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2023-08-11 16:43 作者:機(jī)兵蒼熊式  | 我要投稿



Cardinal-Astral Xaphan began his swift rise through the ranks of the Adeptus Ministorum as a humble preacher, chosen early in his career as a protégé by the then Cardinal-Astral Borja. With the death of his master in 804.M41, Xaphan rose to the lofty heights of head of the Adeptus Ministorum in the Scarus Sector and began a long pilgrimage to its many worlds, and untold millions of Imperial subjects, he would be assuming spiritual authority over. Later Imperial histories list this as potentially where the earliest stirrings of his heresy began; that a lifetime dealing with the minutiae of Ministorum councils paled in comparison to the adulation of world after world. He allowed members of his private council to convince him that, in the hinterlands of the sector he could exert real power, stirring populations to action and embarking on a grand crusade to cleanse it of heretics and xenos. These early dreams of glory soon became simple excuses for his attempts to grasp at power within the Imperium — beginning with the seizure of Vraks, with its stockpiles of munitions and vast garrison.?


After taking up residence on Vraks, it took little effort for Xaphan and his cronies to stir up the oppressed indentured worker population into a religious frenzy. Soon he commanded a host of the frateris militia, as well as much of the garrison, through proxy commanders whose loyalty he had suborned from the planetary prefect. It was an attempted assassination, a failed move by the Ordos Hereticus, intended to draw the reign of this troubling new Cardinal to a quick close, that lit the fires of rebellion. In a short, but violent, civil war, Xaphan took full control of the world of Vraks, burning out those symbols of Imperial authority that he could not suborn or corrupt.?




While Xaphan loosed a storm of misguided fervour on Vraks, the Imperium absorbed news of his rebellion and slowly formed its response. That response was the 88th?Imperial Siege Army, over thirty regiments of tanks, men and artillery from the grim world of Krieg, dispatched to Vraks to put an end to Xaphan's heretical regime.?


Arriving in-system many months after the initial uprising, the task force's transports approached the far side of Vraks, avoiding the fortified defence laser batteries that guarded both the Citadel that served as Vraks' capital, and the nearby star port, to disembark the vast Imperial army onto the rebellious planet's uninhabited wastelands. They then began a long year of preparations, and as the enginseers of the Adeptus Mechanicus laboured to construct an immense servitor-guided railroad to move men and supplies from the safe landing zones to the front lines, the fighting men of the 88' Imperial Siege Army were prepared and trained for the war on Vraks.?


In the time it took for the Imperial forces to ready themselves, the rebel forces were not idle. Xaphan ordered his followers to prepare for war, arming the work-gangs and rebellious militia troops with the contents of Vraks' vast armouries, and the planet's population of Ogryn labourers were conscripted and reduced to mindless killing machines through the use of crude augmetic implants and proscribed combat drugs. Those indentured workers not inducted into the militia were swiftly put back to work, this time reinforcing Vraks' already impressive fortifications.?


Imperial records show that the war to re-conquer Vraks finally began at 166813.M41, as the massed Krieg regiments, their preparations now complete, unleashed the thunderous firepower of thousands of artillery cannon on the first line of the enemy's defences. The Death Korps soldiers began the first assault on the heels of the opening bombardment, phalanxes of Gorgon assault carriers advancing into the teeth of the enemy's guns. Thousands died in the attack, though no ground was gained, and the Krieg regiments were forced back, leaving their fallen to rot in no-man's land. Months of bitter, bloody fighting followed, with both sides launching costly assaults across the corpse strewn wasteland and exchanging artillery fire.?


The fall of Fort A-453 to a near suicidal Death Korps assault finally forced a breach in the first defence line, after almost a year of non-stop trench warfare. In response, Krieg infantry poured through the hole in the enemy's defences and fast moving squadrons of Death Riders began to slaughter the fleeing militia troops as they pulled back to the next defensive line.?


