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UdemyPSChrisBarin 07-11

2023-01-28 23:24 作者:FilMMedium  | 我要投稿


1.10. OPTIONAL Speed up Photoshop

P7 - 00:01?

Hello. If you're like me, you want to get the best performance out of photoshop. In this lecture. I'll show you how you can do that.?

P7 - 00:08給你展示如何提速。?

If you are not interested, feel Free to skip ahead. The first thing you should aim for is 8 to 16 gigabytes of RAM.?

P7 - 00:158-16比特率。?

From my experience, anything over 16 won't do you any good unless you're a professional using the program for a living.?

P7 - 00:21除非你專業(yè),16以下足夠了。?

press CTRL or command k. And this will show you your preferences.?

P7 - 00:27K控-指南對話框。?

from this list. On the left side choose performance.?

P7 - 00:29左側列表選擇執(zhí)行。?

From here, you should increase your memory usage to 60 to 70%, depending on how much you multitask.?

P7 - 00:36多任務60-70%內存使用量。 ?

If you have a lot of demanding programs running in the background,?

P7 - 00:39如果后臺有運行的應用程序。?

you might want to input a lower value.?

P7 - 00:43內存使用量降低。?

The history states refer to the number of times you can undo. I know you may be tempted to bump up this slider, but that will require more juice. My advice is to limit it to 20 or 30 states. ?

P7 - 00:54歷史修改次數(shù)二三十之間。?

On the left side. You may be wondering what this is about. In short, if you use a lot of small layers, use the web /slash UI design option.?

P7 - 01:04左側選擇網站/UI設計選項。?

If you're a photographer who regularly works with huge images, the last one will be your go to choice.?

P7 - 01:09如果你攝影師選擇大像素選項。?

If you are somewhere in the middle, the default value is best for you.?

P7 - 01:13折中的選擇中間默認。?

I personally use the first option. ?

P7 - 01:15我個人選擇網站UI設計多一些。?

One of the major boosts you can give to your computer is installing an SSD.?

P7 - 01:22計算機的固態(tài)存儲空間影響速度。?

Most users, no SSD are considerably faster than regular hard disks. But here's the catch.?

P7 - 01:28比硬盤緩存要重要。?

If you want photoshop to truly benefit from your lightning fast SSD, you have to use it as a scratch disk. that's available immediately under performance. ?

P7 - 01:37固態(tài)硬盤和暫存磁盤搭配使用。?

Scratch disks are used by photoshop. When you run out of RAM, the more empty space it has, the better.?

P7 - 01:43緩存在用完內存時派上用場。?

That means you're better off installing photoshop and various other programs on your hard drive and keeping your SSD mostly empty in order to use it as a scratch disk. ?

P7 - 01:52程序下載在硬盤。緩存盤空出來。?

I know it sounds counter intuitive, but installing photoshop on your SSD won't make a noticeable difference in performance.?

P7 - 01:59在固態(tài)硬盤安裝PS無明顯提速。?

In general, leaving photoshop aside, most SSD perform work as you fill them up.?

P7 - 02:06SSD裝的越慢效率越低。?

Some argue that by having it over 50% full, you're slowing it down considerably. ?

P7 - 02:10有觀點SSD使用過半明顯減慢。?

Of course, this varies from brand to brand model to model.?

P7 - 02:15當然依據品牌不同概率有差異。?

I wouldn't worry too much about it. As long as you have at least 20 gigabytes of Free space on your SSD.?

P7 - 02:21建議SSD有20個千兆字節(jié)。?

In case you have several partitions, you can enable them by checking their respective boxes.?

P7 - 02:26如果有區(qū)分,可以勾選。?

One solid piece of advice is to make sure you have them stacked in the correct order.?

P7 - 02:31保證正確的順序羅列。?

Click it and use this upper row to change its position to first.?

P7 - 02:36選中,上移箭頭改變順序。?

Let's close this window and open a new project with control N, just take create. Don’t worry about the rest.?

P7 - 02:41新建文件。?

Focus on the bottom left side. from this area. Click and hold this tiny icon. from this list, choose efficiency.?

P7 - 02:53左下右箭頭-百分百效能。?

This should ideally show 100%. If the value of the indicator is below 100%. Photoshop was used all available RAM and is using your scratch disk.?

P7 - 03:01效能低于百用盡內存在用緩存。?

That's not ideal, because you're RAM is much faster than your SSD.?

