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2023-06-22 16:55 作者:拉康  | 我要投稿

Robert Zoller 中世紀(jì)星相學(xué)教程

Astrology的詞源是從拉丁語的astrologia,它又來自希臘語的?στρολογ?α,意思是“星星的研究”。它是由兩個詞組成的:?στρον astron(“星星”)和-λογ?α -logia(“研究”或“描述”)。

  • 羅素(Bertrand Russell),英國著名的哲學(xué)家和無神論者,他在《宗教與科學(xué)》一書中批判了占星術(shù)和其他形式的神秘主義,認為它們是“對理性的背叛”和“對科學(xué)的威脅”。?他還在《為什么我不是基督徒》一文中反駁了基督教神學(xué)的各種論證,包括神的存在、道德、奇跡、啟示等。

  • 哈金斯(Richard Dawkins),英國生物學(xué)家和新無神論的代表人物,他在《上帝錯覺》一書中批判了所有形式的宗教信仰,認為它們是“虛假的安慰”和“危險的幻覺”。 他還在《魔鬼牧師》一書中抨擊了占星術(shù)和其他偽科學(xué),認為它們是“對真正的科學(xué)的侮辱”和“對人類智力的侮辱”。

  • 薩甘(Carl Sagan),美國天文學(xué)家和科普作家,他在《天體漫游者》一書中批判了占星術(shù)和其他超自然現(xiàn)象,認為它們是“無知的產(chǎn)物”和“愚昧的表現(xiàn)”。 他還在《惡魔出沒的世界》一書中提出了一套科學(xué)思維的方法,用以辨別真?zhèn)魏驮u判證據(jù),反對任何不符合邏輯和事實的信仰。

  • 瑪麗·B·坎寧安(Mary B.?Cunningham)和伊麗莎白·特奧克里托夫(Elizabeth Theokritoff),他們是《劍橋東正教神學(xué)導(dǎo)論》(The Cambridge Companion to Orthodox Christian Theology)的編輯,這本書是一部介紹東正教神學(xué)的權(quán)威著作。 他們在書中提到了Robert Zoller的占星術(shù)理論,認為它是一種“不合邏輯的、不科學(xué)的、不基督教的”觀點,與東正教神學(xué)的“圣經(jīng)現(xiàn)實主義”和“基督中心論”相悖。 他們還指出,占星術(shù)是一種“偶像崇拜”的形式,違背了上帝創(chuàng)造人類為祂的形象和肖像的旨意。

  • 阿里斯托德·帕帕尼科拉烏(Aristotle Papanikolaou),他是一位美國東正教神學(xué)家,也是《劍橋東正教神學(xué)導(dǎo)論》的作者之一。 他在書中撰寫了一章關(guān)于“人格與其在二十世紀(jì)東正教神學(xué)中的表現(xiàn)”(Personhood and its exponents in twentieth-century Orthodox theology),在其中他批評了Robert Zoller的占星術(shù)理論,認為它是一種“個人主義”的和“自我中心”的觀點,與東正教神學(xué)的“人格論”和“三位一體論”相抵觸。 他還指出,占星術(shù)是一種“異端”的和“異化”的現(xiàn)象,破壞了人與上帝、人與人、人與自然之間的關(guān)系。

  • 理查德·加拉德茨(Richard R. Gaillardetz),他是一位美國天主教神學(xué)家,也是《視野》(Horizons)雜志的編輯之一。 他在雜志上發(fā)表了一篇文章,題為《東正教倫理能否解放?一個檢驗東方倫理是否充分的測試案例》(Can Orthodox Ethics Liberate? A Test Case for the Adequacy of an Eastern Ethic)。 在文章中,他評價了Robert Zoller的占星術(shù)理論,認為它是一種“缺乏社會責(zé)任感”的和“忽視歷史情境”的觀點,與東正教倫理學(xué)的“社會正義”和“歷史意識”相沖突。 他還指出,占星術(shù)是一種“逃避現(xiàn)實”的和“拒絕改變”的現(xiàn)象,阻礙了人類社會的進步和轉(zhuǎn)化。




The Medieval?Astrology?Foundation Course consists of this?Orientation lecture?and four lessons. The Foundation Course is designed to give you an overview of Medieval Astrology and to teach you some basic astrological techniques that you will be able use when you have completed the lessons.