With their defences breached, renegade units up and down the first line began pulling back before the vengeful Imperial soldiers could surround and annihilate them. They retreated to the second of Vraks' great defence lines which was, if anything, more heavily fortified than the first defence line, and threw back all attempts to breach it. The sombre men of Krieg, meanwhile, moved past the broken first defence line, and began digging new trenches.?


For seven years, the Death Korps regiments besieged the second massive defence line, the Citadel of Vraks still distant on the horizon. Seven years of gruelling trench warfare as the Imperial Guard slowly advanced, trench-by-trench upon the enemy. Whole regiments of Earthshaker cannon, towed by fleets of Centaur artillery tractors, duelled with ancient Minotaur artillery tanks retrieved from Vraks' arsenals by Xaphan's fanatical legions and turned against their creators. The bitter war on Vraks, being fought on the doorstep of the Eye of Terror, inevitably gained the attention of the renegade Space Marine warbands who plagued the sector. One such warband, comprising Chaos Space Marines of the Alpha Legion, under the command of Arkos the Faithless, was eager to exploit the opportunity it represented. Infiltrating Vraks with ease, they presented themselves to Xaphan, who eagerly accepted their aid.?


Attacks by the Alpha Legionnaires quickly threatened to turn the tide of the war and undo the Krieg regiments' hard-fought gains. Lord Commander Zuehkle, commander of the 88' Siege Army, requested aid from the Adeptus Astartes to counter this new threat, and that request was answered by a strike force of Dark Angels. Five companies from the Chapter staged a daring assault on Vraks' primary star port, in the shadow of the Citadel itself. The infamous warriors fought overwhelming odds, and a brutal counter-attack was launched against Arkos and his brethren to destroy the star port, to cut off Vraks from any further heretical allies that could assist them.?


The attack was successful, despite the Dark Angels taking heavy casualties. However, as they refused to co-operate with the Krieg regiments, the 88' Siege Army was unable to capitalise on the victory. After destroying the star port, the Dark Angels departed Vraks, considering their mission complete and leaving the continuing siege to the Imperial Guard. Weakened by almost nine years of grinding attritional warfare, the 88th Siege Army paused its attacks in order to build up replacement troops and ammunition for an overwhelming assault on the second defence line.?


The attack was presaged by a mighty four day bombardment of enemy positions, the constant firing of thousands of cannon lit the sky at night and filled the days with thunder. Once the guns finally fell silent, soldiers on both sides knew what it must mean, and scrambled to their assigned positions, ready for battle. For eight days the Krieg Line Korps threw themselves against the defences Xaphan's fanatics had laboured to build, hammering them with a relentless tide of men and tanks until a breakthrough was made, heedless of the cost in men and equipment that was paid. Despite the sacrifices made to topple the second defence line, the battered Krieg regiments now faced the final, and most fortified, of the defence lines.?





At 897814.M41, the 9'" Company of the 261st Regiment was ordered to conduct a probing attack on the enemy position listed on the Krieg charts as Fort A-453. This was a series of bunkers, each linked by concealed underground tunnels and defended by multiple heavy bolters. The central bunker had at one point mounted an earthshaker cannon in its casement, but Imperial artillery had destroyed the gun some weeks earlier. The approach to the fort itself was warded by a deep anti-tank ditch and layers of razor wire and mines, a killing ground daunting to any attacking force.?


The 9'h Company attacked under cover of darkness, and an artillery barrage launched by quad launchers was brought up for the attack. The Krieg Guardsmen's unflinching determination got them past the initial barriers, despite taking heavy casualties from the emplaced heavy bolters and mines, and up to the first of the bunkers. Grenade blasts quickly cleared the militia defenders from the bunker, and the men of the 9th Company advanced into the fort, quickly becoming embroiled in a close range fire-fight with the remainder of the garrison as it was roused from sleep.?