P7 - 03:06內存效率高于固態(tài)硬盤。?

Even if you are using a high end model.?

P7 - 03:08縱然你用高端模式。?

if you set your memory usage to anything under 70%, now is the time to increase that value and see if your efficiency changes. If it falls under 90%, you'll start to feel photoshop slowing down.?

P7 - 03:23正常內存70%使用率設置90。?

in this case, and more RAM or close any unnecessary programs or documents. These are my tips for getting the most out of photoshop. ?

P7 - 03:30關閉沒必要的程序,適用于PS。?

As we go along, you will find more tips about the subject. So stay tuned.?

P7 - 03:33持續(xù)關注更多技巧。?

Before you continue with the next lecture. Open photoshop, use CTRL k and make sure your settings are good to go.?

P7 - 03:41保持設置參數(shù)正確。?

I'll see you soon.


2.1. Introduction

P8 - 00:01?

?Welcome to this section where i'll show you how you can work with an image easily and get results fast.?

P8 - 00:06如何快速有效處理圖片。?

We will start by explaining photo shops interface. I know some people consider it overwhelming and intimidating, but after my lecture, you'll see there's nothing complicated about it.?

P8 - 00:16界面經過講解沒啥難的。?

We will continue by customizing our work space. So it will better fit your needs.?

P8 - 00:21最實用的通用工作區(qū)。?

Everybody is different. So I want to take a few minutes and show you how you can set photo shop up for yourself.?

P8 - 00:27如何自己搭建PS。?

The fun stuff comes next. Well, show you how you can open an image in six different ways. ?

P8 - 00:32用6種方式打開圖片。?

I’ll present different scenarios and why some methods are better In certain situations.?

P8 - 00:37不同情景優(yōu)選不同方案。?

It seems like a straightforward subject, but you'll see you have lots of options for this apparently simple task.?

P8 - 00:43單一案例展示多種方法。?

Once you have a project open, you are bound to want to freely move around inside it,?

P8 - 00:49PS內部打開文件如何移動。?

panning, zooming, switching, viewing modes.?

P8 - 00:52平移 遠近 開關 預覽。?

Everything is covered. And it's really easy to get. because I'm giving you so many options to open an image and decided to do the same for saving your projects.?

P8 - 01:00打開6方法,保存5方案。?

I'm talking about exporting your work in five different ways. Please don't worry about all these possibilities.?

P8 - 01:07不用刻意記憶方案。?

You don't have to memorize them. As you continue with the course. You will see me go through various scenarios where I present each option yet again.?

P8 - 01:13每次重復操作勝過死記硬背。?

So you learn by watching and working along not by memorizing.? Finally, we have two activities at the end. We'll re size and image both ways. I'll make it tiny, but i'll also blow it up to 300 percent.?

P8 - 01:27用大小重新調整照片。?

Then we'll use the crop tool and cut away any unwanted areas fast and without any effort. ?

P8 - 01:33裁剪掉不需要的邊角料。?

Finally, you'll see how I straighten an image with only a few clicks.?

P8 - 01:37最后清理整理下圖片。?

These are skills you can implement today in your workflow.?

P8 - 01:41工作流中可用的技能。?

So let's get started.?


2.2. Use Photoshop’s Interface Efficiently

P9 - 00:01?

Use photoshop interface efficiently. Welcome. Let me show you how easy it is to understand photoshop interface.?

P9 - 00:07如何理解PS界面。?

Let's start the program by double clicking on this PSD that you have attached to this lecture. ?

P9 - 00:13打開已經接觸到的PSD界面。?

Alternatively, you can drag in any image, or you can just use CTRL N and create any random project.?

P9 - 00:19可以拖拽進照片或N控熱鍵。?

The image isn't relevant. So here we are. And there's lots to look at. Let me break down the interface.?

P9 - 00:26分一部分部分的介紹。?

The most important part is this central area. This is called the canvas, and it's where everything happens.?

P9 - 00:32居中區(qū)域名為畫布。?

This is where you draw paint design. And it's where you should focus 90% of the time.?

P9 - 00:37繪制設計大部分精力耗費的地方。?

It means it's number one on our list, directly related to it.?

P9 - 00:43直接相關第二個要介紹的。?

We have the layers panel. You can see it on the right side. But in case you don't have it there, go to window layers. ?

P9 - 00:48圖層欄。窗口-圖層。?

Everything you place on the canvas will show up here,?

