
For you is also a big great news, and this card will save it for for the end of this reading. But first I want to know what's happening with you.
What's going on with you? What is your current energy and universe? What is the current energy of group three?
What's up with group three?
Up group three, okay, the bottom we have, oh.
Sword, I'm so sorry. Are you experiencing something you're still healing? Yeah, okay, you're defending yourself from love.
You want love in your, you're blocking love off because you don't trust people. You're still healing. So give yourself more time. Group three, okay. Ah, it takes time to heal, definitely. But you should know you deserve love and there there is people who can actually give you that do not.
Make assumptions.
On this world, a man or woman like there's no.
Good man. There's no good woman in this world. It's not true. Um, but I do acknowledge, I do acknowledge what you have gone through. It feels like you're pretty exhausted right now and.
Probably now you feel like you need to defense, defend yourself, you need to protect yourself. That's fine, that's totally fine, that's absolutely fine. So give yourself more time for healing. And also I think this is from another way you can say that this is how you know you want love. This is how you know you need love.
I rejecting it. You're actually projecting a desire for this.
Okay, but I think right now you're just protecting your energy. That's fine. But let's see, what is the blessing for you in august?
What is group three blessing in august? Thank you. What is the blessing for group three in august?
OK, um, OK. I think that something will change.
We have all, wow, we have money and we have tree. You will.
OK, you will get more money in august. You your money will increase in august. That is. That's so cool.
Your career will get better in august. Anything that has to do with money, abundance, career. You will see yourself growing so much in august. Definitely your bank account will increase the you're saving anything. Um, that has to do with money will be much, much more okay like.
This is like a growing like not like I don't see your head the jackpot or something will win the lottery. I really feel this is because you nurtured so much for so long. This is just a reward of your hard work. Um and I I see this tree, I see your money will grow steadily. It's not like overnight you will see that with your f.
Things will grow that.
You will see this gradual process, okay?
OK, so what else? The blessings for group three.
What else is the blessing for the three in august?
In august, what is I just feel like you will get a very clear head of what you want, your desires and yeah, words, I really get that.
In july was really tough for you. Or maybe the past few months, or maybe even the past year was really hard for you, but I think you will.
Yeah, you bounce back.
See? Definitely, I think, um.
If you want, there might be a lot of interest. Who wants to pursue you? I see with this night of cops, I really feel like there is someone new coming in.
But I feel this person comes in because of your work, so it could be a colleague or it could be someone you meet through work.
But definitely, for sure, there will be a money increasing here with a promotion. Maybe you'll get a promotion, maybe you get a raise. I definitely see that on the cards, that's for sure. If not promotion, if not raised, then somehow you will get more money. You will get helped by other people with a six of pentacles. I really feel it's a reward of your heart, labor, um, you will see this manifesting okay and with a night of one night of.
Were pretty stagnant.
Your energy feels pretty stagnant, um, but in august, I think things will move, things will pick up its pace. Um, things will move much, much quicker for you, um.
And I feel you might be able to travel. Yeah, um, because we have a lot of cups here. It's also talking about moving. And we had a train here. So for some of you, I don't know if you are relocating in august, yeah, or you are traveling for business where you're just traveling or moving in august. This is on the cards. Um, and talking with the night of cups, I really feel like either you will Miss someone through your journey through your.
During your trip or either you meet someone through your work.
Excuse me, um, but I do get a very, like, a useful energy from this night of cups. I wonder if you.
I'm at work.
Um, if it's you, I feel like you will pick up your passion for life again.
What's your energy felt like? Um, you were pretty dull. You are not satisfied.
Um, but somehow this new energy, this revived passion, I see this happening for you. I feel this excitement. So at least you will feel like this. At least you feel that you want.
Take adventures that you want to experience more that.
You want to, um, you know?
Having some fun, um, having some good times. This is at least how you feel, but I'm not sure if this, if there is someone that makes you feel this way. But at least this is what you will feel and maybe you give this to yourself through traveling or some something, but you know, it's very easy for you. I'm not sure. It all depends on your energy group three.
It's very easy for you.
To manifest a person who is like.
This night, cops in august, because you are in this kind of playful energy, you are in this like a really fast paced, playful, adventurous, passionate, um, optimistic energy. So it's very easy for you to attract this person into your life, you know, everything we.
Half is just a mirror reflection.
Of our, of what's going on in our inner world. So this is what I'm seeing here and this person if.
This person comes into your life. I see this is like an equal give and take, a very balanced energy, very balanced person and very balanced connection.
So this person, I think this person would be younger than you because you are this kind of cops and this person's night of cops so might be younger than you if you don't mind. I feel this person is at least psychologically younger than you, can give you a lot of passion. Um, just the passion you need. Very romantic as well. Very adventurous as well, um.
But anyway, I feel like if if because we talked about this increase of money, I feel like it's because you fall in love with what you do. Again, it feels like you fall in love with.
Your craft, you fall in love with who you truly are and you fall in love with.
What you do?
You fall in love with the work. You find that passion, you find that care. You find that love and focus on what you do.
That that's why you can see this increase of income.
It's natural because you are so, so in that zone.
Though all in love with what you.
You know, to know, so.
Or you, you can see that.
You come out
Yeah, so we have different replenishment.
Retreat, rest be held. I feel like this is talking about right now. You need this because soon I think your energy will be so fast paced and in order to be ready you need to sleep well now because you're about to. Maybe you're about to travel. Maybe you're about to face a lot of tasks you're going to.
Very busy. So this is a car telling you that taking care of your body right now, blocking off other people's energy is fine right now for you. Maybe because you know in august, later on you will have a lot to deal. You will have a lot to see. You have a lot to do. Okay, I love your reading group three, I hope you like it too. And the personal info personal reading information some below in the description.