Despite being vastly outnumbered by the rebel fighters, Captain Tyborc of the 9'h Company refused to abandon his position, the only breakthrough the Imperial army had created since the start of the invasion. His vox operator dead in the shell-cratered wastes of no-man's land, Tyborc ordered one of his forty remaining men back to friendly trenches with word of the attack's success, and led his remaining men into the underground vaults below the bunkers.?


For three days, Captain Tyborc and his men fought a desperate defence in the pitch black depths of the rebel fort, fighting off wave after wave of Vraksian militia fighters in vicious close quarter battles. By the third night of near constant fighting, they were down to eight wounded men, and all but out of ammunition, food and water. It seemed that their runner had failed to reach regiment's commanders, leaving them stranded behind enemy lines with no hope of rescue.?


Unbeknown to the men of the 9' Company, the 88th Siege Army was well aware of their plight. All along the front, the 30'" Line Korps was furiously attacking enemy positions, and a detachment of grenadiers and an armoured company had began an assault on Fort A-453 on the morning of the third day of the 9' Company's holding action. On the morning of the fourth day, Tyborc and his men were relieved. Of the eight men who survived, none was without serious wounds and most had no ammunition left, having relied on captured enemy weaponry or bayonets and trench clubs. More importantly, the 88"' Siege Army had broken the first line of defence, and began the first real advance since the beginning of the war.?

但第九連不知道的是,第88攻城集團(tuán)軍非常清楚他們的困境。第30線列軍正在前線各處猛攻敵軍陣地,在第九連堅(jiān)守陣地第三天的早上,一支由擲彈兵和裝甲連組成的分遣隊(duì)開(kāi)始攻擊 A-453要塞。迪波爾克和下屬們?cè)诘谒奶斓脑缟汐@救,這八名幸存者全部身受重傷,而且大多數(shù)人都已耗盡了彈藥,是依靠繳獲的敵軍武器或刺刀與戰(zhàn)壕槌進(jìn)行抵抗。而更重要的是,第88攻城集團(tuán)軍已經(jīng)擊垮了第一道防線,開(kāi)始了自戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)開(kāi)始以來(lái)的首次真正挺進(jìn)。



The siege ground on, now within the shadow of the Citadel of Vraks' walls, as the tireless regiments of the Death Korps assaulted the final defence line, advancing in heavily armoured Gorgon assault carriers in the wake of earth-shattering artillery bombardments. Even deep beneath the surface of Vraks the war raged, in kilometre after kilometre of tunnels dug to undermine the rebels' defences, Krieg engineer detachments fought desperate battles in the dark, securing their mine-heads from counter-attacks by Xaphan's fanatical warriors.


Backed into a corner by the relentless advance of the Imperium's army, Xaphan turned to the only allies that remained to him. Arkos the Faithless bid his sorcerous advisors to send forth a summons, calling on Chaos Space Marine warbands who would battle the forces of the False Emperor to rally to Vraks and join their cause.?


Within a few months, a great fleet of loosely allied warbands surged into Vraks' orbit and scattered the Imperial ships moored there, unleashing their cargo of traitorous Adeptus Astartes, their sub-human chattel and even great, warped Chaos Titans onto the planet. The followers of the Blood God roared forth and began to drive back the servants of the Emperor, whilst the disease-ridden servants of Nurgle spread across the wastes of Vraks, using the vast stores of chemical weapons, once safely stored in the lmperium's armouries, to pollute the land and slaughter the Death Korps soldiers who doggedly defended their trenches. The once monolithic trench war had become a shifting, mercurial battle, as lumbering formations of tanks and Death Korps soldiers tried to counter the swift attacks of the power armoured Chaos warbands.?