P9 - 00:52畫布上圖層在右側羅列。?

for example. I'll add a circle to my project. immediately. That's going to show up in my layers panel.?

P9 - 00:58比如繪制橢圓,右側展示了圖層。?

You can see it's called Ellipse one,?

P9 - 01:01新圖層名為“橢圓一”。?

these are connected. And you can't use one without the other. ?

P9 - 01:04都是關聯(lián)的,不能離開彼此。?

If you think of driving, you can consider the canvas like your windscreen. through it. You can see the most important thing,?

P9 - 01:11畫布比喻成車的擋風玻璃看重要。?

the road. In our case, the road is this image. The layers panel is your dashboard, where you can see Information like speed reps, fuel level.?

P9 - 01:22圖層面板代表儀表盤車速燃油等。?

in photoshop. Your layers panel acts in a similar way, meaning it provides you with various pieces of Information regarding what's happening on the canvas.?

P9 - 01:28圖層面板提供畫布各種相關信息。?

In order of their importance. You should always look at what's in front of you on the canvas.?

P9 - 01:34但是你需要看擋風玻璃的內容。?

But you should also glance at your layers panel from time to time to get valuable insight. ?

P9 - 01:39但要調整儀表盤找到有價值視角。?

So number one is the canvas closely behind it stands the layers panel.?

P9 - 01:43第一重要的畫布,第二重要面板。?

On the left side, you have your toolbox. This area of photoshop should be accessed 90% of the time by using your hotkeys. ?

P9 - 01:52左側工具欄90%都是調動的。?

As we progress, you'll start learning them in no time. In essence, it's more efficient to hit B to enable your brush tool rather than moving your mouse cursor all the way to the left.?

P9 - 02:03B熱鍵調取工具。?

That's because your work area is here on the canvas. And this is where your mouse cursor should be at all times. ?

P9 - 02:09鼠標在畫布,熱鍵替代移到左側。?

Continuing. We have at the Top of photoshop, this menu system, which contains all sorts of options and features.?

P9 - 02:17頂部菜單里有選項和特征。?

We use it from time to time, but the most important ones have hotkeys, and it's much faster to use those. Instead of going through these items. ?

P9 - 02:24熱鍵替代在菜單中尋找。?

Considering all this, it lands at number four in my book.?

P9 - 02:30上工具欄。?

Immediately underneath it, we have this area called the options bar, which changes constantly depending on what tool you have selected. ?

P9 - 02:37選項欄依據選用工具排列組合的。?

Right now I have the move tool active. And I know that because I can see it's icon is pressed.?

P9 - 02:41移動工具被選中,代表活動狀態(tài)。?

If I click on other tools, notice how this area changes.?

P9 - 02:46左側換工具,上面工具選項變了。?

Basically, this is your Information zone where you can see and modify the settings for each tool. ?

P9 - 02:52每個工具背后的信息不同。?

This is fairly important, but it really depends on the type of work you are doing. Having that in mind, we can place at number five.?

P9 - 03:00接下來第五點。?

To sum it up, we have one the canvas. two the layers panel. three, the tool bar. four the menu system. five, the options bar.? You work with the first three about 90% of the time.?

P9 - 03:16畫布 圖層 菜單90%在用。?

So don't worry about it. You don't have to memorize anything, because as we work together, you'll start learning them effortlessly.?

P9 - 03:22綜合運用時候不費力氣。?

That wraps it up. I'll see you in the next lecture.?


2.3. Customize Your Workspace

P10 - 00:01?

Hello photoshop is a versatile program that can be used for lots of things.?

P10 - 00:04用途很多。?

because everybody is different. The good guys at Adobe photoshop interface customizable.?

P10 - 00:10一個界面通用。?

all these panels together, make up your work space, and that can be adjusted. Let's see what's what??

P10 - 00:17工作區(qū)域面板可控的。?

first. You can change the colour of the program. Use CTRL key to open up your preferences.?

P10 - 00:23K控打開參考設置。?

from this new window choose interface. In total, you have four color schemes.?

P10 - 00:29界面顏色4種選擇。?

Click on any of them, and you'll see the changes immediately.?

P10 - 00:33選擇任何一個顏色都會變化。?

I personally prefer the darkest one.?

P10 - 00:36我個人喜歡黑色的。?

under units and rulers. I make sure both drop downs are set to pixels. ?

P10 - 00:40單位和標尺下拉菜單選擇像素。?

