【阿爾巴尼亞歌曲】我們?nèi)缤荷桨阋倭ⅰ猀?ndrojm? si male...

?ajme ne n? vite udhe drite
We have spent years on the path of light
?ajme - 歷經(jīng), spent
ne - 我們, we
n? - 在, on
vite - 歲月, years
udhe - 道路, path
drite - 光明, light
Prine ne balle nje trimereshe e rralle
We wear on our forehead a rare heroine
Prine - 頭頂, wear on our forehead
ne - 我們, we
balle - 勇士, heroine
nje - 一位, a
trimereshe - 勇士, heroine
e - 的, of
rralle - 罕見的, rare
Moj Parti ky popull sec te lindi
This people is born every time for the Party
Moj - 為了, for
Parti - 黨, Party
ky - 這個, this
popull - 人民, people
sec - 每一次, every time
te - 為了, for
lindi - 誕生, born
Shqiperine nene ta rilindim
Let's rebuild Albania, the mother
Shqiperine - 阿爾巴尼亞, Albania
nene - 母親, mother
ta - 讓我們, let's
rilindim - 重塑, rebuild
Ja shqiponja jone krahet shtrin e lire
Look, our eagle spreads its wings freely
Ja - 看, look
shqiponja - 鷹, eagle
jone - 我們的, our
krahet - 展翅, spreads its wings
shtrin - 展開, spreads
e - 的, its
lire - 自由, freely
Heeej - 嘿, hey
Ne flamur te kuq lart ne hapesire
Our red flag flies high in the space
Ne - 我們的, our
flamur - 旗, flag
te - 的, the
kuq - 紅色的, red
lart - 高, high
ne - 在, in
hapesire - 空中, space
Heeej - 嘿, hey
Dhe nje yll te ndritur ka mbi krye
And there is a shining star above the head
Dhe - 和, and
nje - 一顆, a
yll - 星, star
te - 的, the
ndritur - 閃亮的, shining
ka - 有, there is
mbi - 在...之上, above
krye - 頭頂, head
Yllin me te bukurin nder yje
The most beautiful star among the stars
Yllin - 星, star
me - 最, most
te - 的, the
bukurin - 美的, beautiful
nder - 在...之中, among
yje - 星, stars
- Kori
Kori - 合唱, Chorus
Ne qendrojme bash si keto male
We stand firm like these mountains
Ne - 我們, we
qendrojme - 堅(jiān)守, stand firm
bash - 一樣, like
si - 像, like
keto - 這些, these
male - 山, mountains
Dhe kendojme Internacionale
And we sing the Internationale
Dhe - 和, and
kendojme - 唱, sing
Internacionale - 國際歌, the Internationale
ja permbi dhe sot vendin ta shikoni
Look, the country is above today
ja - 看, look
permbi - 在上面, above
dhe - 和, and
sot - 今天, today
vendin - 國家, country
ta - 的, the
shikoni - 看, look
Shpaten mprehur mban revolucioni
The revolution holds up the sword
Shpaten - 劍, sword
mprehur - 舉起, holds up
mban - 舉起, holds up
revolucioni - 革命, revolution
2.Kemi ne n? bote miq e shoke
We have friends and comrades in the world
2.Kemi - 我們有, we have
ne - 我們, we
n? - 在, in
bote - 世界, world
miq - 朋友, friends
e - 和, and
shoke - 同志, comrades
Grushtin zjarr vellezer proletare
Proletarian brothers, raise your fiery fist
Grushtin - 拳頭, fist
zjarr - 火熱的, fiery
vellezer - 兄弟們, brothers
proletare - 無產(chǎn)階級, proletarian
Flamurin nuk e ulim, nuk e ndrrojme
We do not lower the flag, nor do we change it
Flamurin - 旗幟, flag
nuk - 不, not
e - 它, it
ulim - 降下, lower
nuk - 不, not
e - 它, it
ndrrojme - 更換, change
Lart e mbajme dhe rrethime cajme
We hold it high and challenge the siege
Lart - 高, high
e - 它, it
mbajme - 舉, hold
dhe - 和, and
rrethime - 圍攻, siege
cajme - 挑戰(zhàn), challenge