In the face of this onslaught, other Imperial forces were swiftly diverted to Vraks to aid the war effort and counter Xaphan's heretical allies. Titan maniples deployed by the Legio Astorum strode across the corpse-strewn plains, duelling with their rivals of the traitorous Legio Vulcanum and blasting rebel positions apart with weapons larger than battle tanks. Lord-commander Zuehlke, who had led the 88th?Imperial Siege Army up until this point, was relieved of his command and reassigned to other warzones. His replacement, Grand Marshal Kagori was charged with ensuring the Imperial forces victory. Kagori set about re-organising and reinforcing the troops now under his command. Knowing that the depleted siege regiments might not prove adequate for the task ahead, he also dispatched messengers to seek allies amongst the Adeptus Astartes. After encountering a battle group of the Red Scorpions, returning from war in distant sectors, Kagori's representatives brought over a hundred battle brothers of that Chapter into the fray.?


With his strategies set and allies secured, Kagori began the new offensive. Repeated attacks by massed waves of Imperial Guard infantry, backed by the massive firepower of the Legio Astorum, finally forced a breach in the final line of defences that surrounded the great Citadel. However, it was only the heroic orbital assault of the Red Scorpions that secured victory for the forces of the Imperium, who now stood upon the brink of victory, ready to begin the final assault upon the mighty Citadel of Vraks.?




With his forces poised to begin the final assault on the Citadel of Vraks, Grand Marshal Kagori received word that an Inquisitor Lord had arrived and demanded an audience. Even a man as powerful as Grand Marshal Kagori, commanding millions of Imperial soldiers, could not ignore the summons of an Inquisitor and he hurried to obey.?


Hector Rex brought word from the Scarus Conclave, the Inquisitorial council for the Scarus Sector. Psychic auguries warned of a coming catastrophe on Vraks, of Daemons and death, and Inquisitor Lord Rex had travelled to Vraks to make sure such a thing did not come to pass. Under the authority of the Holy Inquisition he was to take command of the 88' Siege Army, which was to be inducted as an Inquisitorial force, and end the war on Vraks. Rather than step down from his post and move on to another war zone, Grand Marshal Kagori requested a transfer to a combat command on Vraks, as did many of his officers, a request which was quickly approved by the Inquisitor.?

赫克托爾 雷克斯帶來(lái)了Scarus星區(qū)審判庭議事會(huì)——Scarus圣團(tuán)的消息。靈能占卜表明弗拉克斯上將要爆發(fā)關(guān)于惡魔與死亡的災(zāi)難,領(lǐng)主審判官雷克斯前來(lái)此地,就是要確保此類事件不會(huì)發(fā)生。在審判庭的授權(quán)下,雷克斯接管了第88攻城集團(tuán)軍的指揮權(quán),將其吸納為審判庭部隊(duì),并結(jié)束了弗拉克斯上的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)。大元帥卡戈里也沒(méi)有從自己的職位退下,并前往另一個(gè)戰(zhàn)區(qū),而是和自己麾下的諸多軍官一樣,申請(qǐng)被調(diào)任到弗拉克斯的戰(zhàn)斗指揮部。審判官很快就批準(zhǔn)了他們的請(qǐng)求。

Soon an influx of new troops began to arrive on Vraks - Inquisitorial warbands and storm trooper cadres, as well as over thirty Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus. However, Hector Rex's rivals within the Scarus Conclave felt his crusade on Vraks was a waste of resources, the grandstanding of a man aiming to make himself a hero, and moved to block his preparations. The vast bureaucracy of the Adeptus Administratum downgraded the priority of the war on Vraks, slowing its rate of ammunition and troop resupply, and forcing Inquisitor Lord Rex to look further afield for manpower. Detachments of the Red Hunters Space Marine Chapter were quick to answer his call, ancient allies of the Inquisition, alongside the Grey Knights, the silver fist of the Ordo Malleus.?


His troops assembled, Hector Rex departed for Vraks, arriving to co-ordinate the armies manoeuvring to begin the assault on the Citadel. Firstly, the massed regiments of the Death Korps of Krieg needed to close the ring of men and tanks that was forming around the Citadel, the Inquisitor intended that no heretic should escape Vraks to plague the Imperium in some later battle. As fighting broke out along the regiments' advance, the Inquisition's fears were to come to pass.?