Next i'll open this PSD that is attached to this lecture, just so we can see some of our panels, but you can create a random project just as well.?

P10 - 00:49打開面板創(chuàng)建不同項目。?

Photo shop comes with some work space is already built in.?

P10 - 00:53PS里面本身有工作區(qū)域的。?

If we click on this icon in the Top right side, you will see several options, essentials, 3D, graphics web and so on. ?

P10 - 01:01右2中,基礎3D平面設計。?

Feel Free to click through them. And notice how your interface changes.?

P10 - 01:07不同選項,圖層界面不同。?

As you learn more about the program. These might come in handy. I'll go back to essentials. So we can customize our interface together.?

P10 - 01:12回到基礎圖層,統(tǒng)一化界面。?

in case your photoshop looks different. Let's go to the Top right and hit reset essentials. this way. We'll throw away any changes.?

P10 - 01:22重制基礎?;謴统鰪S設置。?

Okay? All these panels can be detached. The toolbox is placed by default on the left side.?

P10 - 01:27左側工具欄是默認的。?

If you go to the Top of it, click, hold and drag, you'll see it's now going to detach from that side.?

P10 - 01:34按住頂部拖拽,可以移動面板。?

You can leave it floating about, or you can attach it to the right side, drag it across, and without letting go. move it until you see this blue line show up.?

P10 - 01:44可以懸浮,可吸附到右側藍光條。?

This means you can dock it in that position.?

P10 - 01:48可以泊船進塢。?

Let go of your mouse click. And now it's going to stay there unless you move it back.?

P10 - 01:52松開鼠標就固定在右側。?

I personally don't like it there. So let's do that now. Please note that you have to grab it from this Top section,?

P10 - 01:58注意一定按住面板頂部。?

otherwise it won't detach. This is much better.?

P10 - 02:03還是放左側順手。?

regarding the tool bar. You can have it occupy one or two lights. to toggle between states. Click on this small icon.?

P10 - 02:14左側工具欄一列兩列切換按鈕。?

As you can see, it now takes up two lines. Personally, I recommend you switch back.?

P10 - 02:17個人建議你切換回一列。?

Now regarding the other panels. They weren't the same as the tool bar, meaning they can be detached or re attached to another zone. Take the library's panel.?

P10 - 02:28這是圖書館面板。?

I currently have it placed on the right side, but say I no longer want it there.?

P10 - 02:31比如不想該面板在右側如何處理。?

no problem. I can drag it from that position and drop it here. ?

P10 - 02:36可以拖拽移動換地方。?

Now it's collapsed and it freed up a lot of space.?

P10 - 02:38就這樣折疊起來,騰出很多空間。?

If I want to open it, all they have to do is click here.?

P10 - 02:41如果打開,直接雙擊按鈕。?

And I have other panels in this section.?

P10 - 02:44這樣就是右側的面板。?

These all show up when I use this window menu from up Top. Say I want Glyphs, It just popped up. If that's a mistake, I can click on this small icon. from here. I can choose clothes and it will go away.?

P10 - 03:00窗口字體出現(xiàn),右鍵關閉消失。?

Let me enable a few others. If you want to remove them faster, just drag any icons away from this panel and look for the x symbol. But say you don't recognize these icons, say you don't know what panel they're hiding. ?

P10 - 03:20拖拽徽標關閉。如果忘記隱藏的。?

Well, if we enable a few other ones, we can now re size this area. Now you can read their names. so you can toggle all the guesswork out of it. Plus, you can always toggle their visibility. Let me show you what I mean.?

P10 - 03:32可以拓寬面板可見標題名。?

I'll enable the character panel. This is something I use on a frequent basis, but sometimes I want it hidden.?

P10 - 03:39點擊展開,不常用的隱藏。?

It doesn't make sense to completely remove it. So what I suggest you do is click on its icon.?

P10 - 03:44建議操作按鈕。?

Now it's going to be collapsed.?

P10 - 03:46再點按鈕彈回去了。?

You're bound to have this column take up this slot. So there's no harm in keeping your panels collapsed inside it. ?

P10 - 03:52這樣折疊隱藏節(jié)省空間的。?

There’s one important thing you have to realize. Space is essential. that more panels you expand, the less area your canvas will occupy. And that's not a great thing.?

P10 - 04:02面板拓展,畫布占用率就小了。?

remember. Your canvas is your windscreen, your road. All these panels are supporting elements,?

