units? ? ? ? ? ?metal
boundary s s p?
variable cylR equal 300 ##Radius of the cylinder sample
variable cylH equal 100 ## Height of the cylinder
variable initialWallR equal ${cylR}+10 ## Initial radius of the potential surface
variable vshrink equal 6?
lattice bcc 3.008?
region? SimBox block -400 400 -400 400 0 ${cylH} units box
create_box 2 SimBox
#Define sample
region myCyl? cylinder z 0 0 ${cylR}? 0 ${cylH} units box??
create_atoms 1 region myCyl basis 1 2 basis 2 1
region myCyl_del? cylinder z 0 0 100? 0 ${cylH} units box
delete_atoms region myCyl_del?
mass 1 58.6934 ? ?#Ni
mass 2 47.867? ? ? #Ti
set type 2 type/fraction 1 0.04 1000000
#Choose potential
pair_style eam/fs
pair_coeff? ? * * NiTipotential2.eam.fs Ti Ni
# Setup output
thermo? ? ? ? ? ?100?
thermo_style? ? ? custom step temp press pxx pyy pzz vol fmax
thermo_modify? ? ?norm no
#compute local atom state
compute? ? ? ? ?virialStress? ? all stress/atom? NULL virial? ?###Not include ke part
compute? ? ? ? ?k all ke/atom
compute? ? ? ? ?p all pe/atom
min_style cg
minimize 1.0e-15 1.0e-15 10000 10000