The flashlight went off and everything w
The flashlight went off and everything went dark. Fear seized me as I figured out the situation I was in.Mistake was taken and I falled down from the ladder the hit the floor.Fkeling my leg bleeding,I was over whelmed by nervousness and hardly move. "Is anyone here!Help!" I screamed anxiously butonly echos answered. Stay brave just like Angelica,I said to myself.Suddenly It reminded me that Angelica was here above.I kept silent,listened calmly. A sme similiar and hopeful voice came from a distance, It was Angelica, the little angel here! I called on her as the same as I did before. She replied and seemed toknow what to do.Though her sound disappeared and silence came back again I didn't feel nervous and upset anymore and faced the darkness by myself.After a minute,my husband came with a save rope and I was saved.What a narrowly escape it was! After the unforgettable expenience,Angelica was more respected for herbravery. Without her help,I hadn't known where I couldbe! It is Angelica that helped me gut of the darkness of fear and gave me the courage