Welcome to the Orientation Lecture for Robert Zoller’s Foundation Course on Medieval Astrology. My name is Robert Zoller and I am your instructor.



Let me begin by asking you some questions.

Why do we need an Orientation Lecture to Medieval Astrology?


a. There are a number of points which need to be made so that the specific techniques are understood and used properly.

a. 有一些要點需要說明,以便讓具體的技巧被正確地理解和使用。?


b. You, as the student, need to know where I, as your instructor, am coming from. This is because the point of view expressed will not be modern and may be rather unfamiliar to many of you.

b. 你們,作為學(xué)生,需要知道我的立場,作為你們的講師,是從哪個角度出發(fā)的。因為我表達的觀點不會是現(xiàn)代的,可能對你們中的很多人來說比較陌生。


c. This is a course in Traditional Western Medieval Astrology. I will leave it to others to teach modern innovations, some of which are quite valuable, give accurate results and are worthy of study. Here I will advocate only traditional teachings from known sources. You will not hear timely opinions nor will I make concessions to the Present Age and its received doctrines.

c. 這是一門傳統(tǒng)西方中世紀(jì)星相學(xué)的課程。我會把現(xiàn)代星相學(xué)的創(chuàng)新留給其他人去教,有些創(chuàng)新是非常有價值的,能給出準(zhǔn)確的結(jié)果,也值得學(xué)習(xí)。在這里我只會提倡來自已知來源的傳統(tǒng)知識。你不會聽到當(dāng)代的詮釋,也不會看到我對當(dāng)代理論和其認信的教條做出任何讓步。


At times I may seem dogmatic and anachronistic but at all times remember that you are under no compulsion to accept all you hear. You will gain from my point of view at least this: you will know the tradition. Once you know it you can do with it as you please. But if it has anything of value in it (and I am convinced it does) you will be unable to receive that value if you are cut off from the tradition. I see my role as a bridge builder. You are under no compulsion to cross the bridge, but you might benefit from knowing that it exists and where it goes. Though it is recognised that this is not a path that all will wish to tread.?




What is Medieval Astrology?


Medieval Astrology is the highest development of astrological science after its origins in Hellenistic Egypt and prior to its decline in 17th century Europe.


Following the “Scientific Revolution” of the seventeenth century, the Tree of astrological tradition wasted away and declined in Europe. When it was reborn in the mid-nineteenth century, as a regenerated growth, it was forced to put forth new roots in a new, hostile intellectual and cultural soil.


This inevitably led to a distorted growth. The symmetry of the Tree and its symbiosis with its sister sciences of alchemy and magic was destroyed. Due to the social, educational and intellectual demands of the Age the Tree was severely and abnormally pruned so that the beauty of its natural proportions and its mystical analogies could no longer provide an accurate measure of embodied existence.



It is to rectify this deficiency that the student of Medieval Astrology labours. The Art or Science, for such it is, like a heavenly Sophia, or Wisdom, grants us, in return, the ability to predict the future (in so far as this is granted to Man), to learn the eternal principles which lead, like rungs of a ladder to the heavenly knowledge of the Self (which is the consummation of Wisdom).


Medieval Astrology is not merely a system of fortune telling nor yet a science devoid of spiritual import. It is divination in the ancient and true sense, the art of communicating with (and eventually coming to know) the Divine.

