面板按鈕,現(xiàn)在可隨心處理照片被隔離部分。用Ctrl+I來反轉(zhuǎn)面板?,F(xiàn)在調(diào)整出了選中部分的一切。在第一課程,我們做的黑白圖片,現(xiàn)在把黑白色恢復到紅色。默認的,當你創(chuàng)建調(diào)節(jié)圖層后,自動的,伴隨圖層蒙版,用F12反轉(zhuǎn)。you create a selection with any tool and you hit this layer mask button. now you're free to work on this isolated part of the photo. we can use Ctrl+I to invert this mask. so now we can adjust everything except that selected path. we made picture black and white, and then we brought back redness on dog's lips. by default, when you create any adjustment layer, it automatically comes with a layermask revert with F12.

  7. 頻率調(diào)節(jié)圖層,提高曲線,可以看到現(xiàn)在畫布的效果,但是注意到圖層蒙版,標記出效應(yīng)區(qū)域。如果想給圖片增加飽和度,用X反轉(zhuǎn)前景背景,用白色繪制該區(qū)域。想用洗褪色的效果,用黑色前景色繪制。i'll crank it up dramatically, you can see it's now affecting entire canvas. but notice our layer mask, pinpoint adjustment work on certain area. saying, i don't want to enhance the dog, that means i'll paint over him with black. notice the tongue and eyes. immediately they revert to their origninal state. if i want to enhance the dog, the opposite effect, i'll use X to flip my colors, i'll paint with white over this area. i'll wash away everything else by painting with a generous black brush. as i brush away you can see results.?


Activity Combine Images With Layer Masks?


  1. 用學到的替換天空背景,替換掉單調(diào)乏味的。首先兩個圖片都是打開的,解鎖背景圖層的方案,雙擊背景圖層,然后把想替換成的天空拖動到被替換的圖,按住shift可以拖動到畫布中央。改變圖層順序,老圖層應(yīng)該在新圖層的上面。we'll use what we've learned so far to replace sky with new one. we'll improve the bottom part, which is dull and washed sky. there're two tabs, i'll unlock this background layer by double clicking it. i'll drag new layer from canvas over in tab this is where we'll work. i'll hold down shift. so the sky was dropped in the middle of canvas. i'll change order of layer, the initial photo should be above this one.?

  2. 激活圖層面板,確保背景設(shè)置黑色,增加刷子大小,推薦頂部硬度調(diào)節(jié)到100%。開始用普通粗細繪制,目標是寥寥幾筆搞定任務(wù)??梢钥s小刷子,降低硬度,得到不錯的轉(zhuǎn)化。涂抹山峰的時候,調(diào)到白色,100%硬度以恢復。enably a layer mask on this layer. make sure foreground color is set to black and increase brush size dramatically. i recommend you set its hardness to 100% for top part. now starting painting in general strokes. your goal is to do most of work in a few swipes. here you'll have to shrink your brush and turn down your hardness most likely. this is so we'll get a better transition. just in case you paint over these hills, switch to white 100% hardness paint area back in.

  3. 總結(jié)熱鍵,X在黑白前景背景之間切換,方括號調(diào)節(jié)刷子大小,右擊改變硬度設(shè)置。移動鼠標而不是來回來去的,第一沒必要分心,第二手動的切換前景背景,浪費時間。i constantly mentioned you should keep mouse cursor in this area rather than constantly moving back and forth between it and when you're in the zone, you don't need any distractions coming up even if that means for a second. if you had to manually switch between your FG and BG colors by ways of tiny icon. that's unnerving.?

  4. 天空圖層容易的移動起,置換是沒問題的。底部區(qū)域裁剪掉沒有升級的。按C調(diào)取裁剪工具,在小抓手的幫助下裁剪。按Ctrl,點擊蒙版,加入曲線調(diào)節(jié)圖層。從面板中,調(diào)節(jié)中間線,上移,可以點亮較暗的區(qū)域,看清楚更多細節(jié)。兩次F可以全屏居中。we can grab our sky layer and simply move it up. there's no problem with me repositioning it. let's tackle bottom area, a first crop, it's nothing nice to look at press C to get crop tool. and with help of handles take out section. i'll hold ctrl and i'll click on my mask. i can add an adjustment layer. let's go with curves. this is going to be placed above layer, from this panel, i'll grab this middle line and i'll move it up just a bit. this will lighten all these dark areas. it will help me see details that much better. i'll turn up both sides significantly.?


Quick Selection Tool And Magic Wands?


  1. ?熱鍵W調(diào)取快速選擇工具,選擇點擊拖拽元素,可以快速選擇拓展,保持“自動增強”復選框選中。用中括號調(diào)節(jié)刷子大小。沒必要總是調(diào)取工具欄菜單。the hotkey W, you click and drag over element, you want selected. the selection quickly expands, we need to have auto-enhance" checked and that's about it. we can use square bracket keys to adjust brush size. there's no need to fiddle around this menu.?

  2. 但是PS目前,按Alt程序會知道忽略掉的區(qū)域。注意光標旁邊的?。對比選擇,來回的做選擇??梢渣c擊直接從左側(cè)面板拖拽,習慣用按鈕。開始拖拽很費力氣,因為魔術(shù)棒工具按照PS算法分辨出哪些像素在一起。shift加Alt減,兩個結(jié)合起來。if PS goes too far, you can hold down Alt, and program will immediately know that it should disregard that area. notice the minus symbol on cursor. this will contract selection, you have to go back forth between two. it's going to be very tricky to pull off a great selection. that's because the magic wand tool uses PS algorithms to figure out what pixels go together. if you want to add hit shift, if you want to subtract use Alt.?