P10 - 04:10畫布是汽車窗戶,面板是輔助的。?

then never the hero of your project. So make sure you're picky about what panels should stay expanded.?

P10 - 04:15慎重選擇拓展的面板。?

For me, I never used the colour and swatches panel. instead of removing them one by one. Here's what you can do. Click on this tiny icon in the Top right. from this list. Choose close tab group.?

P10 - 04:30右鍵關閉選項卡組。?

Now both of them went away. Repeat the process with these too. click and press on closed tab group. great stuff. ?

P10 - 04:35同理,右鍵,關閉選項卡組。?

Now the layers panel occupies the entire space. And that's actually what I want.?

P10 - 04:41目前是我想要的空間安排狀態(tài)。?

regarding our canvass. We can see it surrounded by a dark color.?

P10 - 04:45畫布周邊被黑框包圍。?

Sometimes that's bad news. If you're working on a project with a black background,?

P10 - 04:49如何修改黑色背景呢??

here's what you can do. Right click anywhere outside your canvas, and you'll get several options to choose from.?

P10 - 04:56右鍵,從選項中選擇。?

Try some of them out and see if there are more to your liking. What's nice is that you can input your own custom color.?

P10 - 05:02最好用的是私人訂制的顏色。?

It's the last option from the list. After you click it, you'll get this color picker.?

P10 - 05:07私人訂制,彈出拾色器。?

Let's go with something strange. Like bright red, hit okay. And there you go. ?

P10 - 05:13比如用紅色。?

Don’t blame you for wanting to go back. So let's right click and choose default.?

P10 - 05:18還可以右鍵切換回默認。?

Say we're done with our customization. Let's save it by clicking on this icon here. From this list, choose new work space. You'll be asked for a name, i'll call it Chris hit save. And now you'll find it in this dropdown list. This is useful because in case someone comes along and changes your work space dramatically, you don't want to manually repeat the entire process.?

P10 - 05:42保存工作區(qū),避免其它用戶搞砸。?

Instead, you can do this. click here, and from this list, choose reset Chris. Now everything is exactly like you left it.?

P10 - 05:50右上角,重啟私人訂制工作表。?

Great stuff. And that concludes our lecture. There are a few other customization options, but we'll get to them at the right moment.?

P10 - 05:59還有其它私人訂制的選項。?

Please go and create your own work space. So you can get familiar with the techniques i've just described.?

P10 - 06:03操練熟悉起來。?

Have fun.?


2.4. Create a New Project

P11 - 00:03?

Welcome to this lecture. We will talk about how you can create a new project. when you open up photoshop CC 2019.?

P11 - 00:06打開2019版。?

This is what you're going to get.?

P11 - 00:09打開后這樣的見面。?

Most of this interface displays your recent projects. This is very helpful, especially if you use the thumbnail mode, because you can quickly identify a project by its preview.?

P11 - 00:18縮略圖形式看到最近文件。?

You can also change the viewing mode to list through this icon.?

P11 - 00:22可以切換成列表圖。?

This shows you several bits of Information that are missing from the other mode.?

P11 - 00:26補充縮略圖模式看不到的。?

But all in all, I suggest you stick with this one. And let's focus on the stars of this welcome screen.?

P11 - 00:31建議縮略圖??礆g迎界面。?

These two buttons. open is as straightforward as it can be.?

P11 - 00:35打開按鈕再直觀不過了。?

Click it or use the hot key CTRL o, and you'll get to browse around your computer.?

P11 - 00:40O控可以打開計算機文件瀏覽。?

You can open any image in any format. If you're interested about your limitations, just click on this drop down and a huge list will appear.?

P11 - 00:49文件格式瀏覽在下拉菜單里面。?

Those are all the formats photoshop recognizes.?

P11 - 00:52都是PS可以識別打開的文件。?

Now let's move on to our create new button. the new document window. I always use the hot key CTRL n, especially when I'm already inside a project. ?

P11 - 01:01N控創(chuàng)建新工程。?

Alternatively, you can go to file new. in this window. You'll get a bunch of options in Photoshop CC 2019.?

P11 - 01:09文件-新建。?

This is aimed at helping beginners jump start their work.?

P11 - 01:12多種選項幫助新手上手。?

The first tab shows your most recent projects. If you're in a hurry, you can hit enter and you'll open up the last thing you've used.?

P11 - 01:19最近標簽,回車鍵打開最新用的。?

I suggest you move to the web tab for this course. Most of what we are about to do is intended for web use. So this is your best starting point. ?