這就是為什么費米庫斯·馬特努斯(Firmicus Maternus)[4世紀(jì)],他對此甘之若飴(并在他的《數(shù)學(xué)》(Mathesis)中承認了這一點),斷言星相學(xué)的研究和實踐促進了信仰和對神圣的崇拜。

This is why Firmicus Maternus [4th century AD] who drank deeply at this fountain (and confesses such in his Mathesis), asserts that the study and practice of astrology fosters Religion and the Worship of the Divine.


Not every modern practitioner of astrology will think these things of importance. Such astrologers may seek only useful techniques and practical insights into the psychological or predictive dimensions of their practice.


To them, as to those who seek the more profound initiation afforded by this Science, the gates of the celestial Sophia stand open. Let each drink from this fountain, according to their thirst and capacity.


Each will take away what they recognise of value and are free to leave the rest. Yet the doors, once opened, must permit full access to the inner recesses of the temple so that those who sincerely seek the full gifts of this Art may succeed in their desires.


Medieval Astrology is the practical application of the insights of Neoplatonic and Hermetic Philosophy and therefore may be styled Wisdom. Wisdom is of two sorts: Theoretical (or Higher) and Practical (or Lower).


We speak of the first when we say that a given person is wise, meaning that they always have superior understanding of the problems of life. Such superior understanding is the result of knowing the eternal principles behind things; knowing them inwardly and thoroughly.


In astrology this corresponds to knowing the principles of astrology (which are eternal) and understanding their relation to God’s Will and their role as the means by which God’s Will is made manifest in this world.


This higher wisdom is imparted through instruction but it is learned only after it has been observed in the present, in daily life. The imparting of the Higher Wisdom is Initiation. The learning by observation is the beginning of science. Initiation does not impart this science or scientific knowledge, but it may stimulate the quest for it.



The lower wisdom is often called the temporal and though there are some who disparage it as merely worldly knowledge, there are few who would seriously demand that it be abandoned. Temporal Wisdom is practical science. It applies the higher wisdom into which we have been initiated and elaborates on the insights achieved thereby. It is in this way that civilisation arose.


Western Tradition holds that the gods (according to the Koran, the Old Testament and the Book of Enoch, the fallen angels) taught men the arts and sciences. It is also suggested by the language used in these accounts that it was by means of the contemplation of the heavens and the glorious display of number and geometry displayed therein that men first had suggested to them the principles of order and measure from which arose every good art and science.


This celestial initiation was perhaps due to our ancestors receiving inspiration from the heavens in the form of mental images or insights synchronously occurring to them at particular astrological moments. Such mental experiences they deemed the result of spiritual impulses which they variously attributed to the visible gods (planets and stars) or to Hermes (messenger of the gods) corresponding to the highest mental faculty or Nous in us), others to the Highest God (Elyion). In as much as the word angelos (angel) in Greek means a messenger, the Fallen Angels are those messengers which have come down to us, by a figure of speech. The messages which have come down to us, i.e. the mental inspirations of the star-gazing ancients who established this science. Their initiation was gained in this way, by inspiration.


They began thereafter to observe and we have in the British Museum thousands of clay tablets discovered in the nineteenth century in Babylon and Nineveh which record the astrological observations of the astrologers and magicians as well as some of their ephemerides and their reports to the kings. Some of these observations are said to be almost 4,000 years old. Likewise, there is very ancient sky lore embedded in the decan-calendars of the priests of Pharoanic Egypt. This lore goes back very far as it appears that the Egyptian themselves were forgetting the astronomical basis of these calendars as early as 1650 BC. There is evidence of sophisticated astronomical knowledge among the Egyptians from at least the time of the Pyramid Texts (c 2400 BC) and we can call this knowledge astrological or even magical in that it was frequently connected to liturgical practices. St Augustine, in his City of God, asks rhetorically, What else was the wisdom of the Egyptians than, principally, astronomy?