As the 30" Line Korps pressed the attack on Armoury 59-44, a vital target if the Citadel was to be taken, the servants of Nurgle tore through the curtain of realspace, its very substance weakened by the constant bloodshed and poisoning of Vraks, and called forth a daemonic horde to drive back the Imperial host, a horde led by the immense Daemon Scabeiathrax. Only the intervention of Captain Stern of the Grey Knights was able to stem the tide of Chaos and throw back the daemonic legions, and Inquisitor Lord Rex knew full well it would only be a temporary respite while the renegades yet held out on Vraks.?


Unknown to the Imperial army, as it surrounded the Citadel with the massed might of the Imperial Guard, many of the mortal soldiers who made up the vast bulk of the traitor Cardinal Xaphan's armies were in a state of panic. Decisive leadership from Xaphan had long since ceased, he had not ventured from the safety of his chambers deep within the Citadel in many years; it seemed that they had but two choices — surrender or die.?


However, there were those amongst the traitor host who did not want to see the slaughter end until every possible soul had been wrung from Vraks. Chief amongst these was Zhufor, leader of the Skulltakers, the largest of the Khornate Chaos Space Marine warbands on Vraks. In a campaign of shocking brutality and startling political insight, Zhufor forged an alliance of all of the major warbands on Vraks, with himself at its head.?


His first act was to drag Xaphan from his throne, casting him down and watching as the Dark Gods Xaphan had pledged himself to warped his body into a twisted, mewling Chaos spawn, before taking control of the war on Vraks. Harsh discipline was swiftly imposed on the wavering Vraksian armies, and Zhufor forced them back into the fray, uncaring of whether they slew the enemy or if the Imperial guns slaughtered his new minions. All that mattered was that blood continued to flow on Vraks.?


Where the fighting on Vraks had been a slow, grinding affair?in the past, battles of attrition and slow advances, now it shifted into a new form of war. Swift moving Chaos Space Marine warbands and unpredictable daemonic incursions threw the carefully planned Death Korps attacks into confused close range bloodbaths. The remaining renegade militia forces fought with the strength of the doomed, knowing that to retreat would be to guarantee their deaths in a manner far worse than anything the Imperial soldiers could inflict. As the tempo of war increased, so too did the appearance of the renegades' daemonic allies, and every step towards the walls of the Citadel was bought with the life-blood of many Imperial soldiers.?


Even with the renegade army's renewed ferocity, the Imperial advance could not be denied. New allies arrived to bolster the 88th Siege Army's ranks, battle forces from both the Red Scorpions and Angels of Absolution Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, answering Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex's call for reinforcements. With these new troops, the Citadel's defences began to crumble, the Red Scorpions led the attacks at the St. Leonis Gate, while Death Korps engineers forced entry into the Citadel undercrofts from below and the Angels of Absolution Chapter launched a drop pod assault directly on the Citadel's central keep.?

盡管叛軍發(fā)動(dòng)了兇惡的反擊,但帝國(guó)的挺進(jìn)還是未能被阻擋住。應(yīng)領(lǐng)主審判官赫克托爾 雷克斯的呼叫,紅蝎和赦免天使戰(zhàn)團(tuán)的部隊(duì)也前來(lái)增援第88攻城集團(tuán)軍。在援軍的協(xié)助下,帝國(guó)軍隊(duì)開(kāi)始攻破堡壘的防御攻勢(shì):紅蝎戰(zhàn)團(tuán)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)了對(duì)于圣萊昂尼斯之門的進(jìn)攻,同時(shí)死亡軍團(tuán)的工兵們也下方強(qiáng)行攻入堡壘的地下通道,赦免天使則是直接向堡壘的中央要塞發(fā)動(dòng)空降艙突襲。

Many tales of glory can be told of this final assault: of how Hector Rex faced and defeated the immense Daemon lord An'ggrath, of how Chaplain Belphegor of the Dark Angels Chapter, accompanying the Angels of Absolution, destroyed the last of the Faithless warband and took Arkos the Faithless as his prisoner. Many more tales go unrecorded, desperate actions fought to rid Vraks of the taint of Chaos in the final days of the siege, but eventually the Imperium's army swept through the Citadel, and at a great cost in men and equipment, destroyed the remaining renegades.?

