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20230916 單詞學習

2023-11-08 08:23 作者:英語一級翻譯吳杰  | 我要投稿

20230916 單詞學習


/?n?ve?/ inveighinginveighedinveighs V-I If you inveigh against something, you criticize it strongly. 猛烈抨擊 ? A lot of his writings inveigh against luxury and riches. 他的許多作品猛烈抨擊了奢侈和富有。


adj. /??set?k/ [ usually before noun] not allowing yourself physical pleasures, especially for religious reasons; related to a simple and strict way of living 過清苦生活的;(尤指)苦行的;禁欲的 ? The monks lived a very ascetic life. 僧侶過著很清苦的生活。


?|TEM4 1.ADJ You can describe someone or something as self-contained when they are complete and separate and do not need help or resources from outside. 獨立自足的 ? He seems completely self-contained and he doesn't miss you when you're not there. 他似乎完全獨立,你不在的時候他并不想念你。 2.ADJ Self-contained accommodations such as an apartment have all their own facilities, so that a person living there does not have to share rooms such as a kitchen or bathroom with other people. 獨門獨戶的 (指毋須與他人共享廚房、廁所等) ? Her family lives in a self-contained three-bedroom suite in the back of the main house. 她一家人住在主宅后面一個獨立的三居室套房里。


/?fe?m?sl?/ ADV You use famously to refer to a fact that is well known, usually because it is remarkable or extreme. 出了名地 ? Authors are famously ignorant about the realities of publishing. 作者們對出版業(yè)的實際情況出了名地無知。


?n. /?t?ɑ?k??l/ [ U] 1.a black substance made by burning wood slowly in an oven with little air. Charcoal is used as a fuel or for drawing. 炭,木炭(可作燃料或供作畫) ?charcoal grilled steaks 用木炭烤制的牛排 ?a charcoal drawing 炭筆畫 2.( also ?charcoal ?grey ) a very dark grey colour 深灰色


/sp?t/ |CET4 TEM4 spittingspatspits 1.N-UNCOUNT Spit is the watery liquid produced in your mouth. You usually use spit to refer to an amount of it that has been forced out of someone's mouth. 口水 ? A trickle of spit collected at the corner of her mouth. 一小股口水積聚在了她的嘴角。 2.V-I If someone spits, they force an amount of liquid out of their mouth, often to show hatred or contempt. 吐唾沫 ? The gang thought of hitting him too, but decided just to spit. 那個團伙也想到揍他,但決定只朝他吐唾沫。 ? They spat at me and taunted me. 他們又朝我吐唾沫又嘲弄我。 3.V to utter (short sharp words or syllables), esp in a violent manner 粗暴地講(短句或音節(jié)) 4.V to rain very lightly 下毛毛細雨 5.V-T If you spit liquid or food somewhere, you force a small amount of it out of your mouth. 吐出 ? Spit out that gum and pay attention. 吐掉那口香糖,專心點。 6.N-COUNT A spit is a long rod which is pushed through a piece of meat and hung over an open fire to cook the meat. 烤肉扦子 ? She roasted the meat on a spit. 她在烤肉扦子上烤了那塊肉。 7.N the depth of earth cut by a spade; a spade's depth 一鐵鍬深的土; 一鐵鍬深 8.PHRASE If you say that one person is the spitting image of another, you mean that they look very similar. 與某人簡直一模一樣 ? Nina looks the spitting image of Sissy Spacek. 尼娜看上去簡直和茜茜?斯派塞克一模一樣。

20230916 單詞學習的評論 (共 條)

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