Speaking Platonically, the Higher Wisdom is Ideal and therefore invisible as all universals are invisible; the lower wisdom is manifest as our works may be seen by all. Again, the Higher Wisdom is found reflected above us in the sky or heaven. We must look up, both actually and metaphorically, for as Plato repeatedly tells us, it is by studying the heavens that we learn the eternal principles of the Higher Wisdom. He also tells us inThe Republic and in The Epinomis to employ [mathematical] problems and leave the physical bodies of the planets alone. It is the laws (logoi) of heaven we seek, not an analysis of the material basis of the planets and stars.


古代的星相學(xué)的秘傳斷言,通過仰望天空,我們就能被天啟存在的奧秘,創(chuàng)造的宏觀規(guī)律和自我認識,因為俗話說:“Scientia est universalium”(科學(xué)是普遍的)。

The esoteric astrological wisdom of the ancients asserted that by looking up to the sky we were initiated into the mysteries of existence, the macrocosmic laws of creation and the knowledge of the Self for, as the saying goes: “Scientia est universalium” {Science is of Universals}.

我們通過仰望星空所了解的自我是普遍之我,the Secret Adam或原初之人(Adam Kadmon),希臘人稱之為人類(Anthropos),神秘主義哲學(xué)家稱之為Hermes或Agathosdaimon(善良的心靈或神靈),早期的神秘主義基督徒稱之為宇宙基督論。

The Self we learn about by looking up is the Universal Self, the Secret Adam or Adam Kadmon, known to the Greeks as the Anthropos, to the Hermetic Philosophers as Hermes or the Agathosdaimon {Good Mind or daimon} and to the early esoteric Christians as the Cosmic Christ.



It was the role of Hermes to be psychopomp {to lead the souls of the dead to the other world}. His Egyptian counterpart, Thoth, brought the dead before the god Ra where the deceased’s “heart” was weighed. Christ said “I am the way, the truth and the Life no man cometh unto the Father but by Me” (John 14:6). He also said, "I am the Light of the World" (John 9:5).


This Universal or Macrocosmic Self is the Man who was made in God's Image. “In the image of God created He him; male and female created He them” (Genesis 1:27).


This androgynous Being is referred to in all the great esoteric literatures of the world. It is Manda of the Mandaeans, Agathosdaimon of the Sabaeans, and Anthropos of the Greeks. The Katha Upanishad tells us that it (Purusha) is the source of all that is, gods, men and all the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms.


“He is the sun in the sky, fire upon the altar, guest in the house, air that runs everywhere, Lord of lords…power, reality.” It is this “Man” who is the measure of all things.


In the astrological tradition He/It is known as the Archetype or Zodiac. Containing both masculine and feminine, and the elements and paths of the seven planets, the Zodiac represents, for us, the eternal principle from which all things come.


The Alpha and the Omega of all existence, the pattern of all Creation. A full understanding of the Archetype, arrived at by an impartial study of the natures and relationships of its various subdivisions, imparts Macrocosmic Wisdom and assists in achieving Self-Knowledge.


Self-Knowledge is essentially Universal and Macrocosmic; it is both scientific and mystical. By learning the Laws of Creation, we learn both Scientific Laws and the Laws of our own collective being since all things spring from one source.


Yet we must necessarily approach it individually as each of us are born in time and place and in a physical body. These conditions under which we are forced to meet the world limit us. They are a blessing and a curse.


They are a blessing in that we are able to express some aspect of the Macrocosm better than anyone else (our natal horoscope is the key to understanding this) but they are a curse because we can not express all other aspects of the Macrocosm. We are limited beings.


It is not that we cannot understand nor appreciate those other aspects of the Macrocosm but we are not all equally good channels for their expression. Individual differences are accounted for thus.Limitations of bodily size affect the kind of work we can do (unaided by technology). Gender affects our lives (men do not give birth to babies).


There are emotional correlates to our bodily form related to gender and to size. There are intellectual differences as well. Some people's minds are inclined to poetry, some to science, some to buying and selling, etc. The natal horoscope is the key to all this. It also determines whether we will be inclined to achieve Self[1]Knowledge or not.