對(duì)于最后的總攻,有很多故事可供講述:赫克托爾 雷克斯如何直面并擊敗了巨大的惡魔領(lǐng)主安格拉斯;黑暗天使戰(zhàn)團(tuán)的牧師——貝爾芬格如何在赦免天使的陪同下,剿滅了無(wú)信者戰(zhàn)幫的最后成員,并逮捕了“無(wú)信者”阿爾考斯。還有更多的故事未能被記錄,在圍城戰(zhàn)的最后幾天中,為了讓弗拉克斯擺脫掉混沌的污染,帝國(guó)部隊(duì)采取了絕望的行動(dòng),但他們最終還是席卷了堡壘,并在付出巨大的人力和裝備代價(jià)后殲滅了剩余叛徒。

The final battle was fought deep within the Citadel as Inquisitor Rex, Captain Stern and a force of Grey Knights and Inquisitorial troops teleported into the inner keep ahead of the main army to destroy the Warp portal the Chaos Space Marines had constructed. Zhufor and many of the other surviving Chaos Space Marines had already departed Vraks through the portal, abandoning the failing war on Vraks, and the Inquisitor and his Grey Knights allies could only vent their wrath on the daemonic guardians that had been left behind. With the Warp portal closed and the Chaos Space Marines fled, the war on Vraks was finally over




At 414830.M41, the siege of Vraks was officially declared at an end. The campaign, which had been planned to last for twelve years, had become an eighteen years bloodbath that had seen the deaths of over fourteen million Imperial Guardsmen. Enemy casualties could not be easily calculated, but the victorious Imperial armies took few prisoners, all of whom were given over to the grim-faced Inquisitors of the Ordos Malleus and were never seen again.?


Vraks itself had been devastated by the fighting. Nothing of value remained for the Administratum's servants to plunder, Vraks' infrastructure lay in ruins and its indentured workers had either been slaughtered in the war, or removed by the Inquisition. Even the great underground armouries had been rendered worthless; the supplies of arms and munitions long since used up by Xaphan's rebellious armies.?


Abandoned minefields, unexploded shells and dormant fields of toxic chemicals had turned the wastelands of Vraks into a hellish and deadly landscape, and many within the Inquisition feared that the world might still be at risk from daemonic influence after the horrors unleashed upon it by Zhufor. In the end the planet was abandoned and interdicted, by order of Lord Inquisitor Hector Rex. Automated beacons were set in orbit to ward away all those who might come across the planet, and Vraks was declared lost to the Imperium.?

廢棄的雷區(qū)、未爆彈和含有化學(xué)毒素的土地,讓弗拉克斯的荒原變?yōu)榱说鬲z般的致命區(qū)域。審判庭中的很多成員也認(rèn)為,在朱弗于其上釋放過(guò)(亞空間)恐怖之物后,弗拉克斯可能仍然處于遭受惡魔影響的危險(xiǎn)中。最終,領(lǐng)主審判官赫克托爾 雷克斯下令放棄并封鎖該星球。弗拉克斯的軌道上被放置了自動(dòng)信標(biāo),警告所有可能經(jīng)過(guò)該星球的人們避開(kāi)此地,人類帝國(guó)也宣布失去了弗拉克斯世界。

《IA:?jiǎn)⑹句洝罚?013版)節(jié)譯:弗拉克斯戰(zhàn)區(qū)的評(píng)論 (共 條)

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