  3. 容錯率在選項欄推薦30%,容錯率太高的話選中的不多,容錯率太低的話選中太多了??焖龠x擇工具可以迅速達到效果,花時間想清楚用什么工具的問題。the tolerance is critical for the tool. this can be found in options bar. this tells PS how loosely it should look for matching pixels. if you put a value that's too low, you'll have to click lots of time with shift key held down. in general start tolerance of 30 is pretty good. evey situation must be handled in the easiest possible way. if you have a hard time, just deselect and start a new tool.


Activity Make An Orange Purple?


  1. 用快速選擇工具方式和調(diào)節(jié)圖層,開始操控血橙圖片,因為難選,所以你才感謝第二種選擇工具。當你看到血橙有角度的,所以橢圓快速選擇選特定形狀是困難的。選擇印章工具,可以看到白色前景,選擇Alt拖拽,shift在這幫助作用不如Alt。we'll manipulate this photo of blood orange by way of selection tools and adjustment layers. it's going to be difficult but that's how you'll truly appreciate the second option once we move to it. as you can see, this orange is set at an angle, so the elliptical marquee has a hard time picking up the particular shape. grab marquee tool from toolbox in this case, we can see where we should play our cursor, somewhere around this white area, click and drag a little. now add Alt to mix, shift isn't going to be of much help in this situation.

  2. 右鍵選擇“轉(zhuǎn)化選擇”,抓手可以盡快的潤色選擇,調(diào)節(jié)不夠,恢復調(diào)節(jié)前。按住ctrl允許扭曲變形選擇,可以更好選擇帶角度圓形血橙。選擇靠近中心一點還是偏離中心,取決于你的選擇。right click, from list choose "transform selection", now with handles, do your best to further refine selection, if you simply drag them around, you'll see this is still not enough. we're back to where we started. to gain further control, let's hold ctrl key this will allow us to distort selection so will better fit our blood orange, it's up to you, if you want to limit yourself to central area or if you want to include its rim. we'll tackle outer area in a moment.?

  3. 棕色橙子 紫色橙子, 下一步包含進一步通過屬性面板編輯的調(diào)整圖層。我們可以通過屬性面板設(shè)置。從圖層面板的底部,可以加入色相/飽和度調(diào)節(jié)圖層。the next step will consist of an adjustment layer that will further edit through its properties panel. we can customize it through this properties panel. from the bottom of your layer panel. let's add a hue and saturation adjustment layer.?

  4. 復選框選擇彩色化,如果色相調(diào)節(jié)230橙子變成棕色,色相到300變成紫色,給到飽和度遮蔽50亮度0來調(diào)節(jié)亮紫色。Ctrl+0退出。let's check colorize. change color dramatically. i'll adjust hue to somewhere around 230, this is going to make it blue, i want to make a purple color, go with a hue value of about 300. this is going to give us a weird purple shade for the saturation and lightness 50 and 0. with control+0, see how you did.?

  5. 退出來看到如果看到邊緣,這就是不能從框選中期待的,如同從開始選擇設(shè)定開始羽化半徑。好的選擇重做,加入圖層蒙版,右鍵選擇羽化選項。可以點擊調(diào)節(jié)圖層的縮略圖??梢钥吹綄傩悦姘?,是我們目前看到的,但是如果點擊蒙版,得到不同的選項。感興趣的就是羽化,調(diào)節(jié)滑塊,避免重新選擇選項和調(diào)節(jié)選區(qū)的緊迫感。if we're zooming close, we can clearly see this edge that's what you should expect from marquee tool, unless you set feather radius before you start selection. a good alternative is to undo before we added our layer mask. right click and feather selection from their better option. if you click on this adjustment layer thumbnail, you'll see these properties panel. that's what we've seen so far. but if you click on the mask, you'll get completely different options. if you click on mask, you'll get completely different options. the one i'm interested in is feather. with this slider, ?i can avoid all the hassle of recreating or modifying my selection.?

  6. 專注邊緣,緩慢的移動滑塊,大概10像素的位置,開始逐漸消失,嘗試在40像素繼續(xù),我們?nèi)耘f照顧好外面的部分,但是可以用刷子工具很好的調(diào)控。確保白色蒙版繪制。選擇硬度,因為我們想要平滑的過度。不透明度大概50%。嘗試第二個版本,以來快速選擇工具的,預(yù)設(shè)大小200刷子,取決于圖像大小,選擇“自動增強”。刷子硬度調(diào)節(jié)到100%??焖龠x擇工具比橢圓選擇工具效果快。i can focus on this edge and slowly move up slider at around 10 pixels. it's starting to go away, but i'll continue to about say 40 pixels this is much better. we still have this exterior part to take care of. but that's easily handled with brush tool. make sure you're painting or mask with white, check hardness because we want a smooth transition. so opacity about 50% should be fine, this is not an essential part of activity. try out version number two, that relies on a quick selection tool. check brush settings before i do anything let's use size of about 200. this is always going to depend on size of image, auto enhance is checked. hard brush, move it to 100%.

Udemy PS Chris Barin 69-72的評論 (共 條)

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