The potential is present for all, the inclination is given to some but success is possible to the few. It is possible for only some to actually achieve Self-Knowledge because only a few, as a result of their horoscopes, value it above all else and will struggle to achieve the Dignification necessary to rise above the Natural State (referred to in the Cabalistic books as the Natural Adam), to achieve the Supernatural State.


The key to this Dignification is the Almutem or Ruler of the Chart {horoscope}


It is a wonder that the Macrocosm is found within. What we find scientifically by looking up, we also find by looking within, if we persist and penetrate all the veils covering our Macrocosmic Nature.

這個過程傳統(tǒng)上需要冥想、虔誠、神圣占卜和煉金術(shù),它從星相學(xué)的教導(dǎo)開始。 星相學(xué)教導(dǎo)我們現(xiàn)實的結(jié)構(gòu)。煉金術(shù)和魔法教導(dǎo)我們Dignification的方法。在哲學(xué)性的《赫爾墨斯文集》中,特別是在《Pymander》(1650年Everard譯本的第二篇)和《Crater或Monas》(Everard譯本的第十二篇)以及《鑰匙》(Everard譯本的第四篇)和《阿斯克勒庇斯》中,我們了解了Dignification的過程,在《實用赫爾墨斯文集》中,即在尚未收集和編輯的歸功于赫爾墨斯或被認為是神秘主義的實用魔法、煉金術(shù)和星相學(xué)論文中,我們了解了這個過程的細節(jié)。

This process, which traditionally requires meditation, devotion, theurgic divination and alchemy, begins with instruction in astrology. Astrology teaches the structure of reality. Alchemy and magic teach the means of the Dignification. In the philosophic Corpus Hermeticum especially in the Pymander (Libellus II of Everard 1650 translation) and in The Crater or Monas (Libellus XII, Everard) And in The Key (Libellus IV, Everard) and in The Asclepius we learn about the process of Dignification and in The Practical Hermetica i.e. in the as yet uncollected and unedited practical magical, alchemical and astrological treatises attributed to Hermes or considered to be hermetic, we learn the details of this process.

在其中,我們還發(fā)現(xiàn)了古代科學(xué)的鑰匙:天文學(xué)包含了算術(shù)、幾何和音樂等數(shù)學(xué)科學(xué),它們催生了其他藝術(shù),如建筑、地理和航海。 煉金術(shù)教導(dǎo)了冶金、琺瑯和珠寶制作、藥物學(xué)和醫(yī)學(xué),以及顏料和玻璃的制造,以及人造寶石和神秘的哲人之石。魔法涵蓋了所有書寫,幾何圖形對靈魂的影響,聲音、香料和顏色用于占卜。簡而言之,所有通過符號操作來實現(xiàn)與神、惡魔和智慧的交流以及創(chuàng)造奇跡的東西。通過這三者的結(jié)合,我們?yōu)槿祟惿鐣砹烁嗟膯⒌希和ㄟ^數(shù)學(xué)(源于星相學(xué))與冶金(源于煉金術(shù))以及奇跡(源于魔法)的教學(xué)傳承,我們制造了機械裝置、自動機、各種描述和用途的機器——簡而言之,現(xiàn)代技術(shù)世界。

We also find therein the keys to ancient science: astronomy embodies the mathematical sciences of arithmetic, geometry and music which give rise to other arts such as architecture, geography, and navigation. Alchemy teaches metallurgy, enamelling and jewellery making, pharmacopoeia and medicine, and the manufacture of pigments and glass, as well as artificial gems and the mysterious Philosopher's Stone. Magic encompasses all writing, the effects of geometrical patterns on spirits, the use of sound, perfumes and colours for divination. In short all symbolical manipulations by which we achieve communion with gods, daemons and intelligences as well as the production of miracles. Through the combination of these three we get further edification of benefit to human society: through the lessons of mathematics (arising from astrology) with metallurgy (arising from alchemy) and the production of miracles (arising from magic), we produce mechanical devices, automata, machines of various description and use - in short the modern technological world.