P11 - 01:28網絡方向用的可以選網絡標簽。?

In the Top part, photoshop shows some presets we might be interested in. For example, I can start a new web design project with this web large 1920 by 1080 preset.?

P11 - 01:41比如從1920??1080開始。?

In case you want more options, click on view all presets.?

P11 - 01:44點開瀏覽所有預設。?

In general, i'd say most of these are useless, because on the right side, we can input on settings manually. And this is the best way to go about it. ?

P11 - 01:50右側有手動設置。?

Plus, we can always change our canvas size at any point in the project.?

P11 - 01:56隨時可以改變畫布大小。?

Before we switch to that area. Let me show you how these templates work.?

P11 - 01:59展示如何用模版。?

Click on any preview and you will see its Information on the right side.?

P11 - 02:05點擊任何模板,右側顯示信息。?

Things like its name, although a short description. And so on.?

P11 - 02:08比如名字和簡介。?

If you're not sure about it, you can see a bigger preview by clicking on c preview.?

P11 - 02:14可以點擊看下模板預覽。?

Here it is. And you can scroll through this document. Let's download it and see what it's all about.?

P11 - 02:17可以下拉預覽,可以下載。?

It will take a moment to sync it to your computer. After its done, the download button will change to open.?

P11 - 02:25下載后會出現(xiàn)按鈕。?

And here it is. It's ready to be edited. So feel Free to jump into it guns blazing.?

P11 - 02:31下載后的樣子。?

For experienced photoshop users, please note the document is labeled as untitled. That's because these templates come under a new extension, dot PSDT. with the t stands for template.?

P11 - 02:44未命名PSDT模板。?

Let's go back to the new document window. The project we downloaded is going to be available in the recent tab.?

P11 - 02:51剛下載的就是最近文件。?

If you want to see only your templates, those are stored under saved. But say these aren't for you.?

P11 - 02:56模板在保存下面,不是給你用的。?

How do you set your own values? You can do that from any tab, including recent. My advice is you first switch to web because most of these settings are good to go for us.?

P11 - 03:07建議從網絡開始,供我們用的。?

The most important values are the width and the height. This is what you're just most of the time.?

P11 - 03:13重要右側的寬高可以調節(jié)。?

Again, this can be edited later, but let's go with 2000 by 1000 pixels.?

P11 - 03:20寬2千乘1千。?

If you want to quickly swap your width and height values, click on the grade out orientation icon, we'll discuss it on the board a bit later on.? But by default, photoshop will assume you'll want to use them for your web projects.?

P11 - 03:31默認網絡項目。按調節(jié)方向按鈕。?

If that's not the case, you should un check this option. I personally recommend you do that.?

P11 - 03:37非默認,取消復選藝術畫板。?

The standard resolution for web projects is 72 pixels per inch. That can remain as is, because it is the correct setting.?

P11 - 03:44標準分辨率72像素每英尺。?

The same goes for RGB color that stands for red, green, blue.?

P11 - 03:48RGB顏色紅綠藍。?

And again, that's the standard alongside the eight bit setting to its right. ?

P11 - 03:52RGB標準8比特。?

Older photoshop users might want a transparent campus to start with. by default. It says to white,?

P11 - 03:59默認白色畫布。?

if you simply click it, you won't see transparent in this initial list.?

P11 - 04:02選項中沒有透明。?

This is a big blunder by Adobe. They force us to scroll down in order to see the last two options, one of them being transparent.?

P11 - 04:10下拉菜單最后兩個才是透明。?

That's a curious decision that's taken a lot of people by surprise. Finally, if you want to save your custom settings,?

P11 - 04:17重命名。?

enter a name for this document and hit this icon, press on save preset. And now you'll find it in the saved tab alongside your download the templates.?

P11 - 04:26輸入預設細節(jié)。按鍵保存預設。?

Lastly, if you don t like this new window, you can use the old one from the previous releases, close it, and open up your preferences from edit preferences general.from here, enable legacy new document interface. hit okay and try it out with control N. As you can see. Now you are using the old method we spoke about earlier.?

P11 - 04:49編輯-參考-普通-用資源新建。?

My advice use the new one, even though it's a bit slower than this legacy version.?

P11 - 04:54用新的,哪怕比舊的慢一點。?

And that concludes this lecture. I'll see you soon.?

UdemyPSChrisBarin 07-11的評論 (共 條)

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