[特別說明:當(dāng)我說我們從星相學(xué)、煉金術(shù)和魔法中得到這些東西,或者說星相學(xué)、煉金術(shù)和魔法“教導(dǎo)”這些東西時,請不要用現(xiàn)代的意義來理解我。也就是說,我們作為現(xiàn)代人,如此堅信進化論,以至于當(dāng)我像剛才那樣說話時,我們不可避免地聽到它的意思是,星相學(xué)、煉金術(shù)和魔法在過去的某個時候就已經(jīng)完全存在了,而所有其他的科學(xué)都是從它們之后衍生出來的。 我想要被理解的方式是雙重的:

[A Special Note: When I say that we get these things from astrology, alchemy and magic or that astrology, alchemy and magic "teach" these things, please do not understand me in a modern sense. That is, we, as moderns believe so fully in evolution that when one speaks as I have we cannot avoid hearing it as meaning that astrology, alchemy and magic existed full-blown at some time in the past and that all the other sciences came from them subsequently.

????????1)? ??理想地{即在柏拉圖式的意義上},星相學(xué)、煉金術(shù)和魔法這些科學(xué),因為它們體現(xiàn)了更崇高的理念,并且因為這些理念使所有衍生的理念(如衍生的藝術(shù),例如冶金和機械)服從于自己,所以它們在概念上先于那些衍生的東西,盡管這并不一定意味著時間上先于它們。Ideally {i.e. in the Platonic sense}, the sciences of astrology, alchemy and magic, in so far as they embody more lofty Ideas and because these Ideas subordinate to themselves all derivative Ideas (such as the derivative arts e.g. metallurgy and mechanics) they are conceptually prior to those which are derivative, though this does not necessarily mean temporally prior.?

????????2)? ? ?我們無法真正知道藝術(shù)和科學(xué)在時間上是如何演化的,比如冶金是否先于煉金術(shù)或反之,盡管大多數(shù)科學(xué)史家,他們自己是進化論的奴隸,總是斷言如此。我想建議的是,無論這些科學(xué)在這個地球上出現(xiàn)的順序如何,這些科學(xué)在古代都是以先驗的方式教授的,即首先斷言第一原則或理論(Theoria),然后再演示實踐(Praxis){將這些原則作為一種藝術(shù)或技能來實踐}。當(dāng)我說星相學(xué)、煉金術(shù)和魔法“教導(dǎo)”這些東西時,我指的就是這種教學(xué)順序。]

We cannot really know if the arts and sciences evolved temporally such that metallurgy preceded alchemy or vice-versa, though most historians of science, themselves slaves to the doctrine of evolution invariably assert so. I would suggest that whatever the sequence of their appearance on this earth, these sciences were taught anciently in an a priori manner with the first principles or Theoria being asserted first and then the Praxis {practising of those principles as an art or skill} being demonstrated subsequently. It is this didactic sequence to which I refer when I say that astrology, alchemy and magic "teach" these things.]


The primary purpose in the foregoing has been to show the context in which Medieval Astrology must be understood if it is to be understood on its own terms. Henceforth I will emphasise practical Medieval Astrology.




How does Medieval Astrology differ from modern astrologies?

DISCLAIMER & ORIENTATION疊甲聲明與開宗明義的評論 (共 條)

泾源县| 来凤县| 侯马市| 江西省| 丰台区| 汽车| 台安县| 泸州市| 平江县| 临沂市| 永寿县| 噶尔县| 油尖旺区| 雷波县| 通海县| 扎囊县| 阳新县| 平江县| 临西县| 自治县| 开阳县| 永胜县| 文登市| 安远县| 邮箱| 农安县| 西藏| 上林县| 西平县| 宿松县| 陈巴尔虎旗| 庄河市| 织金县| 政和县| 双柏县| 台前县| 高密市| 钟山县| 岳阳县| 旬阳县| 吴江市|